Dream interpretation about Abandoned home, Anxiety, Friend, Money, Bike, Time
The dream starts off with me doing a business transaction with a hustler or a Pedaler on the side of the street. My business partner and friend, Rommeal happen to be near by with his friend, as they were coming down from helping my mother in law, Paula. After I bought this extravagant bycycle from the hustler, I spotted Rommeal and his friend shaking hands bye. He approached me and I asked if he could help me with the bike. We were in an impoverish but safe neighborhood. Very gloomy and desolate. Seeing older homes in a black neighborhood. I said I haven’t been in the hood in years. He had me walk him to where he was going. The front wheel popped off as I was walking the bike alongside him. I was not on the bike. It was motorized and fancy. I asked if he could carry it and he did, I asked if he could store it where he was so I can go backwards and retrace our steps and look for the front of the wheel. I said to him that I paid $400 and the guy that I bought it from didn’t leave his name or number. Rommeal said “sure” and he stored it. I thought I found the wheel on the side of the street, I walked back and it was still creepy and lonely, he opened the door and it wasn’t the correct wheel or fit. I went back alone, found another wheel and bought it back for him not to have the bike. I was crunched for time because I had to go back and help Paula (the original scene) and I left him to look for it. I called Rommeal on his cell phone and he did not answer. So I had high anxiety, felt like I was betrayed and used again, loss $400 and was very angry. I couldn’t really help Paula because of the emotions that I was feeling and I woke up anxious.
Dream date:
23 Mar 2025
Emotional tone:
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