Dream interpretation about Dead, Gun, Violence and death, Sleep paralysis, Crying, House, Suitcase, Bed
My cousin Michaela who died in a house fire a few years ago visited me in my dream and she we were sitting at the kitchen table at a round table talking. she said was coming to move in with us and there is a moving van who would drop her stuff off. She opened some of her belongings downstairs. I said lets see what was in the suitcases and then she took everything upstairs. She was going to use my oldest son's room since the room was vacant. I walked outside with the gentleman who delivered the suitcases and I was looking for some money to give him a tip. I had a $2 bill in my front pocket so I gave him the $2 bill and he was impressed and said he had never seen a $2 bill before. I told him don't spend it they're valuable, so keep it. I was debating if I should give him more money but then I just said, nah. Then I could see someone trying to come through the back door so I was closing it trying to push the door to stop them from entering through it. It was our next door neighbor and he came in and he had a gun. He wanted me to disarm the alarm system and not put in the Panic mode. I told him that we just got a new code and I needed to grab the code out of the drawer. Instead of grabbing the new code, I grabbed the cast iron skillet on the countertop and started hitting him with it. He fell to the ground and I cintinues to hit him in his arms, shoulders, legs and everywhere At one point he tried to regain the gun, so I started hitting him in the arm he was holding the gun with until he dropped and released the gun. Each time I hit him he curl up. I was trying to knock the snot out of him I got the gun and then I could see that his partner was looking through the patio window. His partner was thinking about coming in but decided not to because I kept hitting his partner so hard I was inflicting pain. I remember calling for my cousin Michaela, but she did not hear me because she did not come downstairs. Next thing I knew, I was in the bed with my wife Christi. She was sleeping and I had on my CPAP mask. In my dream I was having a bad dream and I was trying to wake up and I couldn't wake up. It seemed like I had paralysis I could not move. It took me a long time and energy to say Christi's name through the CPAP mask. I wanted to tell her to help me. Since I could barely talk because I still asleep in my dream. Christi could not hear me, so I attempted to move my body. I was attempting to get her attention to wake up. She would not wake up at first because she could hear me or feel me moving in the bed. I kept continued to try to speak and move to get her to wake up. It felt like there was a supernatural force preventing me from moving. Eventually, in my dream I was able to get Christi's attention. She woke up, looked at me and could see the pain I was experiencing in my nightmare. Christi slowly and skillfully woke me up in real life by slowing putting her hands on me. I woke up suddenly from the dream that turned into a nightmare.
Dream date:
16 Mar 2025
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