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30 Dec 2023



I remember meeting gypsy, the girl who helped kill her abusive mother, and her new boyfriend and she had 2 kids. She was the sweetest and I didn’t want to hold her so I didn’t say much. Then it jumped to me being hungry and wanting something to eat but being too tired to get up and go get something and everytime I did try to order something, ironically, the restaurant would close as soon as I get ready to place an order. Then something about my dad trying to help my brother find his gun he misplaced and they were arguing right in front of my door, which is annoying because they always argue in front of my door. My mom either came in my room or I went to her room, I can’t remember, but anywho, I love when my mom is in my dreams. She’s always so warm and comforting towards me and we were just talking about me trying to get something to eat so she suggested if I order something she’ll go pick it up. I ended up ordering from olive garden but I ended up going to the restaurant anyways and I met soooooo many celebrities when I got there. There was coco jones, zendaya, tom holland (of course), timothy chalamet, and some others I can’t really place a name with but ik the face. I ended up huging coco, which was soft and warm and before I left I ended up taking a picture with them (they were really nice). I saw my parents before Ieft the restaurant too and told them there were some celebs in the front but they had no interest in them since they didn’t really know who they were. When I left, there was a scary lady in my neighborhood (the restaurant was in my neighborhood for some reason) and she had something written on a white piece of paper. She looked distorted and warned me about something. Then these 2 men started trying to kidnap me but they failed and I ended up killing them I think.




DreamApp: Journal & Dictionary

DreamApp provides an answer for what you saw in your dreams immediately after you wake up.

30 Dec 2023



I don't know how it even started, but what I can remember is I got Gio's sketch and design for an anti earthquake blanket. I sat beside him and I asked- "Gio is this your design?" He nod and said "Yes." But then I answered- "But why is it a blanket? That's weird." And then there was a child sitting also beside me and was asking some questions but I can't remember. Then I saw that we were in school grounds and there were a lot of students. Suddenly there was a commotion on the other side that all students were running and walking fast. Gio and I got our attention and saw this. He grabbed my hand quickly and pulled me to stand up and walk fast. While walking, i can see that he was concerned for us. We were far away enough from the commotion then suddenly a school official announced about a car missing and there might be an abducted person. Suddenly we were transported to a room. We watched on a tv something about a commotion (which was it was similar earlier). He was looking at me and I said "what?" I don't want him to look at me cause I feel shy. I lie down and covered my face a pillow so he can't see me. Then I woke up.

29 Dec 2023



So I woke up 11:11 this morning. The scene of my dream was based in an apartment complex. It was older, it had a lot of complicated halls and stairs. I was with a friend, she lived next to our unit. She was blonde petite and she was receiving a birthday gift that some one had mailed to her and she had me open it. And it was a hand made doll, the doll was beautiful it was pretty large and I remember scanning the doll looking at every detail. Then after, my mother asked us to go next door to grab something for her, as we’re walking outside of the apartment complex we see the apartment next door we go up some stairs and we see a tiny door and we go to open it, this apartment was cut in half. It was a miniature apartment we could barely walk in and I’m about 5’3”. Then we decided to go explore more of the apartments as we were walking through the outside halls with railings that overlook the dog parks. My friend tells me to be careful because there are spiders and spider webs on the walls, I didn’t mind though. I told her I hadn’t even noticed them till she pointed them out. My dream did switch at some point and the last thing I remember from the other dream was that somehow I was in my car in the middle of the ocean. It wasn’t exactly sinking though and I was able to finally get it to float over to the shore along the rocks over to the right of the beach. It was a partly sunny day. I climb out of the car onto the jagged rocks, I had some friends that were waiting at the top for me, they help me up. I look back at the car to make sure it was mostly out of the water. And then I started to wake up.

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