11 Mar 2025
I was at this party in what seemed like a downtown area. We were in this skyscraper, it was my friend Jacob and Brandon and I and some other randoms there. We were around this tv playing video games and just hanging around. I noticed Brandon was having an argument with his brother through text , he was talking about how disappointed he was that Brandon would rather be with us than him. Jacob and I were trying to tell him not to worry about it and that he was just bitter. Suddenly I remember being like in an outside roof of that same skyscraper. That’s when we saw a huge explosion in the far off distance, it was so big and bright , everyone , the city around us stopped to look. We knew what it was. Suddenly I was on ground level and my co worker Lily was there, she was telling me that the nuke had destroyed Chicago up to lake shore drive, she was just talking some of her friends telling them not to go to work. In my head I was thinking about my ex Hanna and wondering if she was okay or dead. Suddenly we were back inside the building; my family was there, a lot of people were in the lobby scared. I saw some buses taking people away to safety , so I ran back in and was trying to get my family to leave but everyone was so panicked no one could speak, I had to slap my mom in order to get her to focus and tell her that we needed to get out immediately. Then it cut and suddenly I saw a different point of view, I saw people out in the city running and fighting these mutated robot looking things. Then it cut again and I was back in a neighborhood, it was the morning of my birthday, I had got up and saw how dark blue and gloomy it was outside… it was so eerie so apocalyptic, Society had fallen. I checked the mail because my aunt said she has sent me a present but there wasn’t anything there. Across the alley one of our neighbors had a gorilla protecting the entrance to their building , I dared not to mess with it so I turned around to go back in when I heard someone call my name. It was my friend Yasmeen, she was sitting in her car parked right by the place next to ours, we were also neighbors. She told me happy birthday and gave me a present.
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