10 Mar 2025
I'm running through the woods looking around like I'm being chased, but I don't see anyone, then I make it to the exit and I'm behind some old womans house in the neighborhood that I grew up in. Her fence is still broken from where my sister and one of our friends ran into it with a sled, I look at that for a second and then keep running. I run down the street until I make it in front of my aunt's old house, then I spot some purple/pink flowers and decide to pick them for my mom, but they burn my fingers when I do. Then I walk over to my aunts neighbors house, but the people who lived there were related to me. My sister, two cousins, my boyfriend, and my nephew are all there waiting for me. My sister tells me the woman who lived there died but I don't really know who she's talking about, we have to go through her things and decide what to do with it. After spend a couple minutes in the garage we come out and are suddenly at a campsite. Everyone is getting their stuff set up so I pick up my nephew and decide to go to the bathroom, once I make it to the building with the bathrooms I realize that all 4 of them are really gross and I don't wanna go in there, but there's this guy outside who offers to clean one for me real quick and when he comes back out he starts flirting with me. I tell him I have a boyfriend but he doesn't care, he's very insistent that I at least give him a chance and go on a date with him. I just walk away from him and go back in the bathroom, but as soon as I walk out of the stall it's suddenly a gym with a bunch of women that I don't know in it. I walk around looking for the door but I don't have my nephew with my anymore and some of the women start being really mean to me. One of them shove me and I land in a chair, another woman pushes the chair I'm in up to a table and starts lecturing me about about my whole life, telling me that I need to fix everything or I'm gonna ruin my life. She pulls out a map and starts pointing to different places as she tells me that if I don't start getting my shit together I'm gonna lose everyone I love.
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