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22 Mar 2025



I was back at my cousin Erin's house. But this time I had brought with me what I can only describe as a snake that has a wide cylindrical body. It was beige in color, and was very wide. I am not sure why I even brought it in the first place, and I had made several attempts to try to kill it, by stomping it when I had put it into a box. I had eventually tried to flush it down the toilet, but also was worried that it would come back through the pipes, and make its way back to the surface. My cousins house was both familiar looking, and had rooms that looked like I had remembered them, as well as having rooms that looked like they were being painted. The hallway, and living room, in particular, was mainly unfinished. It had several walls which needed to be painted. The paint on the walls at the time of my dream were unfinished, and had a two tone amount of paint on them, which had different colors of white. All of the paint in the walls was half painter, and there were spots on the walls that were unfinished.

22 Mar 2025



I was a little boy wandering around in the forrest when a wizard suddenly grabbed me. I was locked in a tower for 6 years and experimented on. Which gave me magic powers. I could control plants and make them do anything. So one day when the wizard left I controlled some vines to break my chains and wrapped them around me and flew out of the tower window. As I was flying I saw a fancy carriage so I flew to it and pretended to get hit. The princess came running out and helped me get into the carriage. I then got to live in the wizard tower in the castle. But I didn't want to be locked up in another tower so I frequently left and visited the princess. I'd bring her a single rose every time I visited. And she would plant them every time. Soon her balcony had a rose bush around the whole perimeter. And one day when I came to visit I didn't bring a rose, she seemed very confused and I told her to go to the balcony and watch. So we walked to the balcony, I hugged her from behind and made the rose bushes grow so they enclosed the whole balcony. She gasped and turned around and hugged me and started laughing and clapping. "I knew you were a wizard!! That's why I had Daddy give you the whole tower!" She then grabbed my face and kissed me. I just stared at her in shock. Then I asked if she wanted to see something else cool. She giggled and said yes, so I grabbed her waist and told her to hang on. She wrapped her arms around my neck and I opened a window into the roses and wrapped a vine around our hips. Then we started levitating and I took us flying around the castle, then landed in my tower. She was so excited then proclaimed "you're bringing me to my first day of school tomorrow" I happily agreed and then brought her back to her room. I then manipulated the roses so they just made a canopy around the balcony. Then next day I went to the princesses chamber with a rose and took her to school. Then just waited in the feilds for her to be done. Then when she came out, she looked different. Almost more grown up. Then she took my hand and said "yk how I'm the 1st princess? Apparently they means I have powers too..." She then grabbed my waist like I did to her before and we started floating then she lowered us again. "That's incredible" I said and she laughed and said "now we can have races back to the castle! Once I'm better" we both laughed then she pushed me down into the grass with a hug and kissed me. I wrapped around us with grass and flew us home on a bed of grass.




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22 Mar 2025



So I'm a 15 year old girl and I go to an all girls school, I've been having wet dreams since I was 13, in my wet dreams I'm a guy, I feel all the stuff, and usually my partners are my classmates, sometimes anonymous, and rarely people who I don't wanna see Like that, such as my sister or kids, but I mostly have These dreams about my classmates, two of them, in particular, like these two, I don't even talk to them at school, and their totally different from each other, one of them is slightly taller than me, girl ish, introvert, smart, and good at math, while the other one is slightly shorter than me, boy ish, extravert, silly, and good at volleyball. when we're having sex in my dreams I love it, it's amazing, I have other dreams about me being a guy, like once I was using a public bathroom, and was using the urinal, or once I got kicked in the balls, and although it was a dream, it was the most painful thing I've ever experienced, in general I like the dreams that I'm a guy in. I recently had a dream that I was in a relationship with the girl ish girl, and in my dream she came to where I work at (which was the same as my real workplace) and I introduced her to my coworkers, and it was almost closing time, we went outside of the shop because I wanted to confess my feelings to her, not knowing that she was going to do the same while my boss, his son and our coworker were closing the shop, we kissed and I woke up, with the last detail I remember being, my coworkers cheering me for getting my first kiss

