Dream interpretation about Arguing, Argument, College, Name, Boy, Class, Classroom, Going, Security, Super
I had a dream that I was in the classroom, and I started arguing with this boy Jude. But I'm really cool with Jude, so I don't know what it was. Like, I'm super cool with Jude. He's actually really cool. I don't know why we got into it. And we started arguing, and I think maybe AVID. AVID, A-V-I-D, is a class where we prepare for college. But we started arguing. We don't usually argue at all. And we started, like, cussing at each other, going at each other, everything. And I don't even know what it was about. Like, the dream just started with me arguing. And then once the argument was over, this boy I really don't like named Kamaris, of course, came over and started instigating. I said, I don't want to tell you nothing. I don't like you. I don't trust you. You talk too much. I just don't like you as a person. And then he kept trying to talk to me, and I said, shut up. And then I guess he said something else, but then the security guard took me out the room.
Dream date:
21 Feb 2024
Emotional tone:
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