Dream interpretation about Mother, Friend, School, Father, Panic
I was at the high school I used to go to and I was hanging around in the school with my friend and my ex best friend laughing. Then, it was starting to get dark and we weren’t supposed to stay here so we were excited. I was lying on the ground and I was starting to feel so tired and my friends were looking at me so strangely and they wanted to wake me up. I felt like they were judging me but I started to fall asleep and like I was underwater. Then I felt something that was tickling me and it was a huge bumblebee and there were more that were flying around us so we left in panic. I walked home and I ran into my dad who was screaming in the streets. I couldn’t see his face but he was crying and then I saw my mom arriving and crying and screaming too. She ran to me and wanted to kill my dad, telling him how much of a piece of shit he was and that she wanted him to move out of the house. The screams felt so real it was disturbing, I started to cry and wanted to calm down my mom but she kept pushing me and say how much she wanted to die. I then left her like that and came home, closing the door behind me.
Dream date:
15 Apr 2024
Emotional tone:
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