Dream interpretation about Parent, Mother, Friend, Father, Life, Boat, House, Mansion, Hair, outside, Playing
In the dream I was in a weird mansion place. I don’t know if it was a mansion or just a very large building. My mom was in this mansion and my dad was outside. Or in another location. My parents were playing battleship, but it was a live version of battleship. So I was in one house watching ships get destroyed, and I felt uncomfortable and distressed. Later on in the dream I got my hair straightened and curled and it was really long down to my butt. I was very proud of it because I wanted my hair to be really long. I put it in a bun and I went to see my best friend Marquise.I showed him my hair and I wanted him to complement me which he did. I remember being in shock and amazement that my hair was as long as it was and hoping that it would come out that way in real life. Then I woke up.
Dream date:
6 Mar 2024
Emotional tone:
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