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12 Mar 2025



I had a dream, and it starts where I'm sitting in a train in a very small compartment with a tiny window with a bunch of people, and we're all stuck there. And it's not a pleasant trip. I don't know where we're going, but it's not something nice. Someplace where we have to go. And I realize after a while that I'm also sitting on a toilet, and that I have to take a shit. So I hope no one notices. I bent over it, so no one noticed so far. And I'm looking out of the window, there's a woman right in front of me, and I let a little fart out, and she hears that. And then she realized I'm sitting on a toilet. I'm the only one sitting on a toilet. And she's a bit disgusted. She tries to move away from me a little bit. And then I just keep sitting there. I pretend I didn't notice. And then she all of a sudden closed the curtain of the window. And I say, I was looking outside. Why did you just close it? And she had some lame excuse. She can't rest her elbow with a window open. And she won't open the window again. And then I say, well, I'm glad I'm taking a shit now next to you. And then in the next scene, we are somewhere where we are spending the night, and I'm sharing some sort of a hammock with a woman. And she's really not thrilled that I will share with her. She makes barely any room. And in the morning I get up and walk around a bit. I don't know why. But when I come back to get my things, this woman has gone with my things. And I see her in the distance putting her stuff inside somewhere. And I yell and I say, I need my things. Don't put my things away. And she can't hear me. I should pretend she can't hear me. And she goes inside. So I also go inside. And as I'm inside looking for her, I realize that the inside is a giant ship. And later it turns into a train. So I'm all of a sudden moving, but I don't want to move. I need to be back there. That's where my people are. So I want to get off. I'm trying to find an exit desperately, and it stops at some point. I'm really trying to get to a door. I can't get off. And then it keeps moving, and I'm worried that it's moving too far. And then I try again to get off, and finally I'm able to get off. And then I'm not sure how to get back. And then I woke up.




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11 Mar 2025

Riding a horse


Here's what I can recall from my dream so I'm in this very vibrant lush jungle and there's huge trees and vines and is giving prehistoric times and it's funny that I say that because in this dream I am riding on a velociraptor the historically accurate ones with the feathers cuz I know the Jurassic Park version ones are not the actual accurate real versions look similar but not the actual thing The one I'm writing is the actual real thing it looks just like how archaeologic say it will look today if it was still alive and I'm just writing on it and it's comfortable with me it sees me as his companion friend it has a whole saddle set that I mounted on it and I'm writing it as we're running through this lush vibrant jungle running he's jumping from tree falling tree from falling tree that are laying on the grounds huge rocks he's even climbing stuff cuz his arms are long enough and he's strong enough or it could be a she knowing me it probably would be a she and it seems like we've been companions for a long time possibly I could have raised her from her hatchling stage and from this point moving for I'm just going to stick with the idea of the raptor being a girl in Believe cuz I like it and it feels right as we're running through this jungle having a good time exploring and join each other's company a huge tyrannosaurus Rex comes out of nowhere and tries to eat us but every attempt it made when open its jaws and trying to close them chump them upon us he missed we were 2,000 agile and I was shooting my bowl and my Winchester rifle some form of a rifle that's similar to a Winchester but it had way more power and accuracy without no recoil and I was aiming at particular critical parts on the T-Rex instead of just blindly shooting and wasting arrows and ammunition on his thick hide cuz it was pretty thick some areas I did try to hit and want to wear of the bullets kind of either ricocheted off or didn't go deep enough to where it even make it flinch so I had to get more precise strategic and only deal critical hits so I took my aims and I was aiming in its mouth near his eyes and definitely around his feet cuz I remember as a child I don't know if it still historically accurate but if a T-Rex is running at high speeds and they trip or something that could be life-threatening which would explain why me and a raptor were running so fast and trying to lure it in places where it could fall and after that we got away from it and we return to our adventure I don't know if there's a village out in this world or where we're heading but we're going with determination motivation and excitement enjoy what could this dream possibly mean for me

11 Mar 2025



I was having sex with alivia. She was on her stomach and legs together to really pop that booty out and I was thrusting from behind. Everything was going good for a moment and then she turned her head abruptly and said, are you done yet or allre you almost done. And j was like, "am I almost done?" Tf? And I was likenjeez I can stop if its a bother kinda jokingly but was like surprised like what she doesn't like it anymore o something? I woke up and then back to bed and I was in a similar location but with other ppl. I was trying to take a shower to get ready to go somewhere but the shower curtain wasn't quite big enough to cover full shower but there were 2 curtains and i had to overlap them to not spill amy water from shower. It didnt look like my shower much but it felt like it was.