22 Mar 2025

Angry at mom


My roommate Meghan came home with a red face, wide eyes, and wcting weird. She seemed delirious and out of it. We went to a class we have together in real life and it was the last class. My professor had expected us to read something and write a paper on it, which I hadn’t, but it didn’t matter. I had some contempt for the professor and I unfortunately also do in real life. I don’t take her seriously. When I spoke to her at the end of class, I had a doll version of another classmate Izze. I’d done her hair differently than Izze was wearing it in real life, but Izze recognized her doll and said “hey that’s my doll!” She was flattered. I was going to ask if she liked how I did her hair but I don’t think I did. Izze moved on and I felt stupid and awkward for having this doll of her. Back to Meghan being sick, she was still acting weird and I was encouraging her to go to the emergency room. I said I’d drive her there to save money and she told me she’d left her wallet with her friends. I had to go get it so the hospital folks could identify her, so I went to a big crowded place that looked like a food court. It was super loud. Her friends had apparently been studying there. I went up and down stairs into different levels of a basement, all crowded with folks sitting and eating and talking, and eventually I found her friends. I didn’t look at them directly but I sensed her real life friends Sarah and Chase, among others, were there. I found her wallet on a ledge along with a few other things that belonged to her, but I only grabbed the wallet. Meghan told me to download the “Narcan app” to communicate with her, it had a messaging feature, but once out of her presence I downloaded the wrong app because it only had 12 reviews and a bunch of ads as soon as I opened it. I don’t know why I couldn’t just text her as normal. When I got home I was in an upstairs room and she was even sicker. She was sleeping and was not eating. I encouraged her to drink water since she was having stomach issues (she is having stomach issues in real life too), but she was still confused and her skin was flushed. She disappeared somehow very quickly as I kept trying to call 911, initially accidentally calling 799 and 791. Shortly after this people with guns were stalking this space, they appeared outside dark windows as it was nighttime, and I knew they were here to rob us. The space turned into my sister Ruby and brother-in-law Jackson’s apartment, a combination of the upper floors which had a living room and their bedroom. Ruby had a long range gun loaded, some kind of musket, and we were all wrangling three dogs into a bedroom: their dog Duncan, my parents’ dog Minnie, and a third unknown dog. At some point some of the robbers were outside dancing, they looked like young Black kids, and someone, I think Jackson, shot at them. I don’t really remember or understand this part of the dream. Then, two adults came bounding in downstairs and I knew they were looking around our space for what to steal. Ruby, Jackson and I were upstairs and ready to fire. I was on the phone with 911 telling them to hurry but I ended up with the gun. I saw a white woman about my age come up the stairs, I held my gun up unconsciously, she did the same, then Jackson had me point it down, and the woman did too. She seemed haughty and suspicious but I didn’t hate her. I didn’t hate her even as she came to rob us. She had very long straight brown hair with a side part, and wore a tattered white dress and combat boots. She was good-looking. Her male partner appeared near her, shirtless with tanned skin and heavy tattoos, he had curly dark, greying hair and Ruby had her gun trained on him, she was going to deal with him. I only saw this man’s back, he never faced me. My gun had a hook feature like a fishing line, so I shot that at her as a way to pull her towards me and shoot her. Once I cast the line, the target would get pulled in slowly and eventually shot without my doing. Jackson was cautioning me about this, but the lady laughed when the hook got her and came forward with a lot of snark and self-importance. The hook was some sort of trick on her and she thought it wasn’t serious and she still had the upper hand. The gun shot her and she died. There was no blood. Ruby was fighting her male partner the same way but was also scared of using the hook feature of her gun, perhaps because of Jackson. Since it had worked so well for me, I wanted her to use it. As stressful and disturbing as all of this sounds, I was relatively at ease in the dream except for a few anxious moments. Ruby did shoot the fishing line, but ripped it away before it could work. The robber woman I’d killed became a ghost quickly and I chatted with her casually. She looked like a different woman now, still white but short and rounder-featured, with blue eyes and thick blue eyeliner on just her upper lid. She wore authentic 2000s clothes (not Y2K) like tight low rise light blue flared jeans, a dark long sleeve shirt, and a short sleeve graphic shirt on top. Her hair was an odd length as if she was growing out a haircut, it was super thin and straight, shoulder-length except for a chunk that went to her ears, like former bangs. Her hair was orange ish yellow, originally a light brown that she had bleached and highlighted. She had piercings in her cheek dimples. She spoke with a high, really sweet and cute voice, it was her natural voice and sounded like an adult woman but it was super cute. She explained her plan with her male partner but I didn’t really listen. I was looking at her lips and mannerisms. I told her that had she been on a dating app I would’ve swiped right on her—I found her really attractive. She was flattered but did not reciprocate. She said she didn’t regret trying to rob us and mentioned her boyfriend. I was still thinking about how I found her attractive even though she was kind of goofy, clearly from the early 2000s given her style and was not super feminine or masculine or really anything. I had this distinct sense she was from a different world, less educated and “realer” than me, she was lower class and had different priorities and interests and worldviews. Around the time she mentioned her boyfriend, I woke up. I still remember the shape of her mouth, her dimple piercings, and her eyes, as well as her voice, and just paying a lot of attention to her.

22 Mar 2025



In my dream, it was like a timelapse??? it showed all the days i turned older ending with eighteen, for my birthday someone would launch those poppers and yeah i think there was someone else as well and i would launch the poppers for their birthday Not sure tho. when it came to my 18th my grandma gave me a vape but it had a lolly pop on it? so weird, anyway i also saw on someone’s phone a therapists video call and it was anok yai the popular model, that was the name tag but the therapist didn’t look like her. My mum was going over to celebrate someone’s birthday as well i think she got them a dress and a circular box but im not sure. I think i also purchased a normal vape but again im not sure. I think that landon kirby from legacies was in my dream but im not sure. you know on laptops the default screen, it was like a bunch on stars and for some reason my mum needed a picture like that so i decided to be smart and try screenshot that picture on the laptop but it turned into a video showing some other stuff can’t quite remember so it was hard to take the picture as it was only for one second at the start so i gave up. i also before the end of the dream went upstairs with my lolly pop vape and it wasn’t even properly blowing smoke and i realised i wasn’t even using it i was just sucking the lolly pop but then i found a hole and it worked, i went upstairs with the intention to masterbate and woke up horny too.

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