6 Feb 2024
I was walking along a sidewalk when a random girl called me over.
She wanted help with something, so I came along.
Apparently she was trying to get into a bar, but was unsuccessful at it.
With me just walking along with her, she was able to get in.
I told her, however, that I wasn’t going to purchase alcohol for her.
I already made things challenging enough for me.
She told me that she was actually 80 years old, but she looked 18 years old.
She used that to find a way around getting alcohol by asking her friends.
We started falling in love from there.
Later on, we both went to my graduation ceremony.
Apparently it was also hers.
For some reason, my grandpa and step mother only showed up.
Also a friend came along too.
We started celebrating when I slipped out that I no longer loved my girlfriend.
She suddenly got depressed.
I apologized by making a huge letter for her.
She started reading it when she had a question about me that she wanted to ask my step mother.
She tried, but my step mother was for some reason talking with my grandpa about everything.
When they finished talking, my step mother asked me why I didn’t ask for her to stop talking for his girlfriend.
I asked her how she could expect that when I’m barely good at socializing.
Afterwards, the cops busted in.
Me, a friend, and my supposed girlfriend started to run away.
We went through the escape hatch and grabbed amusement park tubes.
We came along a huge dirty and green lake.
As we came upon it, it would show only to us individually our greatest fear.
My girlfriend went first and immediately went in. I went next, but saw a Minecraft figure.
I started asking why that was the case, but was forced to rush in anyway.
Then, the friend went and the dream ends.