13 Feb 2025
I enter through a classroom setting, and I find myself in the front row of the classroom, which is opposite the teachers desk. a chalkboard on the left of me, and the back of the room is the right of me. I find myself in a confrontation moment afterwards. The reason being, my professor, or teacher, Mr. Sprott (Maxie Sprott), has just given us our test results. I'm surprised that the score I received on the test was something low, like a score of 67 or below. He is upset because apparently on the test, this is more of a review or assessment of his teaching practices and what I learned. He gathers that I did not learn anything. I get the sense that Maxie is somehow upset. He's feeling disrespected. He's feeling like I let him down. I get the sense that I was his star student and apparently on the assessment he gathered that I did not learn anything from him. There's a memory that comes to me in that moment. It feels like I remember writing the words in the event of getting a poor score and I was lashing out in response to that. And at some level I knew that wasn't the best thing to say. He is literally scolding me in front of the class and says that I did not learn anything and how I am a bad student. I find it a very hard pill to swallow. I'm kind of in shock. There's a moment when I'm trying to write down what he says, and I say something to the effect that I'm trying to receive what he's trying to say in this moment. I also think I tell him that I'd like to talk about it after class, and I kind of get dismissed, and the class continues on. My mind begins to race and I'm thinking about why I did what I did and the thought that comes through is that I'm in a class about health and fitness and maybe I don't feel like I've learned that much because I already have a foundation of knowledge when it comes to that because I listened to so many health and wellness podcasts.The class continues and I then go towards the back of the classroom to my right, which is lined by a row of windows. Here I find myself at a long table and there are students here who are sitting across from one another. It gives the sense that they are like the popular kids or the cool kids and I'm just observing them. I also get the sense that they are magic students, and they're having some kind of debate. They don't seem to be engaged with the rest of the class. I pull up a chair at the table instead of observing and start to interact with these magic students and I get the sense that now I am one of the cool kids without even trying. It's like I'm inserting myself into a situation, usually when this is not my go-to action. We are then interrupted by Maxie who has instructed the class to turn to a certain page in the book that we are reading. I see other students pulling out their books I cannot find mine Maxie apparently says that he has my copy but he placed it somewhere else and has to leave the room to go get it. It is a very thick book and it reminds me of the Metaphysical Anatomy book by Yvette Rose. but I also get the sense that the book is a novel instead of a book about metaphysical anatomy. The scene shifts slightly. I find myself in an office space. There are three desks and I am an employee. It's a very chill job. It feels like a side job or a summer job that I have and it has something to do with like IT or something to do with computers or support. I get the impression that the other two employees are like either nerds or geeks and are like interested in like role-playing or in fantasy but they soon exit the room. I'm now on a mission to try to get information or credit card details on my dad for my mom. Something is fishy and she wants me to locate this information to somehow confirm her suspicions or intuition about the matter. Moments later, I'm told that Maxie is requesting me at a different location. I'm told this by a dream character who resembles Moira rose from schist creek. I'm on my way to meet Maxie and then I wake up.
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