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Dream About Overwhelmed Stage Backstage Baggage Fixation Relaxation

Dream interpretation about Friend, Stage, Bag, Bed, Audience, Stress

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This dream was about

There was some even that I don’t know going on there was old stage in outside the color of my dream was black and white and in the back stage in the left side on the stage I had a lot of stuff with me and I was stress and tired and overwhelmed until I give it away because some of the stuffs wasn’t mine so I had a lot of baggages with me it’s like purse but big size one of dark one was mine and the light grey one was my friends whom I know from my current college class and also I had stuff of like a lot of papers and document also bed sheets and other stuff too in in my back and my bag was ripped out so I really need to give it away for professional knitter to fix it but I had to unload the stuff first so I did I give to my friend her stuff then I gave the stuff of her friend too I was careful to not give away my stuff accidentally to her but I didn’t then I gave my ripped pretty bed sheet that has flower picture on it and he fix it then I gave my ripped bag to him to fix and I put the fixed bed sheet on my bed and I was relax after that and happy. My bed was located in front of the stage there was another bed to and chairs in front of the stage my bed was in the right side in the middle my bed size was medium but the bed was wide for 2 person bed type there was people sitting and watching the stage but there wasn’t any performance in that stage but there was busy people going back and forth in the stage.

Dream date:

10 Jun 2024

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Did you know, Tita? 83.7% of people who dream in black and white are secretly plotting to become a spy 🕵️‍♀️.

Emotional tone:

The dream was filled with stress and overwhelm as I struggled to manage the belongings on the stage.


This dream was recurring 2 times last week


The intensity of the dream was high, especially during the moments of stress and confusion.


The dream felt somewhat realistic, although the setting and events were quite surreal.


The dream was moderately vivid, with clear details of the stage and the belongings I had to manage.


The dream had moments of coherence, but also felt fragmented and disjointed at times.

Dream symbols













AI dream details

🤩 Emotion
😟 Depression
🤯 Sentiment

Dream review

Yvette Miller

Yvette Miller

Behavioral psychology & Wellness Advocate

Tita, your dream reflects the heavy emotional baggage you carry due to various stressors in your life, symbolized by the multitude of items you were carrying on the stage. The black and white colors indicate a lack of clarity and emotional numbness, perhaps stemming from the impact of diagnosed mental health problems, including PTSD, anxiety disorders, OCD, depression, and bipolar disorder, as well as life-changing events such as traumatic experiences and relationship difficulties. The old stage represents past experiences or unresolved issues, and the busy people moving back and forth on the stage may signify the constant chaos and activity in your waking life. The ripped bag and bed sheet symbolize the damage and wear and tear caused by these burdens. This reflects the need for professional help to mend these emotional wounds, mirroring your real-life need for support and professional intervention to address the psychological distress you experience. The act of unloading the stuff represents your subconscious recognition of the need to alleviate yourself from these emotional burdens and seek help, as well as your cautiousness in preserving your own belongings and identity amidst the chaos. The fixed bed sheet and bag represent a sense of relief and restoration, reflecting your yearning for emotional healing and stability. Placing the fixed bed sheet on your bed signifies a desire for comfort and tranquility, symbolizing your subconscious longing for emotional peace and security. The presence of the audience in front of the stage indicates a feeling of being observed or judged, reflecting your anxiety and the pressure you may feel from external sources.
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Yvette Miller

Behavioral psychology & Wellness Advocate

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