Dream interpretation about Blood, Death, Gun, Suicide, Violence and death, Argument, Running away, Searching, Family, Dream
I was in a random house and it was supposed to be a dinner night with me my mom and my brother Khayri. My sister Kyla was not there and I think mom brought one of her friends and Khayri maybe had somebody with him. We were talking and watching movies and just enjoying each other’s company. At one point, Mom was getting ready to tell Khayri like a hard truth after he made a comment about how he doesn’t start any problems. She told him how he can be very abrasive and very hurtful when he’s upset. Khayri looked shocked, but he sat and listened, and I chimed in and told him the way that he talks when he’s upset is very unnecessary and it comes off as spiteful. Mom told him how if he speaks to people like that he can’t be shocked if he has no bridges because he keeps burning them by hurting their feelings. That’s when I brought up how the last time he got into an argument with Kyla she tried to kill herself afterwards. Khayri didn’t say anything, but he sat and took in everything that we said. After that, I believe Mom and Khayri both went home and I immediately went to text Kyla what happened. Then after they left a group came in And the focus of the dream went to that group. I guess it was supposed to be like a tour/spa day or something like that. It was a random group. There was a woman and her boyfriend and his cousin there were three girlfriends and a few other people. They moved forward in the group further into a house or towards a separate building and I stayed on the other side. I guess I was cleaning up from after dinner. Then something shifted in the air. I don’t know what it was, but I got a weird feeling and something told me to go to the other house. The song Going Up Yonder was playing in my head in the dream, but I had also been listening to it before I went to sleep. Something about the song signaled to me that something was wrong and I saw a leftover shoe in the building I was in. Another signal. I think it was the middle of a daydream. I don’t know it was a little hazy, but I instantly ran to the other building, but then I turned into the girl with the boyfriend. I guess she had fallen behind because she was looking around at stuff and then she ran into somebody who gave her a weird message. I don’t know if the girl thought it was supposed to be her mom or a family member, but it was like a Short middle-aged or almost elder woman, but she wasn’t old old, but she was short. She was dressed in dark clothing, and she said something to her along the lines of “I’ll be with you every step of the way“ and in my head as Kamirah the viewer, I thought this short woman signified death. I don’t know why, but this caused the other girl to panic and she ran back to try to catch up with the group, but she couldn’t get into the house because it was staff only entry or something like that. She decided to crawl through this weird passageway connected to the side of the house. It was really squishy like almost like I don’t know the type of material, but it was like squishy. She crawled through like a squished Tunnel and ended up at a glass door. She knocked on it and a group of women who, for some reason, were flight attendants, but I don’t know why because it wasn’t an airport but they ran up to the door and opened it and let the girl in and they were like “you have to get out of here“ and the girl was like why and they ran away. The girl saw people running and leaving the building so she knew something was wrong but she wanted to go and find her boyfriend. So she went into the other building which turned into like an apartment building/giant house, but she was going in the rooms looking for her group so she could find her boyfriend and her cousin. As she went further into the rooms where she thought the group would be, she was seeing blood marks and articles of clothing so she could tell that something violent went down. Eventually, she got to a room and she found her boyfriend, but he was sitting huddled on the ground with a gun. She was asking him what happened. She was asking him where everyone went and he basically told her he killed them all and there was no indication as to why he did it, but the girl was like “hey we have to leave. I don’t want you getting in trouble. The cops are on their way.” The boyfriend was telling her to just leave because he didn’t care what happened to him. He didn’t care if he got shot he didn’t care if he died. He didn’t care if he went to jail. And the girl was telling him that he needs to care because his future is on the line and he doesn’t need to be in trouble again because he’s been in trouble before. I gathered that the location was somewhere in the hood so I’m assuming he grew up rough where he saw a lot or whatever. The girl was noticing the sound of possible sirens in the area but again they live in the hood. The boyfriend was just making a speech is having a monologue about how he’s been through a lot. He doesn’t care just holding a gun, but he wasn’t going to hurt her seemed like he just wanted to vent to her. For some reason, the boyfriend’s face vaguely looks like Jacob, my boyfriend, but it would morph back-and-forth. It was odd maybe they shared a resemblance but it wasn’t Jacob. So the girl is crying and she’s trying to encourage him to leave as footsteps are getting closer so she goes to hide. The song Going Up Yonder starts to play again or I think it’s a different song I don’t remember. But the girl is hiding and just looking at him because she doesn’t wanna get caught either but she also doesn’t want him to die and just wants to wait. I don’t know but she won’t leave. So eventually the foot stuff closer and she sees the barrel of a gun pointed at him and he’s just sitting there which I, Kamirah the viewer, thought was odd. Then three men walk in and the girl hears “you shouldn’t of snitched on your cousin.” Three black men walk in who know the boyfriend and the boyfriend is just sitting there confused. I guess he knows these men, but you could tell he was scared because he was hoping to run into the cops and not these men, so the fate with the men was worse than the cops. One man had a bat another had a gun and I think the third man was empty-handed. They pick him up and drag him into another room assumedly to torture him or to seriously harm him and the boyfriend is shouting in protest. The girlfriend takes it upon herself to grab a pair of shoes because she was barefoot as she was running to the house, grab a pair of clothes and leave so she could change and not be a suspect because the cops were still on their way. She leaves the building and starts walking back towards a college campus for some reason. The song Going Up Yonder is still playing like in the air. Almost like the music playing over a movie scene. The girl started running and there was a random woman outside the building. She almost looked like a very regal black woman with silver and gray hair, and like an natural haired crown with pins in it on her head and she was dressed almost like Business casual, but she saw the girl leave the building and starts to slowly walk after her. In my mind as Kamirah the viewer this woman has to be I don’t know a protective party some type of angel. The girl dropped one of the boots as she was running back to campus And the woman was just slowly following her watching her. She wasn’t saying anything or feeling anything. It seem like she was just spectating, but she picked up the boot and just kept following the girl and at one point the girl stopped running just to get herself together, and the woman walked up to her and said “hey, you dropped this” and the girl took the boot and just looked at her; I think trying to act normal. The woman stopped and stood there, and the girl kept walking, and the woman didn’t follow her anymore, and the girl eventually made it I assume back home. She was looking at the news to see if the shootings were reported by her boyfriend which they were and I believe the report said that her boyfriend ended up missing because he wasn’t at the scene of the crime anymore. I don’t remember how the dream ends but that’s it.
Dream date:
27 Feb 2025
Emotional tone:
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