11 Mar 2025



An amazing dream last night I had four tickets to a concert or an opera, and I invited a few other people so I drove to their house which was an apartment looked like an apartment house, but it was probably a condo and I parked in their garage and then I met them in their condo which turned out although the building on the outside didn’t look anything terribly rich but on the inside, it was or made with beautiful wood and high ceilings and amazingly much richer than the neighborhood. And I recognized a few other Jewish people, and I was thinking that it would since I was looking for a place to live this might be a good place And then we took a walk around the neighborhood and the best part was seeing a mechanical lift if somebody’s front yard that allow them to stack cars six cars on a space that ordinarily would take three, but I wasn’t sure how that stacking mechanism worked and I tried to figure it out, but I couldn’t And then we continued walking around and it turned out that the neighborhood this one street was amazing filled with all them exotic stores, restaurants that I really liked and we continued walking around and the house was near a gorgeous body of water. I’m not sure if it was a lake or the ocean And people were swimming in it. One woman of a certain age was swimming in it and then a menacing submarine with a NATO on it came into the picture and then too ugly gasoline takers that were able to be on the water came and tilted, and then corrected themselves. I continued on the water And people ask me questions. The people that I had invited ask me questions and I didn’t remember their families and I tried to bluff my way out, but I knew that they knew that my memory was not good and the day turned tonight and we went to eat something or we didn’t eat something but all of a sudden I looked at my watch and it was an hour or 7:02 30 and so the concert was almost over and we said let’s not bother going and then I tried to find the entrance to the garage where my car was parked and I couldn’t find it and I didn’t have my phone because that was in the car and I had no way of contacting my invited. My friends that I had invited to let them into the let me into the building work for them to call the garage and at the end of the day after doing the right thing and inviting other people, I was stuck on also in that fancy house there were so Jewish people who said that they didn’t allow other Jewish people into their house because they weren’t the right type they were from the far east, and there was a delegation of super orthodox who came to this house annually to negotiate for money. Thank you for watching.

11 Mar 2025



I drove a car into a store.. People where standing in line to the left of the store.. I drove in a clear open space towards the right thinking I was gonna drive through until I got to a ivory colored wall with a door that looked to be painted shut. Just by looking at it I thought there was no way the door was going to open for me to drive through. Then a lady that was standing in line saw the issue & walked over to the door to open it for me to drive through. When I got through that door I was in a store like Home Goods or something I was in aww of the beautiful things I could buy to decorate. They had large plants & planters ahead of me to the right and as I kept walking I saw a beautiful ombre olive green velvet couch and other furniture in that section. Thats all I remember, oh and the car I was driving in the beginning was also cream/ ivory colored mini cooper.

11 Mar 2025



I was camping with some friends and we were at a riverbank over looking the view of the river. It was beautiful. Then we split in two’s or couples to hike on the trial without backpacks. One of the guys kept rambling off the same words. I can’t remember what he was saying but it was annoying! We split on our on journey and I’m walking with my lover. We seem to really be enjoying ourselves. Then I see another couple and it looks like they were try to set up camp but they recognize someone or another tent setup but before they could check it out they were snatched by the celebrity R. Kelly! Then the dream tools back to the riverbank we were waiting for everyone to come back. They came speeding in vans and they was a search for my friends. But I’m not sure if we found them because the dream switched me to a luxury apartments and I was on the phone with my sister and I was talking to her about my lover and the trip! My neighbor saw me and gifted me groceries. I was walking and talking on the phone with my sister headed to my apartment. When I walked inside and put the groceries down. I looked out the window I seen my brother, he was coming to visit. But then there was a knock at the door and it was my dad, my brother, and two of my granddaughters. I got off the phone with my sister and visited with my guest. My granddaughters wanted a sandwich so I got up to fix them a sandwich. There was a lot of bread on the counter. The first part was molded alittle bit so I threw that away. And I just decided to use the bread my neighbor had gifted me. Then I woke up!

11 Mar 2025



I was at this party in what seemed like a downtown area. We were in this skyscraper, it was my friend Jacob and Brandon and I and some other randoms there. We were around this tv playing video games and just hanging around. I noticed Brandon was having an argument with his brother through text , he was talking about how disappointed he was that Brandon would rather be with us than him. Jacob and I were trying to tell him not to worry about it and that he was just bitter. Suddenly I remember being like in an outside roof of that same skyscraper. That’s when we saw a huge explosion in the far off distance, it was so big and bright , everyone , the city around us stopped to look. We knew what it was. Suddenly I was on ground level and my co worker Lily was there, she was telling me that the nuke had destroyed Chicago up to lake shore drive, she was just talking some of her friends telling them not to go to work. In my head I was thinking about my ex Hanna and wondering if she was okay or dead. Suddenly we were back inside the building; my family was there, a lot of people were in the lobby scared. I saw some buses taking people away to safety , so I ran back in and was trying to get my family to leave but everyone was so panicked no one could speak, I had to slap my mom in order to get her to focus and tell her that we needed to get out immediately. Then it cut and suddenly I saw a different point of view, I saw people out in the city running and fighting these mutated robot looking things. Then it cut again and I was back in a neighborhood, it was the morning of my birthday, I had got up and saw how dark blue and gloomy it was outside… it was so eerie so apocalyptic, Society had fallen. I checked the mail because my aunt said she has sent me a present but there wasn’t anything there. Across the alley one of our neighbors had a gorilla protecting the entrance to their building , I dared not to mess with it so I turned around to go back in when I heard someone call my name. It was my friend Yasmeen, she was sitting in her car parked right by the place next to ours, we were also neighbors. She told me happy birthday and gave me a present.

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