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Dream Interpretation: Superpower 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Superpower? Discover the significance of seeing a Superpower in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Superpower appears in your dream ✅

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💡Possible meaning

This dream symbolizes your desire for control and power. It may also indicate that you feel powerless in your waking life and wish to have more influence over your circumstances. Alternatively, it could represent your belief in your own abilities and potential.

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🧭 Direction


Consider what areas of your life you feel powerless in and try to take steps to gain more control. However, be careful not to become too obsessed with power and control, as this can lead to negative consequences. Remember to also focus on developing your own abilities and talents, rather than relying solely on external sources of power.

❤️ Feelings

This dream of having superpowers evokes feelings of excitement, empowerment, and a sense of limitless potential. It brings a surge of adrenaline and a feeling of being invincible, capable of achieving anything. The dreamer may experience a strong desire for control and a yearning to make a significant impact on the world. It instills a sense of awe and wonder, igniting the imagination and fueling a deep sense of purpose. The dreamer may feel a surge of confidence and a belief in their own abilities, leading to a heightened sense of self-esteem and a desire to overcome obstacles. Overall, this dream elicits a range of positive emotions, leaving the dreamer with a sense of exhilaration and a renewed motivation to pursue their goals.





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Dreams of users containing the word Superpower

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4 Jul 2024



i dreamed i was taken from a school, and woke up at a school with people who had powers. i knew some of the people there. after a bit, were brought to the middle of the wild to survive. the thing is there’s this really big bird who will target us. so while we tried to survive, there was this dude who was also a student who was like a lady who’s really importants son basically lead us. At one point, the bird came close to our area so everyone was panicking because the bird could get us from our base. because of this, i tore the wire from some of the walls and ran towards a section of the base and started wrapping it to try and make a roof, everyone also tried to help but i lt didn’t work. me and the son of the important leader started to both kinda take control of things even though he wasn’t happy about it and ignored me. i decided to take the wires (again) and use a rock to forge them together and create a axe. i asked who wanted to cute down a tree and the important leaders son raised his and and smirked and said “me.” so i tossed it to him. I woke up after this but im pretty sure me and him were gonna fall in love.

3 Jul 2024

High School


Had super powers like flying, super speed and could see through walls. I met up and tried to get back together with my first love from high-school. We got together and enjoyed a night together and then I had to leave for a bit and I came back and she was with a friend and another guy and I thought she was possibly cheating like she did when we were younger. I confronted them but didn't act like I thought there was anything wrong, just feeling out the situation. I don't think they were but then we had to escape for some reason and we were in these sewers and the holes we were climbing through were getting smaller till the point where I could move in them and felt claustrophobic and said I can't continue then I left. I came back later to see her with her friends at a hair or nail salon kr something and her friend spoke for her and told me she didn't feel the spark anymore. I said wow, that's wild because I felt the spark a lot but I understood. I held her hand and looked at her thinking this is my last time seeing her and I was very sad. She was in a car trunk at this point, like it was to plbe closed and not opened or looked at again. I left and regret not getting to kiss her one last time. Then I flew off

19 Jun 2024

Dark Room


There were super powers in the world but I was born without a power and I really wanted one. I went to a rental house to use a machine that lets me use powers. the rental house was big and well lit. I got to demo the super power machine by levitating objects and other things by my voice command. I wasn't very good at using at first because I needed practice. I was hoping to use the machine for longer but it broke and I needed to wait until it was fixed. There also was a little boy that was born with powers but he also used the machine for extra powers. He could see good and bad spirits and ghosts. his older teenage sisters both had a cool powers too like mind reading. The boy was calling his dad on FaceTime and he saw a spirit behind him. The spirit closed a door leading to a ominously dark room. I thought the spirit was bad so I took the boy and I to a well lit glass hallway

17 May 2024



Throughout the dream I went back and forth from first person to second person viewing. I was apart of some academy of people with super powers and we were racing to a location again all classmates and instructor. If we beat the instructor there or were in the top 8 then we'd get to go on a special mission. The instructor was able to move extremely fast and like manipulate the environment around him. I was with some black girl that could warp us into an outside dimension. We were floating in this ether making our way to the finishlone through this shortcut. It looked like space and nebula and at the end was this red, blue and purple webbing that we stuck our hands into and opened and crawled out at which point it was opening the portal back to the original realm and we were very close to the ground. I grabbed the surface and pulled myself out like a baby coning out of the womb and landed on the asphalt street. We made it to the finish line which had a ton of boxes of beer like corona or something. We sat on boxes pulled out some drinks and started hanging out for a few seconds and then the instructors and others arrived. The instructor was impressed and we were chosen along with a few others. The environment was a cityscape and it was night and dimly lit. It reminded me of Gotham city from batman.

