Dream interpretation about Anxiety, Breaking up, Alien, Chased, Love, Abroad, Conflict
I had a dream which was set a few centuries into the future. The human species has evolved and found a way to inhabit every planet in our solar system. Now, I was working at a space station in the middle of the solar system as a kind of space order police. My job was basically to keep the order on the various planets. The way that would work is that my team and I would transport our consciousness into the bodies of people who would be present at a crime scene, or I would get more complex missions where I would have to send my consciousness somewhere on a mission to solve more complex crimes. This wasn't without any risk, in the dream it was explained that if the body of person died before we managed to transport our consciousness back to our own bodies at the spaceship, our consciousness would die with it. There was one mission where my team and I transported our consciousness to another spaceship which I'm guessing was involved in illegal activities, and after some fights and altercation we had no other choice than to blow that spaceship up. Now what's interesting is that there was one romantic interest involved in the dream, who could also transport his consciousness but he wasn't working with us or employed by the government, so it was illegal for him to practice that consciousness transformation, yet he still would do it since he was a criminal. Interestingly enough I did met his consciousness specifically on that one mission with the spaceship, and he was the one who blew the spaceship up in order to save me and my teammates. So after my consciousness was back in my body I had no idea if that "criminal" survived or not. Until one of the next missions, where our job was to retrieve something from an all-boys-hotel/orphanage, like basically it was a hotel ran by orphanage boys, and that was when I ran into that man's consciousness again in one of the boys bodies. He decided to once again, help me to retrieve whatever it was that I was looking for, which was kind of ironic since technically he was a criminal helping a space order police person, and technically I had the right to arrest him. Anyway, we did have a romantic moment in the hotel and then I woke up.
Dream date:
10 Sep 2024
The content above was generated by AI, under the supervision of experts in dream interpretation. The AI model was developed using the latest advancements in psychology and dream analysis.
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