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18 Jul 2024



traveling back to the past when I was still very young. In the dream I was thinking that I should get the nicest clothing I can wear to attend a party with my childhood friends

18 Jul 2024



Seeing the eruption of a volcano from the outside of my house. The volcano spewed a lot of purple lava




DreamApp: Journal & Dictionary

DreamApp provides an answer for what you saw in your dreams immediately after you wake up.

18 Jul 2024

Sexual Assault
Baby boy


In the year of 2020, I had a dream that the US was nuked, and we had to go into underground bunkers. However, the bunker that I was in only had one other person, a man that I didn’t know. In this dream, the man sexually assaulted me repeatedly, until I ended up pregnant with twins, a boy and a girl. I don’t remember much else of the dream other than that.

18 Jul 2024



I once had a dream that I woke up with a penis… I’m a woman, when I looked down at myself in the dream and I have the body of a man. No breasts, and male genetalia. But, I didn’t feel dysphoria about it. It felt right, just like being a woman feels right.

18 Jul 2024



I was at the clothing store by myself, looking through shirts. For some reason I wanted to get a tube top, even though my boobs are WAY too big for a tube top. But, I was adamant, I NEEDED a tube top, no other shirt would work.

18 Jul 2024

Getting Shot
Parents dying


Nuns were after my mom and dad and then killed my mom and dad I killed the nuns and they shot me

18 Jul 2024



It started with me hanging out in my yard, and there were these two huge owls in our trees, they were flying around and landing on branches and I kept trying to get a picture cause I was like "Wow owls are big" cause these things were like the size of an eagle and they were our during the day so I could get a good shot, and at one point I saw a huge dead fish in the trees too (bigger that the owls), but I figured the owls took it from the lake, then after a while of watching the owls I found some people in our yard, it was these two girls who were sisters and a boy and the boy was making jokes about the sisters so I stepped in and started joking about him and then eventually he picked me up and I acted all like I didn't want to go where they he was bringing me, playing it up for laughs, he opened the door to the motor home in my yard and there was more giant dead fish hanging on the walls which was gross, he threw me in and blocked the door, and then I went to the front and joked "Oh no, how will I ever get out of the motor home that MY family owns" and then I started to drive it around the yard but I was having a lot of difficulty mostly with the breaks, so then I managed to park it back where it goes but it was like three chunks where one was the camper part, one was a storage part, and then there was the drive part and the parts had detached in the yard so I had to go get the other parts and hook them back up before I got in trouble, at the end of the day the boy and two girls wanted to be friends so we all exchanged names and then I found a crystal and my uncle said that it needed to go to the top of a mountain and a couple people came with me, a couple of friends who weren't the ones I just met, but we were traveling up this mountains for days and eventually we got to the top and put the crystal in, and then I woke up in this weird village, and I turned to my travel partners and asked if they remember what happened or how we got there, and then there was something about rock shops and then we started going up another mountain and it was a different material that the other one, and them we found a rock shop on the mountain and I got a necklace of four elements and my friend said it was fitting because I could bend all four elements and then I remembered my uncle who could bend water like it was fire (like how Iroh from Avatar will use other elements techniques in his bending) and then I thought I woke up and my friend Amber was in a sleeping bag next to my bed and she said "sorry I had a weird dream about you, I don't want to make you uncomfortable" and I was like "you didn't make me uncomfortable in my dream you were cool" and then I started trying to describe the mountain dream to her and then realized I needed to go back further and then as I was describing the owls I saw a hawk with a really big beak sitting eye level with me on a towel rack on my bedroom wall and when it opened its beak to make a noise I actually woke up.

18 Jul 2024



Dreamed I was hanging out at a skateing ring and I fell in the cement skateing bowl. No one helped me get out and I just quietly picked myself back up. Then I dreamed I saw an old friend. I woke up.

18 Jul 2024



This was not my last dream but I know some people may relate to this. Once upon a time… I was on an island. But then I walked into town and it looked like Greece. Weird. I was walking down the path and made it to this pool that had a few people in it. They gestured for me to get in, so I did. But then I locked eyes with this guy. (Omg this sounds like wattpad I swear.) He was legit my type to a T. Like I swear this dude was perfect. He even had an accent. This dream felt really real to me because we were having flowing conversations, I could hear music, I could taste the food, it felt all too real. But then he said I have to go. Legit perfect timing because that’s when I woke up. But I felt heartbroken because I felt so close to somebody I don’t even know.

18 Jul 2024



I was walking in the clothing section of a store and as I go farther in a notice my ex. I can’t believe it’s her. I could walk away but instead I go up to the clothing she’s looking at and she notices me and we start talking a bit and she’s being fairly nice. Then we walk over to a spot and sit down and continue talking and then she starts to get rude and continues to get ruder with me. Eventually she goes off on me and gets up and walks away. She has a tv with her and so after she walks off I see some security.. so I was petty and said she was trying to break it. Or steal it? I can’t remember. But the security went after her and obviously she was angry but then I woke up. This was the first dream I’ve had in a long time that was somewhat funny or wasn’t a nightmare, or that involved an ex and I wasn’t devistated or bothered.

18 Jul 2024



UGHHHHHHH okay so my next dream was a lot. The first part, there was a shaman like man with dark brown hair that said he’d come for me soon. I can’t remember much from that but I thought he was mine. Now idk Then there was a dragon of lightning that would shoot creatures from his realm that passed through the veil. He was pretty cool. He said he loved me. I had blonde hair, nearly white. I was really pale, looked like Conney that I knew. This guy had darker hair and pretty eyes. He was quite young but then again he was a dragon so that might not mean much. He felt like my best friend. I thought he was really cute Then there was another dragon. Pure white. I remember him the best. He took care of me, actually we had a very strange dynamic. It felt like he was my dad or something. He was possessive but extremely polite. He followed me around and protected me from things. Interacting with him was just strange. He was super super duper old. He liked me for some reason. I think I snuck off to the dragon realm, they had this massive city that I wasn’t exactly aloud but but no harm came to me. A guard saw me yet kinda pretended he didn’t? The white dragon was worried and came for me there. I saw a lot of cool things- but eventually we got a place that was like a hotel room. I was supposed to sleep in the white dragons bed- tbh I’m not sure if I was supposed too but that’s what I thought in the dream. When the white dragon came upstairs he got really cuddly with me. I felt like I was half asleep- like I couldn’t really process what was happening. He sat me on the couch in the corner of the room, facing the beds, and started touching me. His fingers went down to my panties and started rubbing me and my whole body started to feel on fire. I felt like I needed more. Yet I was so sleepy I felt I couldn’t really process my body’s movements. I pressed myself into his hand. I felt so impatient. Needy. He wasn’t touching me enough and I needed more. I couldn’t understand why he was so slow, why he started but didn’t continue. I eventually kissed his neck but it kinda just came off in my mouth? I thought that was so gross. I think I ended up dying- I went up this elevator to the next life and I saw the white dragon. He was real angry, in despair. But he had a dragon egg. My voice seemed to come from the egg. As I passed on. He clutched the egg really tight to his chest and had a destroyed look about him. It didn’t quite make sense.

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