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16 Feb 2024



I arrived at home. A guy from my university class was driving. I don't know him very well. He got angry when the car window wasn't working properly, and he slammed the door in frustration. I fixed the window once he was gone. I went inside the house, and then I noticed a man pouring gasoline along the front side of the house. No one was doing anything, so I called 911. The operator told me that she had contacted the wrong people. Then she broke down crying that no one would come. I couldn't reason with her after that. The man came in and poured gasoline inside as well then he lit it with a match. I attacked him and pushed him into the fire. Then my mother, who in real life is a small white woman but in the dream was a large Hispanic woman, pulled me away because she didn't want me to get hurt. To keep my safe, she hid me in a furnace that was on. I knew I could press my arms and legs against the hot metal inside of the furnace to keep myself from falling onto the fire at the bottom, but that just meant that I cooked more slowly. I was hoping to be let out before I died, but since the house outside was on fire as well, that didn't seem likely. Then I woke up.




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16 Feb 2024



We went to a friend's house and his mom had cancer and he wasn't taking her to the doctor. He had two kids and acts like such a good father but his best friend said he is such a horrible father and he isn't going to take his mom to the doctor and is waiting for someone else to step up and take care of things. Then my underage daughter was driving me somewhere but there was a cop in front of us so I had her pull over and my mother and my sister showed up. We sit there for a long time talking. My boyfriend had been at work and he was getting off, he wanted to take a shower and his stuff was one place and mine was at another and I was upset that we couldn't go get my stuff first and then take a shower together. He said he wanted to start working nights and that it would be good for us but I didn't want him to because I wanted us to hike together at bedtime.

16 Feb 2024

New Job


I was in a kitchen with a person. The sun was shining through the kitchen window. On the side wall that has the stove, Sunday was circled multiple times. I don’t know if that was the day in the dream but it caught my attention. I don’t know if they were male or female but they were cooking, more specifically boiling something in the stove. The bubbles really were prominent and sizzling of something— I couldn’t see what they were cooking but it smelled AMAZING. Me and the person spark up conversation then they asked me if they could rant. I didn’t have to respond they just wanted a listening ear forreal. I agreed and they begin to tell me some juicy things, in the midst of that, my husband came in the kitchen asking if I could make him some noodles. His chocolate hands wrapped around me, giving me a kiss as he asked. The way he asked was child-like, yet I agreed to make him some noodles. My husband acknowledged the person talking and the person didn’t mind him being in there, the person began to give us more juicy details after. When I open the fridge to get the cold ingredients for the noodles, the ONLY thing in the fridge was some chilli oil. It wasn’t a new bottle but it look like it hasn’t been touched since it was opened. It wasn’t expired and it tasted AMAZING! I was confused because I see the ingredients that was being used by the person cooking. And there should be leftovers in the fridge, nope. And the person was asking me to get them things out the fridge at one point, and there was so much food. I ask my husband “how spicy do you want it” he answers, seductively “How hot you trynna make it😏” it turned me on greatly. This was the only clear words I heard throughout the entirety of the dream.

16 Feb 2024



In this dream, Ricky, my husband and I were separated he was seeing three women and as I was single. You could tell he still had feelings for me from his expression, from his mouth and eyes. We were living in this coastal town, and Isabel, my sister and I were leaving a town event. I remember police looking for us. I also remember that I had a house near the coast, with three garages. There, I transformed into a green small plane and flew above the city. My transformation was secret because I didn’t want no one to know. when I transformed back into a human, I walked on the coast and saw a rectangular field filled with rows of colorful, blooming flowers which belonged to my family. there was a woman that was picking the flowers, and I immediately ran up to her and pulled her away from her pants and told her “hey! these flowers belong to my family and they should not be touched!” The woman was surprised, and shocked that I removed her by grabbing her pants, not shocked that she was tempering with my garden. Other people saw witnessed this and told her “ you should respect the land”, but she didn’t care. I walked up the hill into the town and thought maybe I can transform in front of people, and I wonder what they would think, so I did I transformed back into a green plane again and flew a few blocks and as I was flying a long, blonde haired guy, witnessed, and was interested, and he followed me. I transformed back into a human behind a record store, because the guy went inside the record store. There was an outdoor sale in the back, and when I was looking through, he put his hand on my shoulder and he was interested, I told him, “ I don’t know where I live. I thought my house was close by the coast”, then we liked each other and I asked him if he wanted to fly so he tried to go on top of me when I turned into a plane and I remember the weight that he had and I couldn’t fly high enough because I was struggling with his weight.

16 Feb 2024



I was in a hotel when we hear a lock downstairs announcement and get scared. So I see that we have class for something and I go. And im making friends when we get N announcement that school is over but ir was a weird announcement It left a weird vibe and we walk our hesitantly As we are outside I see this guy in a green van with one of those big guns that are nailed to the floor So we run in and close the door but we still have friends outside so we open the door randomly They come inside and I go lay down to the back of the room When I hear the announcement that kids are safe but adults aren't In the back of the room there is a right room that I crawl through And I lock it and im looking around and I realize I'm in a dream but the outside looks like a fairy tale and I'm just enjoying being there Then the man from outside comes in to the room so thankfully that room has another room that o go to In that room I see a way out byt it is soooo small

16 Feb 2024



In real life, my 18-year-old daughter is dating a man who is almost my age. In my dream, I was watching both of them from a third person perspective. I was not in the dream. They were inside of their apartment, talking, and I saw that the man had a young, disabled child. At that moment, I realized his interest in my daughter wasn't because he was a pedophile, but really he was looking for a nurse. Someone who could take care of his child so he wouldn't have to pay a skilled nurse, and someone who would be able to take care of him in his old age. I heard screaming outside and I looked out of the window and I saw a bunch of people running and police running behind them shooting. Apparently several officers had answered a call and one of the police officers became overzealous and started shooting everyone. So the other officers and all the people that were around were running away. Outside, I saw the streets littered with bodies as people were dying. One person that stood out was an eight-year-old boy who had fallen into a fairly deep puddle and the water was covering his mouth but not his nose so he could breathe but he was still trying to talk. he was choking with the water as he was laying there dying from the gunshot wound. I felt so sorry for him because I knew that he was alone, young and scared. I knew he didn't understand what happened to him. I knew he wanted his parents but because he was partially submerged, anyone around wouldn't even be able to hear him call for help. looking around the area was a ghetto and in my dream it looked like a war zone I saw all the bodies and my heart hurt feeling so bad for these people. There were all kinds of people out there and I knew that the officer was reacting out of fear but she had nothing to worry about. These people were only spectating at whatever their reason for being here. It was unfair.

16 Feb 2024



I am in the middle of nowhere with a few friends where theres nothing but snow. I have on a white night gown and the winds are strong. I spit helicopters swarming around in one area and I decide to follow it with my friends to see why they were swarming around in one place. We reach the area where the helicopters were and there were two women who were strangers underneath the swarming helicopters. They looked scared, so my first instinct was to go help save them. We manage to get the women from underneath the helicopters and run from them and when we felt we lost them, we stopped, the women thanked us deeply and asked if we had beliefs or what our religion was and when we named it and I said Christian; the woman said “oh no” and they both turned into some demonic possed people trying to attack. When I realized what was happening I put my hand in both their heads and started praying strongly over the both of them to rebuke the demon and the women collapsed, and after I felt so drained, like I needed to sit down and rest for a while.

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