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Dream Meanings – page 1031

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4 Apr 2024



i was spending my time with Lola (my sister’s dog that currently care of friend’s.) i was hugging her and she was so happy when she’s with me. it make me miss her so much.

4 Apr 2024



I was at my dad's, but it wasn't his place is my waking life. All of my dad's ex in laws were showing up and heading down to this island in the back yard. It took a small boat to get to but it was like a hang out spot where we could have barbecues and fires and entertain. I was watching them get out of their vehicles and walk down to the boat dock. I had left a yard sign saying that I was now single, also not true in my waking life. In my dream a girl responsible for my dream break up was coming and I was being spiteful. My dad had said she saw my sign and was feeling really bad and maybe I should take it down. I wasn't going to do that. The rest of my dream I don't really remember. I thunk I went down to the island and had a smore by the fire. I feel like I also remember driving and seeing a huge hill ahead.




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4 Apr 2024

My crush


My oldest son was home visiting and he brought a female friend with him instead of his fiance. His female friend was hanging out with him, maybe they rode together. I think she had a crush on him. My oldest son was waiting for his girlfriend that come join us and not his current fiance. The family were all in the living room watching a college footbal bowl game or some type of football with my son's female friend. The friend was an attractive young lady and overly friendly. I got up to go get something. When I returned, as we were talking she leaned forward and said give me a kiss. I gave her a short kiss on the lips and then she reached back out for a second longer kiss. It was closed mouth kiss and somewhat innocent. The kiss I initiated was like the innocent kiss on the lips you would give your mom or grandmother. However, she attempted to make the kiss more intimate than it should have been. I didn't fall for it and kept my boundary. My wife and younger son were sitting on the couch and we continue to watch the game. The game was going back and forth. The team that was favored to win was losing. then for some reason we stopped watching the game and did something else. later we found out that the other team the team that was expected to win did rally back in the second half of the game to win. My oldest son's girlfriend arrived she was very short and very cute. She had on long cowboy boots but they're like slippers at the bottom with no boot heel. She sat down and we were talking to her trying to get to know her. We were trying to figure out if my oldest son really like his girlfriend or if he liked the female friend he had brought with him? The girlfriend was nice, kind and easy to talk to. She was also from Nebraska and her dad owned the all you can eat Brazilian Meat restaurant. We had visited the restaurant a couple of times. My younger son left the house and returned with a new puppy. We are not a pet family and he didn't ask us if he coukd buy a puppy even though he's living at home with us. The puppy urinated on the carpet somewhere in the livingroom. We couldn't find the spot to clean it. My mother was also at the house and she was trying to help my son locate the urine spot so she could clean it up. We went outside for some reason and next door to us there was some kind of crime in progress with an active shooter. The police asked us to get down low and move very slowly to get back to our house. There was a van blocking us from the shooter's direct line of sight. If we did not crouch down low, the gunman would see us. So one by one we took turns backing up to get out of the line of fire and eventually there were a few shots fired. I am not sure if the gunman took his own life or if he was killed by the police officers. It was a little scary to have that happened right next door to us. Then we went back inside the house.

4 Apr 2024

Running away
Stolen car


I had a dream that at a house all the random people were there females and a couple of males. My niece and my sister and my mom were there. And my niece and sister were harassing me and provoking me. And so were the random females I didn’t of the females we were arguing I was trying to get her to understand that my sister is abusove to our mother that’s why I’m extra territorial and protective of her. I don’t trust anyone. Not only that but you don’t know what people go through I told the women for you to act like I’m a bad person or to attack off of listening to someone else falesified made up story about me. Then I called her a cunt.I was attacking everyone with my words, body language and imtimidation. I was protecting myself. I kept trying to call my ex Steven who is an animal control officer to come pick the frogs up from a container that was in the house. There was a huge long container of frogs. They gre they were babies got huge and started eating each other. Only a couple were left that made it. After that my sister came up to me and tried to intimidate me I started fighting her and everybody tried to run away. I caught them at their house hiding in random places and rooms. I busted the door down and found a couple of them and fought them and swooped their behind. Then me and this guy finally went out to eat. I had to write my name on a card for some reason. Then my niece call me and I did her a favor with my car then I told her to get out because I don’t trust her and I know she was using me for my car. It was a red convertible. Her mom and her stole my car. This women who helped me was able to get my license plate they removed and a photo of the new license plate they put in my car. I saw Mike so guy I speak to pretty regularly too. We we were in a room sleeping than it got flooded he used my water vaccum to vaccum all the water. Then he spilled the water out the vaccum by opening the vaccum the wrong way. I then was on some types of bridge I had to walk down slowly and gently and it kept moving so I had to jump I was scared but I did it and landed it.

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