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14 Apr 2024



Me and my cousin was at this erotic party and I bump into an ex of mine named Reggie. Me and Reggie never had sex before in out relationship cause he was too busy. They gave me an option to have sex with him or someone else on camera. Of course I choose him because we was long over due. Everything was amazing that night. After that we was stuck together like glue and always having sex. My uncle seen the tape and was mad but I didn’t care cause I’m grown. But he was more so mad because my cousin was there and thought I brought her there, when in fact she brought me there.




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14 Apr 2024

Serving food
Waking up


I had hired a party planner for my wedding- she was a short older woman who never smiled and had a voice that sounded grating. As the event took place, I noticed things I wanted weren’t being done. Photos weren’t being taken of the guests like I wanted, food wasn’t placed out where it should have been, and guests were coming to me to complain about the “short woman” who threatened to kick them out if they kept dancing. The party planner denied any wrongdoing and the reception went on. I noticed some of my guests were missing altogether. She was kicking people that were invited out- saying they were too rowdy or disruptive. Everything was falling apart and during photos at the front of the chapel where the ceremony must have taken place, she said something that absolutely sent me over the edge. I marched her outside and started cussing her out, saying she was the worst party planner and PERSON I had ever met. I told her she has NO right to kick those people out of my party— she said she didn’t, but I found a list of guests with names crossed out, the guests who vanished. I confronted her with it on the front steps of the church and cussed her out some more, she started to walk away to leave and I told her “I hope your mother was as disappointed in you as I am!”. She started to drive away and I called the company she worked for to file a massive complaint. As I went back into the party, the venue suddenly resembled my parents house as I was growing up almost exactly. There was food that should have been served on the bed in the master bedroom and in the kitchen, so I started bringing food out myself to serve guests with. Then I woke up.

14 Apr 2024



I was with someone it is hard to say who at first I thought it was my friend Austin. We were walkjng down the street when we saw a small coffee shop with a hammr and sickle communiat logo in tne window. People were sitting inside and talking. Then we bumped in to a guy on the street talking to a small group of people outside on the street. When he was done he introduced himself. Aaah I thought. So this is the guy. It was a name I recognized a lot of people from Austin and my circle know this guy. Apparently he is a communist. Does that mean a lot of my friends are as well? It wouldn't surprise me. He says they are trying to unionize the coffee shop. It is not a big business. I think to myself - this is not a big business, I wonder if it can survive the process- I know people need to get paid a livable wage - but some businesses can't afford to pay more than they do. We make tentative plans to meet with the guy later. I ask Austin if he really wants to. I'd be happy bailing in the arrangement. I have some sympathy for the cause, but im not a zealot. Austen tells me this is exactly the kind of person we are trulying to reach (so Austin sees rhiw as an opportunity to share our faith in Jesus with someone who believes a secular institution will solve all of his problems when Jesus is the real answer. I wonder how persuasithat argument would be. Austin and I go into a small restaurant and wait in line to order. The guy comes in with some friends. I wonder if the owners recognize who his is. I wonder if he is there on business or just to eat? He asks of we can fill out some membership forms. Some of it asks us to affirm the communist ideology, some of it is a commitment to attend at least a certain number of speeches (most likely because a crowd draws more people). This is where I think my friend Austin is actually replaced in the dream with my friend Joe. He is dutifully checking all of the boxes affirming and signing himself up for everything. Joe used to be a Christian but is now an Athiest. But he has always been looking for someone to tell him what to do. My grandfather was a union man and a Democrat, but he was not a fan of the World Workers Party (communists). His support was for workers not a political agenda. I also thought to myself - this guy's like this, he turns everything into a means of furthering his cause.

