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29 Dec 2023



Stalker at Granny’s house Sleepover in Grandma’s cabin has twists and turns. The family is there having a good time. Cousins, kids, in-laws and Granny. While unpacking and getting settle d in for a week of family fun, the older cousins hear a strange altercation outside. When looking through the peep hole there is a dark figure on the other side of the door. The figure looks sinister but no crime was caught with the naked eye. Freaking out, everybody gets really quiet and start to hide in different areas of the house. No one stayed to see if the altercation was fatal. The stranger comes to our door and of course no one answers. Later that night I look for everyone and I find the older cousins standing in the tub together bawling quietly. I pull them out and assure them it will be ok. I leave them to have some rest and go to sleep myself. I wake up that morning to find that everyone has left. There are only two adults left. My husband and me and all the children. Teenagers and kids. I panic and try to wake my husband but can’t. I look out the rep hole and see no one. I check the house from top to bottom. No one. I then look out the window to see a black man with locks and a blue jacket looking up at the window. is he the stalker? He moves from window to window And I lock them all. Time goes by and I check the peep hole again. Perfect timing. One of the house guess that left ( my sis in law but looks different) pulled up with her boo. I tell the kids and teenager do not open the door for anyone. Everyone adult here has a key. The teenager forgot and unlocks the door. I struggle to get the door closed again and begged for help to close it. I failed and the horror begins. My in law has a gun and planned to use it. The teenagers and kids run in different directions. I ran to my room and locked the door with my kids. She makes her way in Ms I finally get my husband up but he is delirious. My in law walks in with the weapon and I cover the children. My in law curses at us and my husband Ms holds the gun facing us all. I am panicking and my hubby isn’t. He just looks at here and tells her to put the weapon away. She gets angrier and put her finger on the trigger. She bends down and pints the gun directly at the kids and I and waves it back and forth. My husband smacked the gun from and I wake up.




DreamApp: Journal & Dictionary

DreamApp provides an answer for what you saw in your dreams immediately after you wake up.

29 Dec 2023



First I was with my aunt Katka and with some other people I don't remember. We were on bikes, I had a blue one, but we were also with a car, a black one. We were in some sort of mountains/ jungle snd we were looking from some rock tample to another one, much more detailed and beautiful with statues and pillars that looked like a women's holding the temple, it was really pretty. Next i remember being on that other temple we were looking at, we were at it's rooftop i think, and because it was broken we were climbing through it's ruins to get inside. Inside I know there was some room with many shelves that lead to another much smaller, darker room. I know that we looked around and the next thing i remember is that our car was at the rooftop and we had to bring our bikes in so we wouldn't leave them behind and I don't know why but i had such a big dilemma about if I should bring my bike into the car or leave it in the temple. And the second thing (i dont know if it's another dream i had this night or not) i was alone in some kind of place and i had to choose something, like i had to choose which 2 creatures i want to take to help me, it's like everyone had one or two. I think I picked some kind of fish and a something i don't remember, I also got some phone but it looked really futuristic. Next I was with my mom, her boyfriend and my little brother in a car that looked and acted like a space ship. I know that I has to pick a color and i picked green but that little helper fish shoved me that on some planets are just neon colors so there wasn't the green I wanted. And then we were flighting in our spaceship/car around the Earth which looked like the land was burned and we flew around france and spain until we landed in a park in my town, it was dark here. We landed and my brother got out and went outside to my door to open it for me and i noticed that there were some people who somehow didn't looked like people, there was something different I think they had a bag over their heads but i saw their face. And they were coming to us so i dragged my brother inside and scream at my mum to start the spaceship. Then we flew away and that's it, my little brother woke me up.

