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31 Jul 2024
I was in school by the main gate.
There was this girl with yellow hair and then I became aware that I was in a dream.
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I was in italy and I cut off access to my family.
People were trying to ice skate and do that spin jump. But the couple was only able to jump in the water. And failed.
I was in the line. Getting some sort of documents done on the top there. Were the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 which meant the days of the week there was probably the weekdays written below underneath the weekdays. There was a paragraph and it was further information about something. I think you had to get someone to write out your documents. I got my friend to write out my document you had to write rewrite everything when my friend was done I found his writing was so fancy and interesting then. We were. Both standing behind a white Van. And I asked my friend what the numbers were in the document and what they meant he gave me an insufficient answer and then I was still confused. I asked no further questions.
I saw some kids and their hair.Types and colours.There was a boy with curly orange hair.Maybe a brunette or a Blondie.When I gave the image for a kid or for my friend.To draw they mixed mixed up.And true the hair types differently
I was sitting in the bus. I was trying to avoid eating sugar. First I was offered walnuts by a woman, then I declined. I was offered round bowl-shaped white cup of hot chocolate and I accepted it I drank the hot chocolate and it didn’t taste sweet. It had a nice rich chocolate taste like dark chocolate as if it was made out of real chocolate.
I was sitting in a living room. Unsure where but my cousin Tucker and an Ex that is now a friend was there. We decided to go somewhere but I can’t remember where. Tucker volunteered to take his car but mine was still warm (it was winter. It was cold. It was icy). So I thought it was a dumb idea but I went with it. Then all of the sudden I was driving his car after they got out in the middle of the road in my home town. And I started doing donuts with it on the ice. After I picked them back up we went to a place and were sitting inside. I think it was supposed to be my ex’s apartment like lobby or something but I remember seeing a sign say “max capacity : 11” and then something was going on outside. So we went outside to check it out and it was summer. After we checked it out cops came and had everyone leave. And I got back into the building first. Then I went to get the door but then I remembered the max capacity so I went to the side door where my cousin Tucker and my ex were at and I went to let them in but there was a bigger girl with red hair that wasn’t very pretty. I went to close the door since she started to walk over to come inside and I acted like it was slipping. Then I turn around and my dad is yelling at me. Unsure why or about what. Then I woke up
I was at a work event. Same job as I have in the real world. We were there and it’s well known we have to keep our political and social opinions to our selves. But the guests there were talking about things I didn’t agree with- and defending injustices. So I couldn’t take it anymore. I snapped back. I argued and I morphed into a half monster half human beast with half a mouth full of razor sharp teeth that extended far up my face. I knew in my soul that this ability ran in my family- that we had a long line of this ability. There was also a skittish horse that would become aggressive and jump fences at any disturbance. I accidentally set it off and I had to get people to safety- I specifically remember getting my kids into a car while the horse bucked and ran and trampled. Also this took place near water. Some people were swimming.
I'm at the beach riding, horseback riding with other people. We are in a group and we're waiting for our joint ride to start and I'm sitting on a horse and I don't have reins and I sit there okay but somehow I'm not really controlling my horse. And then someone looks at my feet and says she's not in there correctly so they correct my feet a little bit. I just need to move a bit more in front and then I'm sitting so well on my horse and we start the ride and I'm riding like the wind.
Quit job to collect cans for money. I found lots of cans
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