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Dream About Running With A Gun And Basketball

Dream interpretation about Gun, Crowd, Running, Blanket, Auditorium, Basketball

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This dream was about

I was in an auditorium, running around an auditorium with my friend Javon Denson, after what appeared to be a fight broke out, and he had a black gun. He gave me the gun, I cocked the slide back, and locked it in place with the slide open, as we started to run. I reached into my pocket to release the slide forward, and me, and Javon started to run full speed through the crowds of people, he gave me a basketball, and I ran, and bounced it around, and through crowds of people, as I followed Javon away from the auditorium, down alleys, and backstreets. I threw the ball up over fences, as I jumped them. Then I suddenly woke up, and my upper body was hot. I took my comforter, and Miami Dolphins throw blanket down from my neck to my stomach, to catch some air

Dream date:

18 Apr 2024

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👨 men of your age from 🇺🇸 had dreams about Sex by 43.9% more than 👧 women.

Emotional tone:

The dream evokes a sense of excitement and urgency mixed with a hint of fear and anxiety due to the presence of the black gun.


This dream was recurring 1 times last week


The chase sequences and physical activities throughout the dream create a high level of intensity.


The dream feels fairly realistic, with detailed descriptions of the auditorium, people, and actions involved.


The dream is quite vivid, with clear descriptions of the auditorium, the crowds, and the actions


The dream has a clear storyline, starting with the fight in the auditorium and ending with the escape and waking up.

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🤩 Emotion
😟 Depression
🤯 Sentiment

Dream review

Yvette Miller

Yvette Miller

Behavioral psychology & Wellness Advocate

## Andy, Wow, that was quite an intense dream! Running through an auditorium after a potential fight, handling a black gun, jumping over fences while bouncing a basketball – all while experiencing physical heat in your upper body upon waking. Let's dive into some possible interpretations that consider your emotions and your past dreams as well. Your heightened physical sensation suggests some level of anxiety within the dream, potentially stemming from the perceived danger during the gun incident and the subsequent escape. While you mentioned no explicit fear or negative feelings, the context and physical response could indicate some underlying tension. As the gun remained open and unfired, perhaps it symbolizes a potential threat that hasn't materialized or an internal conflict you're navigating right now. Interestingly, this connects with your previous dream of having access to the "Mob boss" role. Both these situations involve power dynamics; having a weapon or mafia control might relate to situations in your waking life where you feel the need for more command or influence. Additionally, your dream about time travel shows a desire to revisit choices and gain control over past situations - maybe this carries forward into seeking control through having a weapon like in this current dreamscape. The basketball element offers a contrasting yet telling detail. Unlike the gun's seriousness, the ball injects playfulness and movement. Perhaps this indicates seeking balance in your life – balancing authority or assertiveness (weapon) with leisure and enjoyment (basketball). Or maybe the basketball also reflects your current stage, potentially hinting at student life (similarly to attending FSU in dream of secret Heisman Hall) while experiencing the pressure you mentioned in one of your previous entries ("power walked to dorm") Remember, Andy, interpreting such vivid and multi-layered dreams is best achieved through considering both dream and waking life together. If certain things resonate strongly during our conversations, we can explore them further – and if a therapist can further guide that exploration in depth, that wouldn't do any harm at all. It's all about choosing what serves your growth in the best possible way in the dream journey as well as real life journey . It can also be helpful at any time to continue reflecting on any lingering feelings the dream brings back up, as these insights often serve the most valuable interpretations on a personal level that will continue benefiting you even as you have these experiences of dream.
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Yvette Miller

Behavioral psychology & Wellness Advocate

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