Dream interpretation about Wedding, Friend, Heart, Party, Shoes
I was on a carnival ship and we were at an elegant ball all dressed up. This looked to be a Work related function with my Pharmacy family. I seen people I haven’t seen in awhile. Then I seen Eboni we stopped talking While back but we agreed to catch up with one another. Then the program was about to start. I went to my seat which was across the room. The director started a game and asked for volunteers my friend was one of them. He asked ask question about her that I got right but the other one I got wrong. At this time she sat by me. I remember my answers were written on a black heart. That seemed significant! She then moved to the middle. But I noticed the dress she had on with silver shoes and it reminded me of a dream I had of her. She had on the same dress but in my dream it was purple. So I stopped the director and I spoke what the Lord told me to say: You no longer have to be afraid, you are about to receive everything that your heart desires. You will receive love and you will be married, so do not be afraid to love! Open up your heart and allow love in. Do not self sabotage it, do not push it away, and do not run from it! Let yourself receive the love you have been praying for! She then jumped up and gave me the biggest and tightest hug. She started crying and I held her until she was okay. She thanked me. As she went to her seat I noticed her shoes turned to gold! Then the people came to get me. It was time for me to change clothes. In the dressing room I noticed the shoes I took off were silver and the shoes I was putting on were gold! Then I woke up!
Dream date:
8 Mar 2025
The content above was generated by AI, under the supervision of experts in dream interpretation. The AI model was developed using the latest advancements in psychology and dream analysis.
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