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3 Nov 2023



The details of my dream are fading but they did involve a few themes I still recall. The first part of my dream involving an impending attack of insects. Myself and a few others had walkie talkie radios. There seemed to be a swarming hive of wasps around a place of familiarity. It seemed to be at times my childhood property. This fight against the wasps seemed to be abnormal since they were very aggressive and larger than normal. The second part of my dream seemed to involve my mother. At my childhood home, she seemed to be concerned with an silver apparatus I have attached around my pelvic area. She noticed due to the change in how I normally look. Her commentary on it caused me to explain away that itโ€™s due to the apparatus but that iโ€™m completely fine but she disagrees. Eventually we head out for errands. We were at a wholesale grocery store with an extremely long wait- the line was very long. I was with other people familiar to me. I believe it was my family. There was a pre-line to get into the regular line that allowed for certain types of fruit produce to be purchased. We had waiter for what seemed like a very long time. Enough that myself and a few others waiting decided out of frustration to leave the line and go straight to the main line. Weโ€™d have to give up the fruit we were holding. They were oversized mangos. We threw them at the clerk to catch but she ended up getting hit by them and broke down crying. The main line allowed for a conversation in passing with a youthful women that had a great dynamic. We exchanged contact info so we can chat later. The third part of my dream involved my mom and mother in law. We seemed to be at my childhood home again except indoors. There were holes in the ground made of bare cement. In each of the rugged holes there were a bunch of metal screws filling the space within. My mother n law called via a digital interface like a smart home hub. Jeff was in the dream and weโ€™re now in our home. Heโ€™s organizing a book shelf and asks my mother in law if she would like the books we have set aside as not needing anymore. In the dream, this is a first time sheโ€™s reached out since our falling out. She seemed much more calm. She says sheโ€™ll call back but ends up physically showing up instead. My mom seems to be there as well. She looks around our place which still bears some resemblance to the kitchen area of my childhood home. The dream ends.




DreamApp: Journal & Dictionary

DreamApp provides an answer for what you saw in your dreams immediately after you wake up.

3 Nov 2023



I showed up to a birthday party in a really expensive fancy neighborhood with my family. Upon arriving realized Vince's family lived bext door. Party was for a girl we didn't really know and my family was fightong when we showed up. We brought and embarassing gift. My sister was throwing a fit about being there. I said i was going on a walk, so i could smoke a cig, but my dad said he was coming with me so i didnt. We walked in silence. When we came back it was time for birthday festivities to start. We were all getting on a large coach bus to go to the mall or a movie. I cant remember which one. Everyone was waiting in line to get on the bus and I realized I forgot my purse inside. I told everyone please hold the bus for me so i can get my purse and everyone looked at me like I was crazy. I ran inside and up never ending stairs to get the purse, but then I woke up.

3 Nov 2023

House on fire


It started off with me outside in my backyard as I heard my neighbors talking shit about my brother. It was weird, since those are my favorite ones by far and they are really sweet people. I was completely shocked, so I went to school the next day and talked shit about them too. Somehow they heard what I was saying because that same day we received a death threat from them, coming after me and my sister actually. I couldn't go outside. It felt weird, it felt like my neighbors of course, they looked like my neighbors, but they felt like imposters if that makes sense. Around my house, I would find little warnings that they'd kill me around the house, and they threatened to set my house on fire for what I had done. They knocked slowly on the door, and when I peaked through the little hole, I could see them staring right at me like they could see me, with some giant smiles on their face and they kept tilting their heads at unnatural angles. At night, when I was finishing my homework, they managed to break in. I was horrified, but I was upstairs with my sister so we managed to hide. I remember I tried to contort into a little bean bag underneath the bed, while my sister was just gonna hide in the closet, but she ended up leaving me to see what was going on. I could hear screaming, and I could hear my brothers voice begging for me to apologize and it's ok if they hate him, but I didn't want them to hate him cuz I know he's irresponsible and chaotic, but he's a really good person and it broke my heart to see them treating them this way even though I don't even talk to him that often.

3 Nov 2023

New Job


I dreamt I was in an airplane with my mom, my daughter, and my friend. The airplane started to fail and was empty other than us. I searched everywhere for parachutes but couldnโ€™t find any. We didnโ€™t understand what was going on. The back of the plane opened up, and we were going to land in water. I knew we had to jump out fast before the weight and pressure of the sinking plane traps us. We all jumped out after I threw out an inflatable boat. Charly and my mom made it, and I remember pulling raven up onto the life boat. We swam for a while. I was so cold, when my friend juju was there with her car. I climbed in to warm up and told her I was never flying again that this was the second time something like this happened to me. She said she had to go to work and I was supposed to go hang out with an old friend named Parker. I liked my friends new car, and we went to some resteraunt. The resteraunt ended up being attacked by people with guns. My friend and I grabbed some and pretended we were apart of the bad guys, and we ran to her car but she had a hard time unlocking it and wanted me to drive. It took me a minute to figure out how, after closing my foot in the door.