14 Apr 2024



I don’t remember everything from the dream, but I do know that I was at school not sure if I was in high school or college but I was coming out of the shower area or some sort. This only happens when we have swim class I remember seeing some people and towels , I thinking I remember someone in a bright yellow shirt walking by with another student and all of a sudden the fire alarm started to go off we were a little bit confused and didn’t know if this was something that we needed to react to working on the system the smell of the room we were kind of hesitant we were told to evacuate the building we were building. The furnace was on fire. It was fire spread across the ceiling and the other students started to evacuate the building, but for some reason as I was trying to leave, it was like I wasn’t moving fast enough with fear I couldn’t get a run. My body felt heavy, but eventually, I was able to get enough speed to run out of the building of the building, I don’t remember what the lecture was on was going to blow up for my mother to come get me. I had some things in my locker. I don’t actually remember what it was but for some reason it kept running across my mind that I wanted to go back into the building and go get it and I was tempted. I went back to the door and open the door inside of the school and contemplated whether or not I was gonna try to run back to my locker, I decided not to because I didn’t want to my safety I shut the door. I remember the inside of the school having a little bit of debris on the ground and the building lights we’re out. I turned around and I just started to walk as I did. My mother finally pulls up in a awhite car that looks unfamiliar and I see my brother sleep in the front seat my brother, he is three years younger than me his 2 kids are in the backseat with his friend sleep all 3 of are sleeping, there’s no room for me to sit in instantly I get upset because how can the school call my mother and tell her that the school was on fire and it could potentially blow up and she comes with the car full of people so i have no where to sit my mom instantly starts to yell at me like what do you want me to do as she starting to back up as she saying this they got into it and he’s blaming me as she’s backing up and saying this she runs into the silver car that’s behind her. She continues to back up as, nothing happens. I’m telling her mom you just hit that car and it was like she started to have like a tantrum banging her back n head into the seat and smacking her hand on the steering wheel and like what do you want from me like I’m tired of this and she hit the car really hard two more times intentionally. Once my mom got there I felt let down and I felt like she put my brother before me once again him being mad at her came before my safety. The school on fire. My life could’ve been at risk, but because my brother was upset with her that everything and even though she came up to the school, she wasn’t actually there to come get me. The outburst wasn’t from me being pissed off. It was from me being hurt and let down once again. before I woke up.

14 Apr 2024

Car accident


I dreamt that when I was driving , going super slow , traffic was bumper to bumper. So I see the car infront of me putting their brake lights on, so I put mine on. The car behind me hits me, yet I get all the blame for it. My boss tells me I was irresponsible but yet when I try to show him and the police officers my dash camera. They don’t want to believe me or give me a chance. The only ones who believe me is my family. And when I saw the girl who hit me from behind, I told her I was sorry. I also told her everything that happened, she said it’s okay. But her friends came in and started belittling me, and telling me don’t talk to her. All I could say was geeze it must be nice to have friends and people who will stick up for you. Me I don’t have that.

14 Apr 2024



My first dream was about my ex-Neighbour. In this dream I had an affair with her. She's a married woman with kids who's also 25 years older than me. We sometimes met at a church where she tried to seduce me, successfully. We also met at my house when it was dark, it was risky tho because I didn't want my family to notice her. I was always waiting for her but she'd always come late and tease me. I remember that I wanted to have intimacy with her so bad that her teasing really worked on me. The second dream was about a boy I already have had a dream about. Me, this boy and my best friend were sitting at some big stairs in either a cave or catacombs or a simple sports ground, I can't quite remember. This boy gave me something in my last dream which I hid as a joke but I gave it back to him this time. Even the last time I saw him I was kind of attracted to him and I thought he also liked me a bit ,i didn't admit it the last time tho. When I gave him his plastic mugs that were hidden he seemed very amused and relieved. He then proceeded to be very nice and flirty with me and also hugged me. At some point he just slipped me into his lap which I actually really enjoyed. He also kissed me after that. We didn't make out but it still was a very passionate kiss where i felt very conscious in the dream. I heard my best friend say how cute we were which I also really liked. I think I was actually the person who had kissed him, I even did it twice since I thought he genuinely was a nice person. I don't remember how he looked like, I also know that I couldn't recognise his face in my dream.

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