Dream interpretation about Killing, Trapped, Being hunted, Fire, Friends, Secret, School, Clowns, Breaking, House, Helicopter, Window, Climb, Survive, Killer Clown, Many People
I was working for a secret agency and we were hunting killer clown with other people from the agency we were able to track them down in a abandoned building when thing when wrong I was the only one to survive I was able to trap the clowns and seting the building on fire and a helicopter came and pick me up and then the dream went to mine old school where a killer clown that I saw from the last mission I was on and some of mine friends were there so I called it in and they said to save as many people as I can and we will get to you as soon as we can I gather my friends when the clown came in and killed a lot of people we ran to a room and broke the window and climb out to the back of the school and then we played baseball and then I broke a bat
Dream date:
26 Nov 2023
Emotional tone:
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