23 Mar 2024
I have two best friends from childhood, and they are twins. This dream had both of them in it. I was searching with Allison (Twin 1) for her sister Ashley (Twin 2) for a long long time, and many people I know came in and out of the dream at some point. From what I remember, Allison and I were looking for Ashley and it had been a long time when we finally started looking in a warehouse or IKEA-like store where all the employees were really reluctant to help us or even be there. We looked and looked but Ashley was nowhere to be found. Eventually Allison was captured by one of the workers of the store and turned into a small fish, which was put in an aquarium on a wall of other tanks, similar to how pet stores display their fish for sale. I noticed this and got upset at the sight, but then, the worker put a large goldfish in her tank and the fish proceeded to eat her whole. I watched powerless as my best friend died in a second before I even knew what happened. I then freaked out and cried and cried and felt deep sorrow. Eventually I was forced to leave her behind to continue looking for my other friend, her twins eventually I found her in a Las Vegas style pool party with a bunch of random guys and hot young girls dancing in their laps and onstage. Ashley wasn’t participating but she was generally unfazed, just kind of weirded out, and she decided to go, so she left again. I noticed this and went looking for her again, and I ended up making friends with a guy who was a vampire who told me he could help me escape and help me find Ashley. The next thing I remember, we were in his car, a small one where even though I was in the back, he could easily reach out and touch me. He said, I’m not gonna make it with the windows down I’m gonna kill you” and I immediately rolled the windows down. I still wanted him to help me get out of where we were and liked him generally as a person but I was scared I was about to be attacked. Every time we rolled the windows up he got scary and threatening and then we would roll the window or windows down and it became bearable. Then I noticed my tooth was crumbling in my mouth and I picked a shard and then crumbles out of my mouth. Then another one did the same thing, and a little later, another tooth felt loose and I made a note to see a dentist ASAP because ei haven’t in a long time and the deteriorating teeth, especially so quickly, scared me very badly. I woke up soon after all this and don’t know what to make of it. I felt uneasy and disturbed on waking up.