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17 Feb 2024
I was dancing with this ex friend and we were having a good time I think she likes me but we don’t talk anymore
My mom had a dream that I got into a very bad car accident
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I had a dream that there was a machine on a school yard while kids were playing recess and if something hit it everybody would have to lay on the ground for a few seconds and if they moved even just a tiny bit during that time they would get zapped while the teacher turned the machine off
I had a bunch of dreams and I forget them now but one was like in a warehouse with paint another was at a house in OBX and these neighbors that had kids my age and we were visiting them they were Mormon but anyways that’s all I don’t remember anything else
About my pregnant sidter in law stabbing me in the stomach
Ohwerheiegjdtidhfkkk sf
I am having a reoccurring themed dream where I am in a Saw/Squid Games type scenario where I neee to complete in these games to stay alive and I’m in it with my friends and other people that I know and if you get eliminated you get killed
16 Feb 2024
Dreamt I was being chased by the most infamous serial killers like Micheal myers and ghostface. Each time I found out who the murder is, another one appeared. People got murdered in front of me. When I discovered who the murderers were, it was people I had never seen before. I was chased in school, a festival and in a home I had never been in. I felt anxiety in my dreams whenever I opened doors or heard the name ghostface. Suddenly Pokémon was real and I kept petting them.
When I dream I don’t dream about myself, I dream like I’m someone else. I’m at this mystical place where I get surrounded by samurai’s made by shadows. There was this man in the sky that was evil and needed some stones. And we had a map that showed us where the stones were and which ones are stones and which ones are olives. We gave the man the olives and he didn’t notice that it wasn’t the stones he was looking for. Then we went down the beach to get animals tattooed on us. But since I had a snake tattoo I didn’t have to fight for my life but the other person had to.
Last night I had dream I was being chased by a man he kept saying I was his and no one else’s. I was crying telling him to leave me alone. I just kept running but he wouldn’t stop chasing me. I woke up panting and my heart was beating fast I was sweating.
all I recall is hiding from something outside. I never saw the actual threat, but I remember having to stay in the house and we had to be quiet and keep the lights off bcuz the lights would “attract” them. I remember going around the house and constantly turning off the lights and shutting the blinds. It’s like I’d turn them off then someone would turn them back on.
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