Dream interpretation about Aunt, Party, Boyfriend, Dog, House, Phone, Running, Basement, Tree
For work I was driving a van to a house my dad had built for one of his clients. I arrive to a massive red bricked mansion there are people on site working I pull up and see my mum and dad there. I get out and say hello our dogs great me and look inside the van. We walk inside the house. We go in and it seems like he has a group of friends round. We walk down to a basement type area which has a pool in. All of a sudden everyone I know has gone and the man that owns the house is talking to me saying I can't leave anytime go to the basement. I go down and my aunt is down there in the pool I tell her what's happening and she starts crying. I walk up from the basement and all his friends are up there still having a party I speak to some and go back down. I realise my phone must be here somewhere so I look for it and find it. I start ringing my mum and dad but no one answers. I text them and tell them come here I am stuck but I still get no reply. I walk upstairs and one of his friends offers me a cigarette I slept and go outside I try to text more people and the man says wow your busy. I put away my phone incase he says something to the owner. We go in and the owner follows me to the basement he flirts with me and i say are you going to come back later he puts my hand on his heart. It's beating fast and he said yes. My aunt is telling me to stop texting for help I case we get caught a women comes in and sits with us. We realise no one else knows we are captive but can't be sure. I go back to the party and they a playing a game of make the best thing out of objects in the room. People made magnets and I get asked to participate. I see a log which reflects light In different colors and talk in depth about it everyone claps and I win. I go outside again and see jack my boyfriend walking towards me I start to cry and tell him we have to get out of here a girl appears and says make sure you have trainers on so you can run. I see the owner behind me staring I start to run for the tree line thinking I can hide better in there. He looks manic and starts to run after me
Dream date:
5 Feb 2025
Emotional tone:
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