6 May 2024

High School
Kill Someone


I dreamt I was at my old highschool and there was a HUGE group of people I went to school with from freshman and my senior class was all there, I had gained xenomoprh powers like the movie alien and it was my job to kill or injure these people. But then randomly there were these two men trying to steal stuff from the school so it was like I am was able to use my powers to hunt em down and kill them

29 Apr 2024



Escaping a cult while a mix of new work and Vietnam was going through a viral infectious diseases. I had super human powers and as my enemy chased me I was able to kil it by letting it by a bus.

20 Apr 2024



I don't remember as much as I usually do and the drawn was in a unique visual style. I was at a retreat with the entire team from work and it was at a cabin in the forest somewhere. I recall we went to a diner and there was a girl that I thought looked like a celebrity but it wasn't. As I went to leave I realized there were 3 or 4 girls with her that all looked just like her, so I made a comment and asked if any of them were that celebrity. None of them were. I said to a colleague as we were getting ready to go back to the cabin "remind me to add this to my dream app tomorrow." So I was aware of it being a dream that I was in. Back at the cabin everyone is getting ready for dinner, playing games, socializing, etc. I think someone showed up, I'm not sure who, but something changed at the cabin. I can't quite remember what happened exactly but I know there were superpowers handed out and they weren't all good. One person could shape shift, but only intos forks. I can't remember what all the powers were, but I do remember that it didn't matter what you chose because the powers ended up rotating through everyone. Then people started dying. The man that showed up told us that because the powers with rotate we are all going to die. We tried to beat the system together. By shifting into animals and then objects and it started to work and we were defeating the man's plan. He ultimately left us alone and we were able to go canoeing and have a camp fire.

20 Apr 2024

Waking up


I had a dream that my mom kept telling me someone above is watching over and that I have super powers . I was able to float in air and then forgot what just happened. It’s very hard to explain. Everyone kept watching me and I would keep waking up from not knowing what was going on. Every time I snapped out of it in my dream my mom would say it’s because a family member who passed is giving you those powers.

19 Apr 2024



I was in a spy team with 6 other people. We were at the top of a sky scraper in a large city. It seemed like all the electricity to the city was cut off. 5 of us went thru the roof access. We all had super powers. I had visions of the future and light vision. Kelsey had telepathy. Chloe could build things with her mind. Johnny could levitate. Adam had heightened senses and Lazer vision. Then there were 2 other people with code names. Spectro could clone himself. Limelight was radioactive, he could glow green and levitate. So me, kelsey, Johnny, Chloe, and limelight all went to the top story of this building. It was dark and I tried to use my light vision to see down the stairs. We couldn't see a lot, so Johnny levitate down the stairs. Chloe started blocking off the bottom of the stairs with bricks so the monsters wouldn't get him. I saw a vision of the monsters running up the stairs. I told kelsey to warn him that the monsters were close. Then I saw Adam on the roof taking down a helicopter with his Lazer vision. Then I heard the helicopter then I heard a big crash. I then saw spectro cloning himself about 20 times to help Adam. The original spectro came down thru the roof access. I saw all of us dressed in spy clothes, all black. Spectros clones all had different colored outfits on. Adam had a red sort of vest with different gadgets attached to it and red wrist cuffs that seemed to boost his powers

11 Apr 2024

Movie Theater


I had a dream that was two dreams put together. One was about a group of superpowered kids in a world where they got outlawed, and the other was a version of the hunger games world where no super powers exist but still just as dark. Both worlds were connected by a secret villainous agency that blew up Katniss in the world, and there was a lot of intermingling between the two worlds trying to take the agency down. At some point too I left one world to go visit my wife in the other and we watched a movie together at the theater

30 Mar 2024



I was playing this game that was set in California. It started with you walking into a hotel, there were lots of scorpions and wildcats outside. I did a few rounds before I realized the only way to win was not to get out of the hostage situation and to play through it. It had something to do with the drug trade. There was a guy who was a super dynamic actor, he kind of looked like Barry Pepper. But his name was something weird, like Glumor. I looked him up online and saw that he was only a couple years older than me, homeless, a traveler and known for being a little weird. But he also was in the same town I was staying in, so I decided to go look for him. He was trying to get work at this old lady’s house. She said no so he started walking away. I followed him and started asking him questions. He finally turned around and asked if I want to be with him. I hesitantly said yes. I assured him that I wasn’t trying to get him and that I would be nice to him. He was still cute but somewhat jealous and intimidating. Eventually he turned downright cruel, stole my favorite stuffed animal and buried it under water, mud and eventually tons of goose feathers. I managed to dig it up but I knew I couldn’t take it to the airport. So I brought it to a lawyer I trust, and she agreed to keep it safe. There was a battle on the water, he apparently had water superpowers. He died but I felt conflicted about the whole thing, I still kind of liked him. They wrote a bunch of news articles about it but they also were weirdly nonchalant about the abuse and water powers, because they apparently were huge fans of the stuffed animal company who wanted to downplay it. Mom wouldn’t quit bothering me about the details, I started trying to write things down, and I told her she was making things worse. They asked if I had cheated with Sterling even emotionally. I explained that he’s dead.

7 Mar 2024



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