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29 Jun 2024

High School


I was in high school(still am) and me and one of my close friends were going to the guidance office, but it was occupied so we sat on the steps waiting for the person to come out. I look over at the other side of the hallway and see my ex talking with two of her friends (my old best friend and one of their close friends) so I decide to take off my glasses. When I take them off though, My vision is more blurry than usual, and I could only see colors, everything else looked like weird blobs. I ask my friend to give me my glasses out of my book bag and when I put them back on, I still cant see and now my left eye wont open. I try to open it, but it stays shut. While were sitting on the steps I hear my old best friends voice so I scoot down a step to talk to her. As were talking im still trying to open my left eye and dix my vision. my ex and old best friends mutual friend(I used to talk to her but we were never really close) joins in on the conversation a little bit. My ex is sitting on the step below me, but since I couldnt see and she wasnt talking I didnt know it was her. My ex falls asleep on me and I was about to wake her up but My old best friend and their friend tell me not to, and that its my ex. As shes sleeping, I somehow manage to smell her, and the smell makes me feel comfortable and I end up falling asleep as well. I feel her beginning to wake up so I shoot up and start rubbing my left eye(which still wont open) Then when she gets up and turns to me, my sight gets better to see her looking at me, then she walks down the steps. The floor of the school almost looked like a swimming pool in color, which my schools colors have nothing to do with blue. I feel bad becauseI rhought I made her uncomfortable but my old best friend said I didnt, and that she didnt mean to fall asleep so she went to the bathroom to “freshen up”(weird words to me cause I dont see her saying that). I begin to try and open my eye one more time, and as I get it open, i wake up.

29 Jun 2024

Roller coaster


I dreamt that I was at a table with my mother and my aunt, where my mom was asking me to do something. I said no and she got upset and tried to manipulate me into agreeing before I told her “you can use any tactics you want but I’m not gonna give in”. This reflects real world stuff. Then I was going on a trip with my family and as we were packing up a van a man (family friend?) kicked sand onto my stuff that was on the ground. Instinctively I kicked at him without touching him. He got really mad and said “I could shoot you!” And I said “do whatever you want to me but don’t kick sand on my towel” before we got in the car and drove off without him. I thought about apologizing but realized that was rediculous. We drove through amazing streets and under bridges before we came to this huge tree that became a rollercoaster for our car. I took a video of us. I felt anxious as well as excited the whole time before we got off. The I fell asleep in the car. In the dream in my dream I was talking to my mom about her psychic gifts. I told her not to worry if her abilities looked different from other peoples (I gave examples of how people can see or hear or feel energy but can’t do other things). Eventually I woke up in the dream and our car had gotten to a water park/amusement park. I was all alone in the parking lot and was getting my shoes on wondering how I’d get it. I wasn’t too worried I hoped that I’d be able to call my family to let me in. But then I woke up for real.




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29 Jun 2024



I had a hotel room booked for a few days. I don’t know the specific reason. I did plan on seeing my brother quickly before I left though (like on my way out). Some of my family decided that my suite was the place to meetup (I didn’t really agree to this). My mom wanted to go back to the stadium as she thought she forgot something. I thought she took my car so I was looking out the windows to see if my car was still in the parking lot (I couldn’t tell with the amount of cars in the lot and how they’re parked). I vented to someone and it turned out my mom was behind the door and what I said apparently hurt her. Next thing I know is that I’m packing all of my stuff up to prepare to leave as I think I exceeded my time of renting the suite. I thought I lost a spare key and someone offered theirs saying they (hotel staff) wouldn’t know the difference. I declined it. In the midst of my frantic packing, I saw familiar blankets that I hadn’t brought with me as well as cat litter (flooded in a laundry basket (idk how that fits but it was in my dream)). A cat was also running through as it had peed or made a mess on the floor. I don’t think it was my cat. That’s all I remember

29 Jun 2024

High School
Old friend


I went to IKEA to buy affordable work clothes but the shirts were like $50. There were two really like stylish ladies in their 40s (older than me) shopping together next to me and they were chatting about all of the drama points in the new season of L word (this does not exist in real life but I wish it did) and I laughed was like “wait I haven’t gotten there yet!” And the girl who was talking laughed with me and understood and paused the convo, but the other one was annoyed that I butted into their conversation. They went down a nearby escalator while I tried to close the interaction awkwardly shouting to them something like “normally I wouldn’t do that because y’all’s conversation is none of my business, but L Word literally is my business if you know what I mean! Haha!” Then I tried to get a shopping cart but there was only one clean one and it was really weird and hard to use for what I wanted, and all of the rest of the carts had like food ALL over them. IKEA doesn’t sell clothes. In another dream, I was with an old friend Ashley from after college whom I haven’t talked to in a couple of years. We ended up at a Wendy’s and we maybe worked there for a second?? The cashier was like “can you please check yourselves out?” Because they were so busy. Something like that. We didn’t mind and it was fun. Separately from that, I was at a high school friend Erica’s house and she had a friend over, another woman, and I wanted to have a three-way with both of them. I think it didn’t happen because I wanted to take a shower and I was able to do that, but there was nowhere private to get dressed and this was an obstacle for some reason. Much later, maybe a separate day, I ended up beginning to get intimate with her dad whom I did not know (in real life I am not interested in men sexually) and then his wife found us and I was momentarily afraid I had made a huge mistake, but then she liked it and wanted to join and have her first queer sexual experience. I found her very beautiful and attractive. She was very feminine. This got interrupted but then my next memory is that on a later day, we tried to make it happen again. The father and I got started a little bit on our own and then planned to go find her to invite her to join because that was the way she wanted it to happen, but I missed out again because the sex didn’t actually happen. I can vaguely remember what it was like beginning to get intimate with her, but it’s more like flashes of visuals just of her skin.

