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15 Dec 2023

My crush


Dreamt that I was in a forest with someone surrounded by pine trees. I don't remember exactly what we were doing but we seemed to be playing a game or making a callendar of sorts. We needed to retrieve some objects, and we came to this village (or a big farm? With several buildings) that appeared to be decorated for Christmas, but there didn't seem to be any people least not people-sized, but from behind the house we were close to, a giant (or troll?) appeared. There was also smaller troll there, possibly because it was female, and I think we tried talking to it first to make sure the big one wouldn’t crush us or something. I believe this village was situated higher up in the mountains, and further down there was a clearing in the forest where someone were selling face products or cosmetics. I think it was more like spring here but I don't remember when it was happening relatively to other events in the dream. One of the products there caught my eye, and it was also shown on the sign. However, the price listed on the sign was different from the one shown on the tag, and I pointed this out to the cashier lady, as I would only consider buying it for the cheaper price the lady agreed to sell it for the cheapest price listed, though it was with reluctance as she really thought it was worth more By the foot of the mountain there was a port with several boats. I went on a boat that was supposed to be taking off soon, however there was a delay as they had to wait for more passengers to arrive. The boat was also wiggling around strangely, while the other boats around it stood still. My mom was also supposed to be there and I considered going back to look for her (or to the place with the cosmetics store), but then there was a chance the boat may take off and leave me behind, and I didn't want to risk that

15 Dec 2023



Long-involved dream. I I was in Telluride Colorado at some sort of conference or camp. I was not my current age but not quite sure what my age was maybe in my 20s there were lots of people there I was making lots of friends and lots of people were forming couples there were a few cute guys that I wanted to talk to there is one guy who is an actor I know in real life he’s much younger than me, but in the stream we are about the same age so when I first saw him he was really flirting with this other blonde girl, but then she had to leave for some reasonso we started flirting. I felt kind of giddy like young love. There were lots of parts to the dream. We were staying in a big cabin type lodge house fig and it was owned by the family of one of the participants. There were times where we were cleaning up because it seemed like all the people were getting the house really messy, leaving food and wrappers and all kinds of things all over the place. There was one night that this actor and I were kissing, and that was really fun. But the next day, he seemed kind of distanced, and I didn't know why. But, I finally got the nerve to go over and talk to him and it seemed like everything was fine and we were kissing again. There were lots of different camp type things that happened. And then at some point, this actor and I decided to go to bed in my room. We had a really nice experience but I knew the camp was ending and we had to leave later the next day. At one point, I was talking with the fellow whose family owned the house, and he was saying it was pretty cool that the actor and I got together. He said the actor really liked this other girl early in the trip, but once she left, he was with me. At another point, the actor and I were saying goodbye, and apparently I was on my way to college in the Midwest. So I asked him if he ever wrote letters and would write to me. And he said he didn't like to write, but he could try. I said email would also be fine, but at some point realized I didn't have any of his contact information. I was on a bus departing the camp and was looking out and watching the actor fade away. I wanted him to look up and wave at me or something but he didn't. He was talking to others and just went out of sight and I felt pretty sad because I didn't think we'd be in touch again. Then the dream shifted and instead of being on the bus I was with two of my friends and we were going to drive down the mountain together but first we had to clean up the house and I also had to pack because I was the last one to pack and all my stuff was in a big mess and I had a hard time getting it into the different bags I had brought. Then there were negotiations with my friends about when we should leave and where we should go and who could get dropped off first and one friend wanted to leave right then and another friend wanted to wait until the evening.




DreamApp: Journal & Dictionary

DreamApp provides an answer for what you saw in your dreams immediately after you wake up.

15 Dec 2023



I was was in a hotel room working undercover for the Interpol or CIA and I was trying to catch an old man confessing his crimes but with no luck. I recorded his conversation but there was nothing incriminating when I analysed with my 2 teammate girls. We were the girls power. Suddenly we were in front of a building ( it was something like Gods territory ) and one of the girls told me to never look in their eyes as they would kill me without a second thought. I did look out of curiosity and she was right, the statue crashed to pieces above me and I was close to death. Me and my girl teammate run as fast as we could and escaped death. Then suddenly we were in a building and I hear one of my girl teammates telling me " You made the Gods angry " and suddenly there was in explosion in the building and we started to run and for the second time we escaped death again.

14 Dec 2023



I met a girl with short blonde hair and bangs. She looked very similar to me in an uncanny way. When I met her I was with a guy, I don't recognize much of who he was. I also met another girl with long dark hair who told me there was a danger ahead, and that I needed to be careful and go with her to figure out how to fix it. I laughed it off. Next, what I can remember is that the guy and the blonde girl left together, and a few detectives arrived, asking for me, saying that I was involved with a few crimes or maybe murders. Before that happened I figured out it was the blonde girl with some form of sorcery, but I don't remember what led up to that part. When I told them I had proof that I didn't do anything and it wasn't me I said I'd grab my phone to show then the proof. Before I could grab my phone, my "uncle" who was Finn Tutuola from Law and Order SVU stopped me and showed me a picture. I saw it as a normal photo of me, but everyone else who looked at the picture could only see the girl with the blonde hair. That's most of what I can remember.

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