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23 Mar 2024
for some reason tyler and i and these two other girls that were friends with him and each other went on a road trip and we were all supposed to stay at this really fancy hotel with traditional large rooms and decor etc. we all get there and while the girls go to check in i'm repacking my lil bag bc i threw everything out looking for my lipstick and pen but while i'm leaning over the seats to head grab some stuff from the floor mats this mf comes up behind me and gets HANDSY so i giggle and make some snide comment i don't remember now lol BUT with bag packed again and lipstick on i shimmy down and out of the backseat. i think u asked for a kiss but alludes to my lipstick transferring so i kiss the excesses on my jacket sleeves some reason and makeout briefly before joining whoever these other girls are. first is room 19 i guess where we are moved to room 20 for a reason i don't recall. we knock on the door and some woman is like occupied wrong room so we are very confused but she's says this is actually suite 21 you're next door and we blindly follow for some reason. suite 21 a was oddly small for 4 ppl but the random girls settle in regardless. i think i wander around the area of not only the lodge but the nearby collection of businesses and restaurants but i come back and everyone's outside of "suite 20" where it unveiled that miss girl from "suite 21" switched the numbers but left something with her name on it welcoming her (it was none of our names i guess?) so we storm over like aight get out and her door is unlocked so we like go in lmao and then it gets wEIRD with the boss battle + her minions energy (said minion is an animal i think cat) but we defeat them and her and the front desk lady comes up in time like what happened? but keeps walking. i cut my nail rly bad (like in the middle of my nail bed) in the process but we all move to the initial 19 suite anyways which was still a nice room. other miscellaneous moments and comments happened but i don't remember enough to include :( i do remembering having fun makeup (white lashes / mascara specifically and colorful makeup) and wearing a risqué but similarly avant garde fit that i throw a big jacket over when we all walk into the hotel bc i saw a creep.
my boy friend was murdered in front of my face and I was tied up to watch …. he cried out to me the whole time ..
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Im a mother. I had a dream where I saw my deceased mother. I was with my daughter laughing while watching my husband sitting beside my deceased mother. My mother was eating something and we were laughing because my husband looked very similar to my mother. I was deeply saddened afterwards to see my husband beside my deceased mother in the dream.
i keep having a repeated dream where i am filling my water bottle and then i look away for a second, look back and my water is overfilling... i'll get really scared and start panicing and try to turn off my water filler to stop the water from spilling on the floor but my body is frozen so im stuck eatching the water spill
Can I recall? Space -school wadd he. C Class presentation. Black guy taking over for class presentation. Or takes over from Sadie . We are sitting on black trunks then kind of fizzles. Go to a party with a new colleague-black or Indian. Having fun. Playing Marco Polo but then a Ben type has to leave. The place has a pond but it is right on college. Beautiful-go swimming with colleague to go paddle boarding. I wonder if we could be friends? Talking to person who lives there. Realize I had been here for a Halloween party. It’s McMansions all around. They will have to leave though cause it’s being sold. They’ve made the most of it.
I had a vision that I was cooking breakfast and had just washed this skillet and right before I cracked an egg on the skillet a red & black beetle appeared out of thin air into the middle of the skillet. And it was alive. I was disgusted and confused as to what that dream could possibly mean?
I dreamed the girl my ex is secretly sleeping with behind my back was social media stalking me it seemed so real I actually checked my tik tok to see if I had in fact been dreaming. She has always been available to him while we were together she never had respect for our relationship but recently I’m finding out he also never truly kept it truthful with me through our relationship that she was crazy and he didn’t provoke her when in fact he always provoked her by sleeping with her and ghosting her to be with me .
Ok so what happened was in my dream I was in school and my teacher told us to not look at something as it may trigger a creepy little girl and she will make you bleed so no one looked at the thing but then my friend looked at it and I asked where she was bleeding but no response so I ignored but my teacher said she goes into classrooms and if she does you have to hide and that’s what happened everyone hid from the girl but my other friend laughed but luckily the girl didn’t hear as she was exiting my classroom and I hit my friend cause we could have been found and captured that’s all I remember
okay so this was weird because like I was in some house. There was a bunch of people in it who were kind of short and I also didn't even know them but they were all just in there and they told me to like explore rooms and it looked kind of like a little apartment but it was just like a house and it was weird because I don't remember even going inside of it. There was a bunch of rooms and I was really cute. Then there was a hand painted colorful dresser which was also adorable. Then I forgot what happened, but it was a really random dream.
I was dreaming that I texted my oldest daughter to fond out if she needed to go to the mall. She said yes so I agreed to pick her up and take her in a few days. I was at the mall the day before that and I saw her mother walking. I do not get along with mother in real life, and she appeared as her young self in the dream. I waved at her and at second thought, decided to be an adult about it and ask if she needed a ride. She reluctantly accepted and I gave her a ride home. I came back and I was invited to an unfamiliar residence where my oldest daughter was, I fell asleep on the couch which I'm sure was happening be ause in real life I was exhausted and waking up on and off through these dreams. I listened to a man that was dating my oldest daughters mother talk about how he was taking care of her and the stories he was telling felt familiar like the sob stories age would tell people when we were younger yo maje them feel sorry for her. I was annoyed by that, but trying to continue sleeping. I started feeling feelings of being suicidal, which was something that I felt when we were fighting over our daughter when she was younger. The feeling was strong, i could feel myself crying even though i was asleep. I was thibking about calling a crisis line or getting a couselor or something. Im sure tgesecare justvrepressed residual feelings that o have, but i havent felt them in so long.
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