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15 Sep 2024



In my last dream, I was on a mission to help other women get away from a pursuing man while also on a personal mission to get away from him as well. The pursuing man in the dream was trying to trap me in a building, as well as other women. While getting away, I stopped by a few nature spots with greenery, water streams, and campsites that had the sounds of crickets and the quiet and vast nighttime air. A woman gave me some supplies along the way, such as a banjo she told me was from Italy and some of my favourite soap bar brands. I had the idea that I could make music about staying safe and getting away with the banjo I was given. I stopped by some empty ice rinks where women would collaborate and share tips on keeping safe from a growing concern of men who would pursue to do harm. Before the dream ended, I stopped by a nicely decorated venue while getting away, where the business of the place would have my tracks lost by the pursuing man. I last remember seeing a fountain with some indoor greenery around it before I was on my way of going further away with my tracks freshly lost for added security of ensuring I would not be found by him.

15 Sep 2024

Saving someone
Throwing up


Last night I had a dream that was quite interesting and detailed. I can't remember how it started but at one point in the dream I was sleeping and I went to yawn and my jaw got stuck. I've been needing to go to the dentist but it's actually been a couple years because I don't have insurance but I've been saying I need to get to the dentist so in the dream when my jaw got stuck I called my dentist. When I got there they were trying to make me fill out new patient information and I kept saying I've been here for years just haven't come in a long time and they were trying to help me and I was saying my jaw is stuck. I felt like I was getting ready to throw up and when I did throw up I was throwing up like pebbles and rock and like sand type material. It wasn't regular sandy it was rough it was rock. I came back out and the waiting room was full and I was waiting for the doctor and I remember as I was waiting for the doctor I turned I saw the waiting room was full my mom was there other people were there whereas before they weren't there in the waiting room. I also saw some of my like former high school friends and things and one of them said oh I want to say hi to your mom as he was being wheeled out on the wheelchair. So it seemed like the dentist office waiting room went from a dentist office to an emergency room or like an urgent care or something. I remember turning back around looking to see if the doctor was there because I was like I need to get my jaw from being unstuck so I can talk. Then the wedding room switched and this time the wedding room was like a pool and I could see a bunch of people on the other side of this pool and I remember being like, oh, it's a pool now, it's baby. I hope these individuals can swim in the pool, I could see my sisters and some other people, but this particular pool had like a feature that was almost like a rock wall type feature and a waterfall and my sisters and one of my cousins were sitting in the waterfall and I know that they all can swim and then there were some other people there and I was like, I don't know if they can swim and at one point a young lady fell into the water and she was a bigger young lady and she fell into the water and I remember saying I need to go help them. Then all these people started jumping in and falling into the water and we knew that they couldn't swim and I recall that there were people there that could swim, but nobody was helping them and I was fully clothed and I remember running and jumping into the water. It was myself and my sister Tiffany, my cousin Sakara, and my sister Jalisha, we were jumping in the water trying to save people. Everybody else was just sitting around looking at us saving people and I remember jumping in the water and looking underneath and there were so many people under the water and when I jumped in I kept thinking, Nicole, save your breaths, let's go in and assess so you gotta make sure you can save your breath so when you come back up you have enough energy, but you also need to be able to carry these people and they're much bigger than you. I remember coming back to the surface and I looked and I asked like it was this person sitting there I said can you swim there's so many people here I need help we need help getting these bodies out of the bottom of the pool and the person said I can swim but I'm not jumping in there I'm not I don't know how to save people I'm not doing it so I remember turning around and being like I gotta go back down went down and it was a person to the bottom of the pool but I know I couldn't get him up myself I came back up my sister Tiffany had just finished saving someone else I said Tiffany I need your help we're gonna go down there's somebody right underneath us we went down to the bottom and we got them up and we handed the person to the people sitting on the edge of the pool and we said can you like help them we're gonna go get more people but they couldn't help the person so we got out and tried to perform CPR and laid the person on their side so they could you know the water could get out of them and then I was like we got to go back in my cousin's car was saving people my sister Talisha was saving people and I was like there's still so many people at the bottom of the pool and all these other people's like aren't even helping so then I decided to jump there I looked again and it was so many people at the bottom of the pool and I was like well these individuals are in the deep end that means I have to dive to get to them and I remember saying we need to help these people and I remember diving into the water to go get these people and it was a bunch of people at the bottom of the pool in the deep end and I kept thinking to myself do I have enough air to go down and get them and come back up and I remember coming come back up because I said I need to get some air and then try this again and then I woke up




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DreamApp provides an answer for what you saw in your dreams immediately after you wake up.

