Dream interpretation about Gun, Abandoned home, Knife, Darkness, Father, Animal Attack
I had a dream where I met this boy, he was probably between 18-24. He lived alone without a home, he had a very rough look to him, like he’d been living a hard life. I remember him being in a cafe or a restaurant, I think a Starbucks. There were people sitting on the opposite side of the cafe and he was near the other door alone. I went to go talk to him and I tried to act normal but he had such a dangerous aura. I later left the cafe and it was late and dark out. He was in a vehicle now, he shot at me and missed. My dad appeared and we went after him to look for him. I was piggybacking on my dad. Then we found the boy again. I couldn’t believe how much negativity and evil was in his eyes, it was almost too scary to look at him directly. He tried to swipe at me and I ended up stabbing him in the head with a large blade. I felt so off, I knew I had to do that to survive but it felt so wrong still. The feeling is still lingering with me.
Dream date:
25 Feb 2025
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