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1 Dec 2023



I was driving up a mountain with my step mom and we got to the top and she went to see something. I guess while I was in the car hiding from the snow a cop confronted her and she said she was trying to keep her daughter warm. She was telling me all about it in the car and I reassured her id back her up. The roads dips kept getting steeper and steeper making my stomach flip until we drove off a cliff. While falling the car turned into a house and we hit the ground really hard and slid really really far. I watched this in third person wondering how my back would feel after that

1 Dec 2023



I was in a holiday cove. I wanted to go in the pool at the hotel but I couldn't find my bathing suit and I remembered that my aunt's house was nearby and I had left one of my bathing suits there. When I got home and got dressed I realized that I hadn't shaved my legs so I found a razor and started to shave them. There was a lot more hair than I thought, it was like I hadn't shaved in years. I got a lot of sores on my legs and they started bleeding. Finally I was ready and I put on a long black and white flowered shirt over my black bikini, put on my red lipstick, combed my hair and let it down. When I went to the pool, I found out that there was no normal entrance to the pool, you had to climb a few stairs to get into the pool. It was like some kind of competition, but was extremely difficult. I had to go in the pool because the guy I wanted to meet was there. We were often eye to eye and he was winking at me and smiling. When he saw me in bikinis, he suddenly stood up and started looking for a way to come towards me from the other side of the pool. There was a guard waiting at the top of the handicapped stairs and they wouldn't let anyone in unless they won. I tried to persuade the man but to no avail, finally he said that if I sang or danced he would let me into the pool. Just as I was about to go up the stairs, I felt a hand on my shoulder and I turned around to see the man I had been staring at coming back with lemonade. As I was coming down the stairs, he reached out his hand and I saw that he had reserved a soft puff for me.




DreamApp: Journal & Dictionary

DreamApp provides an answer for what you saw in your dreams immediately after you wake up.

1 Dec 2023



I told you about Habib, I think i am in love with him, but i am scared he can ghost anytime and now i am in a vacation and i wanted to show him how everything is here and we said we will talk last night and he didnt respond for a lot of hours and i miss him. I waited for him a lot and when i went to sleep i was really said that he didnt say anything for a long time and usually he does this when he has a long day or when he ghosts again. I slept bad and i dreamt that i was constantly checking his instagram account to see if he saw my messages or if he responded and i saw he posted something. I posted a story with a video with him and a beautiful sexy girl dressed in a sexy gown and they looked like they were having fun and things like this. But 2 nights ago i talked with him and he said he loves me and that he doesnt have any girlfriend and he feels such a strong connection with me and if he would be able and if he wasnt so mentally drained and exhausted and if we werent so far from each other he would want to have something more with me than whatever we have now.

1 Dec 2023



In my dream, I was still in bed, sleeping, and my wife was trying to take off my CPAP mask. I asked her what was going on, and she said she was trying to clean it. I said, you don't have to clean it, because I did it yesterday, you only have to clean it once a week. She took the mask out of the self-cleaning clear container and handed it back to me. I asked her what time it was, and she said it was a quarter after, but she wouldn't tell me exactly a quarter after which hour. Then I remember getting up to walk her downstairs to the door, and she opened the door. it was raining really hard. There were two black pickup trucks parked in our front yard. They belong to friends of our son. They parked on the front yard diagonally, one behind they other so we could still get out the driveway in the morning for work. It was raining pretty heavily outside. I closed the door behind her. As I was walking back upstairs, I could see water falling through the ceiling. It was leaking at the top of the stairs, and I could hear our adult son saying, hey dad there's water coming through the roof. When I entered his room, there was a big patch of drywall missing from his north wall and the water was really gushing through the wall and feom the ceiling over his bed. His friends were astonished so much rain was falling through the roof and wall. I could see portions of the roof shingles throught the ceiling andbportions of the brick and house siding through the wall. There was a cat perched on the brick inside the wall. The cat jumped into the bed because of all the water that was coming in. I tried to take a step back, and the cat hissed at me, arched its back and got in position a defensive position and then jumped at me. then I woke up.

