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Dream About Grandmas Kitchen And Turf War

Dream interpretation about Grandmother, Water, Clothes, Conflict, Friendship

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As I walked past the plant section I stepped into a new dream. I was sitting in my grandma’s kitchen when they told me I had to go visit with family so I got up and went slightly down the hall when I saw this little person tormenting slightly large bugs. (The act of going up and down the hall was like completely changing location and setting, although you notably remained in the same house.) I was a bit confused but brushed it off, beginning to walk past when my grandmother told me I should stick up for family. I looked at the large purplish winged bugs, knowing that she meant them, but couldn’t see how on earth those were people. After deciding I don’t have the right to discriminate, I reluctantly went to protect the little creatures. Suddenly a person slowly hung down from the ceiling, possibly for a sneak attack but they were immediately and easily spotted, and more people emerged to attempt attacking and hopefully killing the little beings but were very easily thwarted. Pretty soon I no longer saw them as a threat and noticed that they couldn’t harm the mini fairy like people anyway so I went back to my seat. Now I’m on a long white platform surround by endless water. I went into a room (that was originally either mine or my friends but now belonged to some high classed guy,) to deliver two small gifts. I set the gifts down and walked out then walked back in to rearrange them while he sat there studying me and nearly began to complain about my actions but stopped when he realized he actually liked what I was doing. Upon that it was understood that we were now close friends. I sat on a counter that was built like the side of a bathtub for a while and watched as time passed. The guy moved farther down the white concrete walkway, beyond a big, beautiful set of designed, wooden doors. It was also understood that I now lived there as a higher up too. People were standing around in the now lit room I was sitting in when I began rummaging through my bag, throwing full sets of clothes out into a tiny island of water that now exists just in front of my feet. Someone I supposedly knew commented on my actions, noting that my clothes were nice, but they hoped I wasn’t going through with my plan to get into the door, especially since our people already had just as much territory as the people beyond the doors did. Suddenly all of the people standing on the long, wide pathway connecting where I was to the door were understood to be our rivals, only there to guard the door. The person also added that I didn’t have the proper attire to blend in with them so I asked what they thought that black leather jumpsuit I pulled out was for. (The people were dressed normally so I’m not sure why that detail was added in.) Accepting that the jumpsuit was actually an amazing disguise they backed down and just wished for me to be careful. I started to change my clothes into an outfit I didn’t even pull out of the bag earlier, realized I was running out of time, and just went out halfway changed. At first I blended in perfectly, so perfectly in fact that I was recalled to be everyone’s lifelong friend, but then someone was like “Wait… But she’s not one of us.” Then there was an all out turf war, one that apparently I could’ve handled all on my own, but no one even really tried to attack me. I just stood there for a second, in a mildly confused and offended daze. Not offended that they didn’t attack me, but offended that they didn’t remember that not only am I one of them but I’m also a lot higher up on the food chain than them, almost like royalty. The door cracked open and I could tell that the head of their group was also upset and offended by them not recognizing me, and wanted to call me over (-the head being the high class guy from earlier, whom I’m very close friends with,) But I just stood there until someone finally ran at me, so then I began effortlessly whipping them out. Everyone survived though… It was more like a brawl than anything else honestly. Anyway the end of the dream was a bit hazy but that was around the time it ended.

Dream date:

5 May 2024

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👧 women of your age from 🇺🇸 had dreams about Dead by 8.8% more than 👨 men.

Emotional tone:

Feeling of determination and protection towards the little creatures in the dream


This dream was recurring 1 times last week


The dream was filled with action-packed sequences and tense moments


The dream blended fantasy elements with realistic settings, creating a surreal experience


The details in the dream were clear and vivid, making the experience memorable


The dream transitioned between different scenarios and settings, creating a disjointed yet cohesive narrative

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🤩 Emotion
😟 Depression
🤯 Sentiment

Dream review

Yvette Miller

Yvette Miller

Behavioral psychology & Wellness Advocate

Hailey, your dream is a complex tapestry of symbolism and subconscious processing. The plant section symbolizes growth and new beginnings, transitioning into your grandma's kitchen represents a sense of comfort and tradition. The little person tormenting bugs could signify inner conflicts or external challenges. Your grandmother's advice to stick up for family may reflect a need for loyalty or protection in waking life. The purplish winged bugs could represent misunderstood aspects of yourself or others. Your decision to protect them despite initial confusion shows a sense of empathy and acceptance. The people attacking the creatures may symbolize external threats or negativity you encounter. The transition to a white platform surrounded by water suggests a shift towards emotional clarity and purity. The room with the high-class guy and the gifts could represent aspirations or desires for recognition and acceptance. Your actions of rearranging the gifts reflect a desire for control or perfection. The black leather jumpsuit as a disguise may indicate a need to adapt or blend in certain situations. The turf war and the realization of your elevated status hint at feelings of superiority or a desire for recognition. Overall, your dream portrays themes of protection, adaptation, and self-discovery amidst challenges and changing dynamics.
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Behavioral psychology & Wellness Advocate

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