15 Sep 2024

Childhood home


This wasnโ€™t my last dream, but a dream I had several weeks ago. I still remember it. I as 11 or 12, just middle school in general, and I was at home. My room was decorated with almost every pastel color and then I got a phone call from my mom that I was late, I think. The scene switched to our school auditorium but the floors were covered in grass and it was larger and had no seats. I think we were practicing or doing our talent show, and then I realized that I forgo to bring my outfit so I couldnโ€™t attend. But then I saw my friend, Glorie, and I think she told me she wasnโ€™t do anything. Then the scene changed again to me and 4 other people with colored wigs (one had yellow, one had orange, one had green; and one had red) and they were all Asian, I feel like we were in Japan. We met on the streets and it was like a game but not like a game. I was lost. Then we met and went to this Japanese restaurant, but this baby was crying and screaming. Thatโ€™s all I remember.

15 Sep 2024

Killing someone
Knife, dagger and weapons


I was in a creepy neighborhood at night. It in a small town near the woods. There had been a thing going where a guy they had nicknamed Gunth the Ripper was going around at night and dismembering people. He would specifically take the legs and eat them. At some point he actually did an interview about it and acted like it was normal he did that. Eventually I was with a group of people and we were all having some sort of hangout til we realized it was one of the nights Gunther had decided to come out and kill people. We were all terrified and planned a way to try and survive the night. We were as quiet as possible trying to make it seem like we werenโ€™t there, we turned every light off. But it wasnโ€™t enough and eventually Gunther made it inside through a window. His face was deformed and he carried a knife with him, the moment he went in he stabbed one of the people there in the face and killed him, then he began to go around the room. Eventually someone decided to pour an energy drink on him and it landed on an injury he had. It turns out he had gotten a stab wound from one of his first victims and it never properly healed so his friend that helped him always changed his gauze. As he changed his gauze screamed and the gauze was full of a weird green liquid. After that Gunther went to kill again but his friend had had enough of him so he went and killed Gunther. Eventually the dream woke me up but when I realized it was still early I went back to sleep and now instead had a dream where I was talking to Jesus but part of me was still scared Gunther would appear again

15 Sep 2024

Childhood home


I lived back in my childhood home with a little blue car with a black interior. I always stared at the trees the pretty trees as we drove on the road. I went to school and made 3 friends they were all guys but its ok everything started off fine but they started trying to get me to die with them. One tried to get me to slip and break my neck on a statue. The other tried to push me down a hole and I pushed him off of me and ran home. I cut them off immediately. I then became friends with Paulina and we went to school and to class when I came back I saw a black puddle as if it was trying to drown me I seen Paulina watching with a straight face and with her long red and I turned to her. โ€œPaulina, are you trying to kill me?โ€ I stared shocked at her as she faded away.

15 Sep 2024

Childhood home


I lived back in my childhood home with a little blue car with a black interior. I always stared at the trees the pretty trees as we drove on the road. I went to school and made 3 friends they were all guys but its ok everything started off fine but they started trying to get me to die with them. One tried to get me to slip and break my neck on a statue. The other tried to push me down a hole and I pushed him off of me and ran home. I cut them off immediately. I then became friends with Paulina and we went to school and to class when I came back I saw a black puddle as if it was trying to drown me I seen Paulina watching with a straight face and with her long red and I turned to her. โ€œPaulina are you trying to kill me?โ€ I stared shocked at her as she faded away.

15 Sep 2024



Woke up from a dream in which I was working in my office area here at my parents home. I looked out the window and through the curtains. My grandfather (my momโ€™s dad who passed in November 2021) and my grandmother (my momโ€™s mother who passed September 14, 2019) were outside! My grandfather was opening the door for my grandmother! I mentioned her before in previous dreams. Most of her grandchildren call her Mama so when I saw them outside, I yelled Mama!! In my excitement, I fell out of my chair trying to run to the door! It seemed soooo real! It was daytime and the clouds were out. It was a beautiful, sunny day!! We also call my grandfather โ€œDaddyโ€. They raised alot of their grandchildren including me until the age of 4. I miss Mama & Daddy!!

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