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18 Jul 2024



I was at a lake house with my cousin and aunt and a few other people. I went out on the dock to fish. The dock was very long and when I got out to the end it was swaying all over the place like it was both having a hard time holding my weight and it was caught in some river flow or something because the dock was partially submerged and swaying back and forth very exaggerated. I was trying not to fall in so I made my way back to land. My cousin said they were all going out on the boat in a little and wanted to know if I wanted to go. I said, yeah, give me a few minutes though. I went inside the house to go to the bathroom. I was going to the bathroom and for some reason I kept needing to wipe constantly after like j couldn't get clean. The bathroom had only 2 or 3 walls so was exposed to the people walking by. My cousin came in and was saying they were gonna head out and that I needed to hurry. I told him just a minute but a minute passed and I was still trying to clean myself and he kept saying they were gonna go and I needed to hurry up I got frustrated and raised my voice and said, then just go.

18 Jul 2024



I was in this convenience store waiting to buy something. I was conversing with the the female employee working behind the glass. We were talking about different movies and she recommended this movie called Design Impact or Design something. I was trying to entering it in my phone as a note. Some of the letters on the phone's digital keyboard would not work. I tried to do voice to text, but it was too much background noise for the phone assistant to hear me clearly. Two African American ladies were in the store ahead of me in line and they were talking back and forth. I was listening to them, looking and smiling so they knew I was overhearing their conversation and enjoying what they were saying. At one point they brought me into their conversation. I just said a couple nice things so it was a playful and friendly exchange amongst strangers. I said the first friend was pretty funny and the other lady asked me if I thought the first friend was attractive. She was not my type. She was average looking, overweight, she wore braces on her teeth and she was a few years within my age. With confidence I politely said she's gorgeous. I wanted to make her feel good. My boss walked into the convenience store with my stepdad who passed away in April of 2023. I like my boss, but I do not particularly enjoy reporting to her because she is so indecisive and makes decisions based on how the outcome of how it will make her look. I suspect she is probably a narcissist. My stepdad had on a blue suit, white shirt and red tie. My stepdad was nearly blind when he died. The sclera, white part of his eyes were yellow before he died and he could only see large blobs of shapes and nothing in detail. In my dream his scleras were white and there was no cloudy film over his eyes. In my dream he could see like his eyes were young and healed. I was surprised to see him, especially with my boss. I said, hey what are you doing here? The three of us talked for a bit and then my stepdad said he was ready to go home. So exited the convenience store and we were walking together to the car. He was going to ride with me and I asked him if he wanted to go with me to wash the Jeep first. He said no he just wanted to go home.




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18 Jul 2024

Lucid Dreaming


Last night I had a lucid dream. In the dream, I woke up with my head on the dirt ground. I noticed it was raining and plants were just beginning to sprout from the dirt that I was laying on there. They were sprouting all around me. I recognized that I was at the farm of my previous dream. The farm was owned by my Brazilian relatives and they had called it the farm of love. I remembered it because in my previous dream I was helping them fix a glass sliding door. after recognizing where I was And noticing it was raining, I decided to get up and get indoors. when I got up I saw a building next to me and decided to go into it. Although it was raining and I wanted to get inside from the rain, I noticed that my black sweatshirt i was wearing wasn’t getting wet, just a little bit if my hair. It was when I got into the building I realized I was dreaming in the dream, then became lucid. I turn the corner, and saw a Clay female manikin start walking from around the corner towards me. I thought to myself how it's pretty cool this manikin is walking, but I didn't interact with it. as I walked passed it I looked over to the right and saw a column that had a mirror. I was able to see my reflection and decided to go towards my reflection. As I walked toward the mirror, I saw my reflection and looked into my eyes and gave myself a smile before jumping in into the mirror. on the other side i ended up in a black abyss not sure what I was gonna see next, just waiting. I started feeling a little afraid and all of a sudden a black energy attempted to suck itself into my stomach or third chakra. as it began to happen I stopped it, and I woke up from the dream

18 Jul 2024



I had a few separate dreams, the first one I was chilling out with an old high school friend her name is Nayana. We were in my apartment late at night, and she said she’s about to go to work which I was a bit surprised as it’s late then she said they have come late sometimes and night shifts that she doesn’t have much control of, I asked what’s her job to which she said is a stripper. I didn’t judge her for it but I realize she has lots of nice clothes and stuff so it makes sense, I couldn’t help but to still admire her and aspire being gorgeous just like her. In another dream, I was home using the bathroom to where I heard a knock and my mother’s ex fiancée was there asking if I wanted anything from the grocery store as they were going grocery shopping that day, I was feeling not so happy because it’s been over a year since he’s moved out, me and my mom both seen his true colors and immaturity so seeing him back here was triggering especially because he used to unintentionally do stuff that annoys me. I was with a group of people in front my apartment building, and were trying to fit in the car so someone came up with the idea to let smaller people in first and I’m pretty small but he said not enough apparently. I said that I’m only 115 lbs, I kinda started flexing by saying model agency who are looking for skinny models would consider me. It was probably cold that day since we’re dressed warm, plus it was cloudy and rainy a bit.

18 Jul 2024



I am at a school. There is a male figure selling drugs to students. I am tempted and bought some. I am walking all over the campus trying to find a bathroom stall to use. The entire time I am walking around I am hiding the pipe in my pocket so no one would noticed. Every few moments I would notice the tip of the pipe is poking out my pocket and my hands isn’t in my pocket to cover it. I would panic and hide it again with my hands. Every bathroom I go to is either full or doesn’t have a stall. I tried to enter a female bathroom but there was females in every one of them. I finally found one but the walls was glass. I see people walking by but no one notice me in there. I take the pipe out my pocket but instead of using I end up destroying it and flushing it down the toilet. At some point, in the search for a bathroom, I am searching for a car. I see a teacher and a student in the parking lot talking. I know who they are. I had this feeling the teacher would be in trouble for doing that as it seemed like fraternization. I walked away. I am in the principle office. The female figure principle notice the teacher and the student through a window. I told the principle the student was struggle with school work and the teacher is trying to help the student. The principle seem to accept my response. Another incident happened while looking for privacy in the bathroom. As I am search for an empty bathroom, a male figure teacher approach me. The conversation seem very flirtatious. The male figure teacher was smiling and touching me in a way that felt obvious he wanted me. I was attracted to him, too. After our conversation we went out separate ways. I am walking around but the scene is no longer a school or it was still the school but had a building with many doors. When I walked in there was a stage and what seemed like a theater. Lots of people were everywhere. I am sitting down listening to someone on stage. I felt a know the person speaking. The female figure was talking about someone as if they are sharing a meaningful memory they have. I hear a female figure who felt like my mom making a negative comment about the length of the speech and people laughing. Another female figure is now on stage sharing her memory of the person. It didn’t fell like a funeral. The energy was joyful and happiness. Throughout the dream certain decisions I made set the scene red or blue. I know why it changed between the two colors because before bed I did a guided meditation with blue sodalite crystal. During the meditation the guide said red was for emotional response and blue was logical response. I felt I integrated the mediation into my dream. In another dream I am setting next to what felt like a male figure. He was an angel. I looked to my right where he is sitting and asked if he want me to bring him to earth or stay where he is. I also was sexually attracted to him and felt myself wanting to make a move. I woke up before I received an answer.

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