29 Dec 2023

Car Crash


okay so i was on my way home with my mom on route 22 from my bonus grandmas house, and he got into a really nasty car crash. some ‘people’ and ‘firefighters’ came to help, and they dragged our car to a side road. they then dragged us out of the car, barley alive, and took us into someone’s ‘house’. it was not normal at all, it was like these people were from another universe, and using some sort of power to their advantage. they dragged us into their house, and me and my mom instantly got better. we had no broken bones, burns, or anything. it was like whatever force field they dragged us into put us into their timeline. so we are in this house, it’s HUGE inside. there’s tons of kids, adults, of all ages and genders inside. it looked like a foster home almost with just a lot of people inside. anyways, we go in, and they put us in the garage. they have us sit down at separate round tables, and clean ourselves up. we eventually get tired of waiting, so me and my mom ventured off into the actual house. and it was nuts. but we go in, and the owner of the house immediately introduced themself, i say themselves because i swear this thing could shapeshift. i’ve seen them as a man and a woman. so i eventually got away from this thing, and ventured off to a group of people about my age. they tell me their story about how they ended up here, and they were all similar. car crash, nearly dead, and dragged into this strange house. they told me the rules, everyone is to be in bed by 8pm, no phones, no contacting the outside world, and no leaving the house. i instantly got a bad feeling about the house. everyone inside was victims to what was to come. we all heard a little kid screaming bloody murder, and this group of people i was with was like “that’s where our lives are about to go to. they prep us for their dinners and to sell us.” i thought they were kidding at first, but i knew i had to get out of there. i tried finding my mom, but she was already getting along with the house owner. i just watch her from a distance, as i’m trying to sneak onto my phone and texting my bonus dad that we’ve been kidnapped. i literally remember texting him “HOW DO YOU SHARE LOCATION” “PLEASE HELP US” WE GOT INTO A CRASH” “PLEASE”. he didn’t believe me af all!!! he shared a video that showed me how to share my location, but it was way too long and i was just getting more anxious and annoyed by the second. i replied and said “THE VIDEO IS WAY TO LONG JUST TELL ME!!” and he started telling me how to, but i couldn’t read it. i got even more anxious and upset, i just said “NEVERMIND ILL JUST GOOGLE IT. CANT YOU JUST TRACK THE AIRTAG?!” and he replies asking what all the ruckus was. the house owner was over my shoulder at this point so i could do nothing but pretend i was playing a mobile game or something. once the house owner left, i immediately went to share my location, and all jason said was “you’re lying lol. i saw you walk at graduation today!” i was so confused because i had graduated at least 8 months ago. what did he mean he just saw me?! i tried explaining to him this house i was in, and he didn’t believe me at all. i told him to pull up and send police, but when they came, the house looked like no one was home. i said “HOW ALL THE LIGHTS ARE ON AND IT LOOKS LIKE A CIRCUS IN HERE!!” he sent me a pic, and he was right. it did look like nothing was home. i texted him and said “fine, if you don’t believe me, then don’t. we will be dead by midnight.” he laughed and we stopped texting each other. by then i went over to talk to my mom, and tried to tell her what had just happened, and she was brainwashed. she was saying how much she loved it here, and how much she wanted to stay, and how she’s even got a thing going on with the house owner. i told her she’s completely wrong, and that the people running this house was gonna kill us by midnight. she just laughed and said whatever. it was then 8pm, and everyone ran up the stairs to find a little nook to ‘sleep’ in. i tried to stick with my mom, but she was kissing the house owners butt so i just took off without her. i found a black woman about my age, and asked if i could chill with her for the night. she said yes, and told me what the rules are for the night. you can stay awake, but you’re not allowed to make any noise, talk to anyone, or go on your phone. the lights turned off, and the only source of light was under the huge window we were under. she then pulled out her charger, and plugged her phone into the outlet and hit the charger with her blanket. i asked “do you mind if i charge mine too?” and she said “no i don’t, just keep it hidden. don’t let him catch you.” i plugged my phone in and it buzzed. i looked up at her panicked and she said “shhh don’t worry it’s okay, the house owner is a little dumb. he thinks it’s his workers working.”. i noticed the house owner walking around, and me and this girl hid our phones. she pretended to sleep, and i just grabbed my mini sketchbook and pencil, and started doodling. the house owner was right over my shoulder, and i felt nothing but his negative energy coming into my space. i felt so anxious, tired, and depressed when he came into my space like that. it was like he was sucking the life out of me. he eventually moved onto the next few people to check on them. i remember the next morning in the kitchen, i peeked through the blinds, and i saw another house that wasn’t there before. it looked the same as the one we were in, but it was filled with firefighters and fire trucks. they looked like the people who had saved me and my mom from that car crash. the girl i had stayed with said “you’re not supposed to look out there.” i quickly looked away and snapped the blinds back and just looked at her confused. she said “they’re in our dimension as well. but we aren’t supposed to know. they’re helping these house owners pull in victims. they are the ones who actually caused most of these peoples car crashes, including yours.”. i just remember feeling so depressed and shocked that this was even possible. she told me she knew a way out, but it was very risky. i don’t remember what happened after this, but i remember dragging my mom out of the house after she had just almost been killed by them, all bloodied up, and i said “i told you so! now let’s call for help.”. so i guess you could say that girl’s plan worked. i remember trying to tell the police what happened, and they immediately got the fbi and whoever deals with parallel universe shenanigans. they were working on an investigation before i woke up in the waking world, but they finally believed us and kept an eye on us and that area 24/7 so these shapeshifters from a different universe wouldn’t claim another victim or try to kill us.

