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8 Feb 2024
trying to get to some sort of festival on an island and missing the plane, the airport was futuristic and only allowed a certain number of people on the plane, or if you were too late and in that part of the terminal, a thing similar to mariokart would push you back into the line and if you didn’t get out of the way it would crush you. i never made it to the island.
me and a coworker were closing our shift(we work at a coffe shop). i was trying to clock out of my shift but the computer wouldn’t let me. there was one guy left in the store and he kidnapped us! the whole time we were in his car i was stressed about if i would get credit for my shift cause i wasn’t clocked out. i called my boss and she said “no sorry you don’t get paid since you didn’t click out.” i was so upset the whole dream. not about getting kidnapped, but about not being paid for my shift
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I person tryin to kill me . They’re always chasing me . Sometimes it’s a human , sometimes it’s a zombie.
I was walking home drunk through a dark alleyway and there was a drunk woman infront of me. The lady was getting mad about me being near her and started trying to hit me so I walked infront of her. At the end of the alleyway there was a group of boys who started with this lady when she grabbed me and pushed me into them in order to run away. I was forced into a car and taken to a house with their boss. The man held a gun to my head and told me to remove my location on my phone and gave me one phone call as he wasn’t letting me leave. He left the room when some people broke into the house with a gun. The people saw me and shot me but when they saw me still moving they kept shooting me. I played dead and waited for them to continue in the house so I could run out of the door. When I got out I saw a police car which I ran to. The policemen tried to help me but one ended up getting shot and killed. I saw a house nearby and broke the window in and climbed in to hide. I saw a lady with her kid in here hiding when I barricaded the window and the dream ended.
I was running from a clown who was chasing me with a knife that was on fire it had a wooden root hilt and my brother was trying to hide me but couldn't we were outside of a hospital.
I had a dream where I was being chased by demons, and I ran into a bus with my family and close the door only to find a friend of mine from college there, and I was relieved to see him. We started the bus and drove off before the demons could get us quickly , and drove into oncoming traffic and flipped the bus. Then the dream would restart again and we’d have to escape again. The dream restarted every time we crashed the bus. It was very frightening.
A noce lady is teaching me Spanish on a beach. She tells me a phrase and what it means and I repeat it. Then storm clouds come on a sunny day. The wind picks up and sand starts blowing. When repeat the phrases this time another language comes out and the nice lady is very confused. Then lightning comes and a giant wave is coming for us. I wake up
I just had a dream that I was making a money bouquet. I had 2 friends helping but I had to run to the ATM & get $200, I don’t even remember why. Me and I’m assuming the guy I was making the money bouquet for pulled up to a Walgreens & the ATM was outside right in front of the door. I put my card in, pin, took out $200 but the money was dispensing & I could tell that it was way more than $200. My vision started going blurry in my right eye like something was in it & at this point the money is falling out of the machine so I have to keep picking it up from the ground. The entire time I’m at the machine I’m on the phone with my sister telling her how the money fell & how I kept dropping some bills, but I didn’t tell her that it was dispensing way more than $200 because a few people had walked past & I didn’t want anyone to try me. Also, my sister & I aren’t talking at the moment at all so I found it weird I was on the phone with her at the ATM in my dream. Anyways I tried to split the stack in half & shove half into both pockets. As soon as I was about to walk in the store & count the money in the bathroom I woke up.
My bestfriend came to visit me and I ran up to hug her. We started walking somewhere, and then one of our ex friends rammed into my bestfriend and yelled at her. I shoved the ex friend away and then she shouldered me in the face. Then we got into a fight and she said I was acting this way because I’m an attention seeker. Then my favorite aunt called me spoiled. I kept trying to defend and explain my actions, but they kept calling me spoiled. I sat in a chair and cried.
My sister was trying to break my stand of beads using a unique stool that I have in my bathroom. She was a kid and I was an adult. I was laughing but I was scared because I didn't want them to break
I had a dream I was about to have sex with a girl and I had explosive diarrhea and soiled my underwear. I had to leave the scene
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