29 Jun 2024

Family Members
Movie Theater


I went to the movie theater with my mom and aunt whom I never see and don’t like and stayed the night after then I went to my old school and there were a bunch of guys there I only really saw the guys and there was this one from my new school that I kinda liked and he keeps showing up in my dreams along with other people from my new school and their all boys and I was walking with him he’s a gentleman and then we kept walking and we passed a group of boys I knew one of them from my old school I didn’t talk he just stared at me like he was in love or something then I went to go on my bus and it was my old bus and I went to step up but I couldn’t and I fell down so I got back up and I notice in most of my dreams there are guys I fall onto but I don’t look at them but I was waiting to get on or try to and then this little Asian girl with half black half off white hair let me on and I got on with a little struggle then I walked and sat down in my normal seat and she made eye contact and we both nodded at each other and I always have dreams about school my new one and my old one, about not being able to go up things like stairs or ramps, about guys I used to like, my mom and her side, the movie theater and all of that so I just don’t know

29 Jun 2024



I had a dream I was in the midst of an alien invasion but it felt like I was repeating the whole scenario again and trying to find a way to succeed in a few situations like I did in my last life however there was missing piece that werent the same in this one. When the alien invasion started I ran to what looked like a drop down elevatar that looked similar to a window washer who cleans sky scraper windows. I was waiting for a woman to show up but she never did and then messed with the scenario because she was not dating the same guy as she was in my last life. I was then late to running away and stuck inside a military base with what seemed like hundreds of other people, I ran to the bottom floors and I had to be very careful depending on the aliens but in my dream I knew how to trick them and knew roughly what was coming next, I had to play dead in some hallways amongst other bodies that have already gone, in my dream I remembered how I died in my last life and almost wished I died quickly in this dream life because my chances of survival were so low. I did make one friend because they enjoyed my music but after awhile we split up and I managed to make it outside. I was running between 2 ponds and I stopped myself immediately when I seen a huge snake slither out but it had a face with only one huge eye on it and under the eye was its mouth where its fangs hung low from. It didnt sense me anymore and left and then 2 others snakes from the other pond came slithering out. They knew me for some reason, one pursued me and the other stopped the pursuing snake and spoke to it in human language. It said something like “dont do that, thats nani” and that someone else would be very mad. After that I started to quietly make my escape until I woke up

29 Jun 2024

High School


I do not remember the sequence fully, but I was back in high school with my friends that I don’t talk to anymore and we got into some trouble as our last days as seniors. I remember being on a airplane, but in the area of the packages I remember thinking about the weight of everything how tk will even. I also remember being in a car and my cat was with me, then she wanted to get out and whoever was driving was going to leave my cat there. Later in the dream I remember looking at water and wanting to take a picture it looked nice also later in the dream I remember being on the back of a truck trunk fully open with my pillows, bed, bed cover, my whole bed set up on this truck. The truck is driving itself going 50 as i do watch the speed it gets windy and I have to hold stuff down. I remember sitting on it thinking my phone was dead and that I didn’t like how I was moving and had no control. For some reason my boyfriend was on the other side of this truck I don’t know how but he was connected to it all

29 Jun 2024



I had a dream my friend invited me to an airbnb with their other friends I didn’t know that well. There was a loft where everyone would sleep and a downstairs basement area where we would all hang out. Even though the air bnb was cabin like, it was in the middle of a city. All of the friends went to sleep except me and a few other girls. We decided to pull an all nighter and turned on the TV and the news was playing. 3 people were standing in a starwell leading to the underground subway system when bombs went off and debri was hitting them and they were getting shot at. They were screaming help and eventually ran down into the subway system. We were terrified and realized it was a terrorist attack. One of my friends was super quiet and I asked if she was okay. She said no and the street where those people were being attacked was the street next to us. We tried to wake the others up to tell them what was going on but they kept saying “it’s fine” and “the government will handle it” and I kept thinking I can’t wait to leave the U.S. next week

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