1 Dec 2023



Приснилося, що я зустріла свого колишнього вчителя англійської, що вів англійську у нашому офісі. Один із співробітників хизувався про те як схуд та вчитель англійської хвалив його, а мене він довго ігнорував, наче мене немає. "Дивися якою я тепер стала великою", - сказала я, маючи на увазі свою вагітність та великий живіт. Коли вчитель англійської нарешті звернув на мене увагу він почав мене тролити та порадив зробити ліпосакцію. Я спочатку почала виправдовуватися та сказала, що це не жир, а дитина. Але потім подумала, що навіщо мені виправдовуватися я теж можу пожартувати та сказала, що "Все буде, але через місяць" -А скільки ти важиш, мабуть кілограмів 180, - продовжив знущатися вчитель -Ні, - відповіла я, - Не 180, а тільки з чимось. -Так значить ти маленького зросту, - несподівано сказав він, - Ніколи цього не помічав -Ні, я навпаки дуже висока -Тоді чому я вище за тебе? - спитав вчитель -Бо я дуже висока, як для жінки та середня, порівняно з чоловічим зростом, а Ви мабуть вище за середнього чоловіка, - відповіла я Далі вчитель англійської відкрив підручник, по якому ми зараз займаємося вже з іншою вчителькою англійської та почав щось у ньому правити ручкою. Там було питання про науково популярні передачі, і він додав, що вони "based on scientifically proven evidence", що забули вказати у підручнику початково

1 Dec 2023



Приснилось наче я приїхала у Канаду до батьків та дізналася, що моя мама народила сина у домашніх умовах у ванній. Вона запропонувала мені залишитися та також народити у ванній, бо їй дуже сподобалося. Я подумала про те, що це звучить заманливо і в домі батьків було все і комфорт, і тепло, і затишок, і тепла ванна. Але в домашніх умовах пологи це дуже ризиковано та найголовніше, я мала повернутися в Україну до чоловіка. Тому я подякувала батькам та попрямувала додому до чоловіка, хоч на серці було трохи сумно

1 Dec 2023



Me and my cousin were togather she is in 8thclass and function was going on at a hall. So while playing we come at a corner of the hall, that place was quite separated, there were 4-8 pillers of a room made by cement but not the rooms just structure made by pillers. So as we come behind that place while playing i saw one of my academic friend (vaishnavi), we call her towards us, she came and we randomly started talking. Me and my cousin noticed that there are people preparing that place for lunch. We understood that luch is being prepared for a big gangster/Don type man. As my cousin and I understand this we step out of that place but my friend didn't. My cousin call her out. But she was not come and she was asking us the reason for that. Those bad guys had already entered on that place so we couldn't even tell her that "we have to leave due to those bad guyes are about to have lunch there". After all we have to go to her, i tell her that these are bad guys they do that kind of work and now they are gonna have luch here, there are about to eat red meet or any illegal meet here, if they found you here it will be trouble for you. So then my cousin take her out side. As they sit for lunch, i begin to talk with that main person i tell him that how i managed to make her leave like i know these people from a while. Among them i school friend (Trisha) was siting there, first i didn't understand that it's her. Her little sister was sitting besides her drawn by attention towads them, she had finished her lunch. I asked her "trisha!? Is that you?... It's hard to recognize you in make up" I also tell ther that the makeup is over, she had aplide green kajal and eyeliner. We started talking furter and we come out of that place to the main lone/hall. I asked her about what is she persuting now, she replied me to don't ask this question as i remember in waking life she told me that she have choosed science field and as i remember she was not that good in studies. but in my dream i assumed that she is also persuting jee like me among with science.So i tell her that i persuiting jee and i started telling her my problem's that till now i didn't got marks above 45 even after studing a lot. As i know her she might also facing problems in studied as she was week in studies but she wasn't say anything about it

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