3 Nov 2023



Me and my little brother were home alone. I was in my room and he was by the sitting room, I than heard a noise and he did too so I went to the kitchen and peeked at the corner and saw a shadow moving and immediately got scared so I rushed to the panic room prepared to press it if I saw anyone. But after a while I thought I was just imagining things so I started walking back to the kitchen than I saw my ex crush (Amo) I pressed the button twice but it didn't ring than he tackled me, and I tried screaming but nothing came out. I than slapped Amo than he disappeared, I started running for the door than I saw the handle gone and on the floor. When I got outside with my little brother my mom to tell my mom what's happened. She appeared and asked what happened I couldn't bring myself to tell her about my ex crush so I kept silent. Than a grey cat with black stripes and blue eyes came out of the house and I just had a gut feeling it was Amo, I made eye contact with the cat.

3 Nov 2023

High School


This dream was very choppy, it also could have been two separate dreams in the same night that went into each other. It started with me, I was selling tickets to watch a football game. It was weird because a lot of the people who were buying tickets to said football game were people I went to high school with. (Iโ€™m now 20) In this part of the dream it was like I was younger, maybe 16. Basically in my dream I was rushing to get my house clean to watch the football game, but the football field and bleachers were also inside my house. In my dream I could jump up and start flying. I would fly by everyone I knew sitting in the bleachers almost to show off. At one point I flew over the football players of my favorite team. The odd thing is that nobody saw me or said anything to me. I was a ghost. Suddenly, the scenario changed. All the bleachers, the field, and players were gone and it was just my house. I was rushing to find a tv to get the game set up for everybody who came but I couldnโ€™t get it set up and I felt super embarrassed, my house was super messy and I was poor, I didnโ€™t have cable to even watch the game. Thatโ€™s when the dream cuts to a completely different setting, I was following my family members back from somewhere but we were all in different cars. We stopped at a gas station and some how i was left in that town at the gas station by myself with no vehicle. Completely stranded. Somehow the dream cut again and I was with 3 of my friends and we were all stuck in this other town thatโ€™s about 20 miles from where I live. We tried calling people, but to no avail, for some reason we could not get a hold of anyone. This town was completely empty, no sign of life anywhere, it was dark, and there was a red haze over everything outside. In this dream, I was close with somebody that I havenโ€™t talked to for years now, I was never close with them in real life itโ€™s just somebody I know from school. This person was not at his house, but we stopped at his house to get some stuff for our journey ahead even though he was not home, we just let ourselves in and I took one of his hoodies. We then made our way outside his house and I put the name of our town into my Maps on my phone. The route that was the fastest was down a spiral mountain that our town was at the very bottom of and we had to walk through a super long cemetery that went all the way down this spiral mountain. It also had that red haze all over it. There was 4 of us total, one of my friends refused to walk through the cemetery so she started trying to find a different route even though this one was the fastest. Originally one of my friends stayed back with her, and one of them was going to go with me, but when I turned to look behind me, all three of them were still standing back there, looking for a safer way. I made the decision to keep going but before I made my way to the cemetery I woke up.

3 Nov 2023



So, I was stuffed in a time machine, that looked like a bullet(red on top and bottom was silver). I was apparently, sent in the time machine with a few more people with my permission.(the last talk I had with my mom before falling asleep was that I don't wanna eat what she made and that she didn't ask my permission before cooking it. Ps. I ain't picky but I do have some likes and dislikes and she never respects them). Moving on, I called my father and complained how I never wanted to be here and cried, he went quite and that made me a bit guilty yet I felt it was meant to be. Later, I found a girl, who was pretty and we were in a library, then I noticed a student of mine(a naughty one) she asked more childrens book but the store was a R rated one, the pretty girl went to search some books. I followed them, and then my student said, oh I have read that, I wasn't shocked? And then I turned and noticed picture books but bl(boys love/LGBTQ) books and felt faint, maybe because I have read them online? I was falling down but a different girl caught me(I was literally having some problem breathing for real). The girl lead me to a different room, I was seeing black spots, as if fainting but I noticed the girl griping my hand, she was a beautiful dark complexion girl. The door she opened was about to hit me but she caught it, smiled at me and led me in front of a chair ๐Ÿ’บ, then I was seeing black spots again... But when that ended, I noticed that the girl was sitting on the chair and I was on her lap, my head resting on her shoulder. The pretty girl from before was looking at us in a weird way and almost pulled me but damn mom woke me up. P.s. I used to think I'm Pansexual but now I'm having some double thoughts...

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