29 Dec 2023

Being fat


I was in a car with my mom and stepdad and we were trying to find a place to eat in this big city. The city was very empty. We stopped at an oriental restaurant but I never went in. My stepdad came out with takeout and he was so much fatter that he is in real life and he said it was me and my mom’s fault that he was fat because he’d be skinny if he were by himself. Then we were in this house that I’ve never been in before. It was very open but I never tried to go into other rooms. There four Chinese tribes competing. The fire tribe, ice tribe, earth tribe and candy tribe. They were all very dangerous and we had to be careful around them so we didn’t die. While in this house my homophobic aunt was there and I made a snide comment and she acted like I was homophobic. I tried to fix this weird machine for one of the tribes and after it was dark outside and I saw a tall gaunt figure standing just out in the shadows and it seemed evil so I kept trying to lock the door but it wasn’t working. It was like the evil thing was messing with the door so that I couldn’t lock it. And then I woke up.

29 Dec 2023



I can't remember all of the details, but I know that is involved my ex-boyfriends, some of which have raped me in the past, but the dream wasn't about them, yet just seeing them brought back those negative feelings. It was a weird scenario where they were Ron Stoppable from the show Kim Possible and I was Kim, but every time I interacted it was a different partner but I knew that they were that character. Then when it got to my current partner he was very sad kept giving me random things I flipped through a book and it had a lot of love letters but I didn't read I just know they were addressed to me. We made up and then we were in a big country house where somebody was getting married but there was no bride or groom just a lot of people in formal wear and we were expected to be the same. There was a cherry blossom tree and it was very nice. Then I dreamt that I was doing my normal job, which is working in a special needs school, but I was working with children I'd never seen before and girls, where my school is a boys-only school. I was the only person that noticed a very small girl trying to leave. Her name was very long and sounded a bit like hyperbole. Anyway, I was the only person who saw her trying to leave, so I went after her. She started running towards a very, very busy road. I followed, I was very stressed trying to dodge and duck. I didn't get hit and neither did she, but we got to the other side which was full of flowers. I, doing my job, tried to get her. She of course resisted and ran away back into the road, this time she got hit and run over, especially on her legs, there was a lot of screaming and I was very distraught because that was not what I wanted to happen. She then started blaming me, saying I was the reason that she got run over, but she wouldn't have got run over if she was in a safe place to begin with. There was a lot of guilt at the end of the dream.

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