Dream interpretation about Death, War, Crash, Injury, Tornado, School, Phone call, Cameras
I dreamt this time that, the scene was set at my grandparents house on their acres of land but everyone was there for some reason and heaps of random people were building this big barn out the back that I was helping with it was all cool than one big bolt fell out and all the steel beams came crashing down on top of me and other people but I managed to not get hit and slide out from the rubble but someone I knew got hit and had a compound fracture her leg was had a compound fracture and I was trying the bandage it up, and got some nurse over to help than there were cameras everywhere and it had been caught on tv and everyone was like woah crazy and making sure I was okay and crush popped in at some point and did so too, than the scene changed and we were in a school but it was still somehow in grandparents land, not exactly sure what we were doing but some important things maybe classes of some sourt, than this ‘monster’ started going around and jumping onto people’s faces and sucking out their life and turning them into diseased zombie’s we tried to fight it but it kept coming back from the dead, so so my friend group was like fuck this we are out of here, we tried getting out but as soon as looked at escaping the sky turned dark and there were like 4 tornados and at my grandparents you’ve got a view of the town abit and you could see everyone trying to get out and than it turned into like world war 3 was fucked up and crush rang me from Canada over seas and was like hope you got out okay and I said yeah nah I’m probs gonna die lol, while crush is in Canada with his brother but than he crashed his car but he was fine and having a laugh. Than I woke up
Dream date:
23 Apr 2024
Emotional tone:
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