14 Jun 2024
We were somewhere in Europe where it was heavenly snowing me, my mom & sister were on the bus and wanted to go to the mountains, but when we were there the wind was so strong that it moving the bus we also forgot our gloves so we didn't climb. I do have seen the mountains before
The we were in London my mom and I and we took the bus but like this typical red ones, we thought we were in the palace of the Queen but we were in a big mall, very beautiful and a lot of people everything was on the same floor, we went to a woman and I saw my face & 2 ex friends in real life on a chip bag, the picture apparently became famous on the chip bag. Then we went to our hotel room, but the door was full of mold and was broken in some places, so I said to my mom that we had to go somewhere else, the we heard some music in the hall under us, so we went back outside. Later I was 'working' I think in a food restaurant I think it was, but I was painting nails, everything was glitter but the color would shine the whole room, there were a lot of people walking outside at both side of the street, and the I saw Princess Ingrid of Norway, she wanted to do her nails, the rest I don't remember. Later I was running trough a car tunnel and came out on a skater field, they were all sitting on the grass, I was very scared of them, it were just teenagers, but my mom was still in the tunnel so I waited above with those skater, then we run to our house because we had to be there at an special hour or we would lose our house and there was a traintrails just in front of it and I ran for my life and make it through the sound of the train, but my mom didn't and I was late, so I fell on the ground and cried and then I woke up.