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14 Feb 2024

New Job


I was with my boyfriend and his family at a Disney resort booking into our hotel rooms that we were going to be staying in. I'm not sure which resort it was but it looked pretty whimsical. When we dropped our belongings off on our room we met with my boyfriend's parents in the lobby and they seemed pretty upset; apparently their room was filthy and they were going to speak to the manager to get a new room.

14 Feb 2024

New Job


I saw my ex boyfriend Jeremy as I was in a whole different realm of adventure. I was trying to solve a murder mystery with the cast of my favorite show. It felt very cool and good and I kept thinking to myself how good of a book this would make except now I can’t remember the plot. Anyways, I eventually stumble into an apartment with Jeremy my ex. I start admiring it and it looks like the old life I had with him. I see Rico our old friend as well and surprisingly I’m excited to see him since living with him was so annoying at times. But none the less since I’ve moved on from that I am happy to see him. Then Jeremy’s new girlfriend comes out of the room and I stumble a bit on my words. I forgot he moved on with someone else. It seems like the weight of the world is on my shoulders again and I start to feel very anxious. I try to subtly ask Rico if we can go outside to smoke some weed and talk, Rico says sure but then tells everyone else to come outside too. At this point I’m frustrated because I wanted to vent, and I also did not want to have to smoke my weed with everyone since I only had a little bit. I let Rico hit on my joint for a little and then he hands it back to me. I smoke the rest by myself and I even make a joke saying “damn who smoked all of it?” Even though it was me 😂😂 but honestly who cares since it was mine anyways and no one else asked?? I could tell people were a little frustrated with me not sharing but I felt like I didn’t need to especially since they were expecting without asking. I walk back into the apartment and I find it hard to breathe all of sudden, I think from anxiety. I remember her saying something to Jeremy about her being uncomfortable with me there, but then I start harshly reminding her that everything she has now in her relationship is because of ME. I built of Jeremy just for him to leave. He left me to have the exact same life with someone new. I look around the apartment some more and I increasingly become more stressed and upset with the fact that he gets to move on and be happy after everything that’s happened, did I not mean that much to him?? I tried leaving and going back to my other dreams where I was on adventures and solving mysteries with my riverdale friends, but everytime I turned around Jeremy was somewhere. I couldn’t understand why he was always following me if he so clearly has moved on.




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14 Feb 2024



I lived in this village with my family and a lot of other people. All of them were around the age of 1 to 50. Then there was an apocalipse. Zombies everywhere and I had to protect everyone, so I searched for a safe place to bring all those people. I flew around and found a few places. Then I picked up a few people and flew them to the safe place. Later there was this group of children I had to safe from the zombies and bring them to their parents who were already at this safe place. So I made a whole plan and made some kind of what looked like a ski lift, but with only a rope and a wooden crate and transported them that way all at once. Once I had brought everyone to that safe place, I went to look for food as they were all hungry, so I went to look for food. Flying ofcourse. Then I found another village with other villagers and there was this big castle and roads made of small rocks like in the time of the Romans.

14 Feb 2024



At a church youth group with peers, I don’t want to be there, I leave and enter into a school hallway packed with people. I find a friend and go to the food court. I try to order the free bread sticks but the lunch ladies won’t give them to me. Everything costs more than what I have. The leaders of the school are currupt and demon like. Me and my group of badass fighter outcast decide to rebel. We are chased by the men in black into a store with thick rows of prouducts unknown. We hid there waiting for them to leave but they kept advancing. I escapade through the back door outside. We had large black trash bags of stuffed with money. We ran for my little black car but I forgot to grab my keys I wasn’t prepared for leaving! We were caught. The dream resets and I’m a 6ft female killer with short black hair that glows red. There is a women Taunting me about how I am not tradionally pretty and she holds dressed up me and calls me a pathetic mousy girl over and over. I rip away from her and join my heist group wearing all black and covered in weapons. As I walk my short hair bounces red flames around me, I am ready. This time we all run to our lockers in this distopian school. I grab my keys and they grab handfuls of cash and stuff them into big black trash bags once again. On the over head speaker I hear the alert, calling us so stupid and predictable. We run. I walk into a checkout lane at a supermarket. I talk a little to the guy behind the counter, he gets called over by his boss and yelled at for visiting too much with customers. I walk right over to his boss and tell him “I don’t like the way you treat people” I knock him out with a punch. I run, my team behind me with the trash bags of cash. Three of us jump in my car. The enemy advances quickly… we won’t all make it. The last three on the team just burst out of the supermarket, we will have to leave them behind. I make a move to throw the remaining two cash bags at the enemy because I don’t have time to load they are right behind us. I throw the bags and jump in and the car won’t start. They must have broken my car. I will the car to start with my enegy and we zoom away into the distance. Leaving behind half the crew but I think they were not important

14 Feb 2024

Heart attack


I had a dream I self harmed on my thighs and I bit into my skin ,skinning myself. I hid these marks with a towel as I was forced to join my family at a restaurant, no one noticed but I felt terrible shame. The dream continue where I'm back in school, I'm a failure and I need punishment, I'm forced to drag my legs on the ground through course hot rocks. I'm treated with being electrocuted as there are live wires on the ground. Eventually I get stabed with needles for the fun of the other person. I felt the pain in my arms and back. They insisted it was my fault, that I should die. A man took me to a shelter, a church where they had genealogy books and passports , I was told I could alter the names if I prayed hard enough. I couldn't change the past. I remember they opened the book but section 2 was crossed out, instead it read ctye. There were lists and generations of names. I felt bad because they wanted me to change it by praying harder, but I couldn't. I left the church and watched a man go into a school and hurt the children there. I met a man , he knew what I did to my legs, while he was telling me I should stop, he died of a heart attack.

14 Feb 2024



I had another dream too, I can’t remember everything but it’s like I was friends with the celebrity drake. There was a huge boat going somewhere with a lot of people and I was put on it and drake told me he’d meet me at the location. For some reason I was like sad though, it’s like I want to jump of the boat and hurt myself for some reason but I don’t know why but I do it. And there bodies all in the water around me, but it’s like due to the boats engine the waves keep me close to the boat. The engine keeps causing me and the bodies to float right back to the boat and under it. I couldn’t get out of the current from the engine so I just kept being sucked back under the boat with the bodies the entire trip. I was hoping to die but I didn’t. Once the boat got it the location I decided to act dead. I think I wanted drake to feel bad. I wanted to see how he’d react. But when he saw me fake dead under the boat he just said omg I shouldn’t have told her to take the boat but he just moved on. They didn’t try to get any of the bodies including mine from under the boat they just left us and started helping everyone off the boat. I laid there pretending to be dead for a while hoping they’d come for me, get me out and he’d show some type of emotion but they didn’t so I decided to just try to climb out and act like I was really hurt and woke up. As I was climbing out drake came to me happy to see I was ok, but he still didn’t show me as much concern as I wanted. He basically left me to get out the water on my own even though I was having a hard time getting out and pretending to have a even harder time. He finally came to help me and told them to get me a doctor cause I didn’t seem ok. But like he still was so nonchalant and just never checked on me and I remember feeling horrible. Like I didn’t matter to him or any of the other people

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