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20 Apr 2024



Dream starts off with me in my grandma's house at the 3rd floor. I forgot this part of my dream but what I remember was that my friend kenan was there and kept coming inside a room and making jokes even though I was in the bathroom. I wasn't that annoyed since it was just him joking. This could be because in real life kenan was very sleepy that day during class and I wanted to talk to him but he wouldent talk to me but then after school he got energy and we actually walked togethef to his mosque and he showed me insidd of it. It was fun walking with him in real life. Anyways back in my dream, My friend alex was also there and I remember he was joking around too but he had a negative aurora around him so I didn't want to be with him. This could be because in real life he said that most likely we won't be friends in a few months cause I'm moving to Poland and we wouldent have anything to talk about via text. I don't understand why he brought it up. Now back to my dream, my dad was walking with me on a field in Poland. It's very bright vibrant and sunny. For some reason my dad lost his voice and couldn't speak very well but we were going to this other town for some reason and when we were going out of it me and him were strategizing on how I could break into an abandoned building. While he was driving away I wrote down a way we could go through and taught about going through the cracked door. My dad saw me write that down in my copy and told me that I shouldn't do that and provided a reason. I was a bit annoyed since I was considering if I should go through there before he said that and I wanted to make the decision myself. Then we're back at the field walking through the path again when my dad sees these 2 old ladies and they say hi to each other. In real life my dad knows a lot of people back in our village and I remember in real life when me and my dad were on a scooter on a field with a path and we saw 2 old ladies and he also said hi to them. I was 7 when that real life experience happend. Then back in the dream he went to a sort of plant bed and tended the plants saying that his grandma gave him the responsibility to tend the garden. I decide to also do it. In real life his grandma is dead and left some things behind for for him. Dream ends here. Im looking forward to moving back to Poland but I don't want to do the exams before going there. I will be 17 when I finish school.




DreamApp: Journal & Dictionary

DreamApp provides an answer for what you saw in your dreams immediately after you wake up.

20 Apr 2024



I had a dream that I had a night out and I went to some event in Texas maybe it didn’t seem like it was set in San Diego. So the event is a formal event and I was wearing a silk silver dress that showed my curvy body and I was looking pretty hot. So I was enjoying watching everybody and I had my drink in my hand just pacing myself. No guys my age had the courage to talk to me I noticed. I think I was looking pretty intimidating I was fierce and elegant. Suddenly I notice the atmosphere changes and I can feel someone’s eyes on me admiring me but I don’t look to see who I want to be surprised and after a few moments I see Jeff bridges comes up beside me asking me if I’m enjoying myself. I let him see that I’m star struck on the inside and freaking out internally and I keep my cool and converse back. We must have talked for a long time having fun because he seemed like I put him under a spell. He was really comfortable with me and was even feeling on my butt and kissing me. In my dream he’s not an old man how he is now. It seems like I was liking him too. That night we left the event together and went back to my place I don’t think he said it but he was wanting to take it to the next level but I ended up knocking out. He was a gentleman of course and put me in bed and stayed the night. He wanted to make sure I didn’t choke on my vomit but I knew I wasn’t drunk I was buzzed but I felt good. We both knew that he just didn’t want to leave me alone. So next day he tells me that he wants to meet my family that I enticed him to want to meet my family and we were all in Texas at the same time but I don’t remember if I see grandpa there. So I don’t tell them who they are meeting but I guess we have a dinner at a nice luxury Airbnb and the family is there and him and I arrive last. When we walk in everyone is in the living room and I see they already found the bar lol then finally at the perfect moment everyone seen who the special guest was Jeff bridges. Everyone looked starstruck and no one wanted to come off as rude. It was when we all were sitting down eating dinner that someone finally asked how we met and if I knew who my date was. I was joking but totally serious I replied well yes I know Jeff I think everybody has seen the big Lebowski and true grit. I remember looking at my grandparents both of them taking a nice long sip of their wine.

20 Apr 2024

Home Invasion
Old friend


I just had a bad dream I was at home with the kids with a man who might have been someone I was dating idk but he was trying to kill me and my kids. He was pure evil me and Benny were fighting him off of us and I think we were perfecting Kalani in the room. I was fighting him off he was getting so angry because it was so hard for him to do what he came to do. He was yelling at Benny why isn’t the sleep meds kicking in with him I think he drugged Kalani though cause It was me and Benny fighting this guy off. As I was locked in the room getting ready to fight for our lives, I heard the killer in the distance sharping a knife or some kind of weapon I received as message on Facebook from a old friend J. R I replied back help me a man trying to kill me and kids I live at 9395 Harritt and then I woke up.

20 Apr 2024

End of the world
Natural Disaster


I’ve had this dream before it’s the end of the world as we know it it’s the end of an area but all things are being made new. We are home with the kids watching natural disaster after natural disaster take place and it takes a little part of the house after each storm. I don’t remember what happen first but the last is when a volcano erupts and lava is raining down. We are barely surviving. Me and the family are climbing up to the attic/roof of this mansion since the lower levels are going to be covered with lava. In one scene I see grandma climbing up the vines in our house like in jumanji she’s been hit with lava that’s crashed in the house and it hit her in the back. She yells out to me and throws a little danty ring that has something written on it that I can remember and it has the infinity symbol on it. We finally make it up to the attic the kids are terrified and i am as well I’m afraid that this is the end for us and I hold my family. I wasn’t with Vinny but I had a partner I found he was kind to me he looked out for me and the kids but he knew what my life was after losing Vinny and he comforted me and the kids in a way that made us feel like a family. I noticed that were in this attic with exotic animals like the major animals and the kids were amazed and as was I but I knew what was coming and was terrified. Then I hear a lions roar the other animals start to stir and move out to the opening in the roof that can see outside in the world. I forgot which animal it was but telepathically it told me oh no you’re in trouble now and to show respect. I was grabbing the kids to stay extremely close and try to get them to be quiet and as soon as I know it the lions are here and they are coming closer. I feel like I’m dying on the inside I’m terrified I’m kneeling down and Benny and Kalani are standing in front of me I’m holding them for dear life and the lion lookes into my eyes and I heard him speak to me telapathically like the other animal did. He told me that the worst is ending and for some reason the ring grandma gave me had the key to something the world would need. The lion showed me a clip telepathically with some revolutionary medical device that would help take care of those who survived that I was in charge to create. After the lion showed me this vision he asked me if my knowledge would be helpful and if I knew Portuguese. I said I didn’t know any but it didn’t matter I would learn as I go. The lions then walked out to the opening in the roof to look out into the world. I couldn’t believe what I just witnessed but I knew now that my family was safe even with the deadliest animals in the world. I embraced my family again with hope in my heart then I woke up at 4 right when I heard the rain starting to pick up again.

20 Apr 2024

Parking Lot


Basically I was in class and I moved next to Josh and we were writing and drawing stuff and I started talking to Josh and then he kissed me so I grabbed his head and properly kissed him back and then everyone else in the class turned round and me and Josh had finished our kiss and then he said that was the weirdest kiss ever and I said I know it was awkward and then Josh said you didn’t even kiss me properly and I said I know and then a girl called Megan in the class shouted out omg that was the most awkward kiss I’ve seen in my life and then the teacher Mrs Jackson came over to us and told us that kissing in class is not allowed. Then the bell went and we left class and we walked back to this parking lot and josh showed me this chain he’s got with our initials on and he said I’ve already got what I need in life and I said lm sorry that was such a bad kiss and he said do you want to try again and I said sure and then we kissed again and then I woke up

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