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3 Jun 2024



I was walking around a city was 2 cities put together. I was withing a bunch of people I didn't recognize but I clearly knew them. We were running around looking drugs but I never heard of the drug before. People were chasing us but I felt no anxiety. We ended up near water in a completely different town. We were swimming and the water got real deep and waves started getting bigger and bigger... it was getting hard to stay at the surface I was going under and I was sinking..then I woke up and was taking a huge breath in like i was really holding my breath

3 Jun 2024

Blonde hair


So I canā€™t remember everything that happened THERES WAS A BROWN HAIRED GUY I NEARLY FORGOT. He was super cool too! He graffitied the garage with me. Iā€™ve always wanted to graffiti something. I teased that mine was better then his. When I was on the side of the house though I got super anxious my parents would hurt me cause of the graffiti but I think he prepared for that cause when I walked back to the front of the house, all traces of the spray paint was gone šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļøanyways skip ahead I was told to go on this date with this blonde guy. Some lady kept saying I was in love with Apollon or something I canā€™t remember. Anyways I got excited to go on a date. I flew over some trees and saw this big castle. He was waiting out on idk a balcony. I flew over him to be annoying and instead went to this random house further down the road. I knocked all politely on there door and there dumbasses let me in. I ran inside and hugged everyone, jumped on there furniture and showed them how to properly spank a butler šŸ¤ŖāœØ just as one of them was about to reprimand me there was a gentle knock on the door. I got super excited and ran to open it before any of the people could stop me. It was the blonde guy. He had long blonde hair, super pretty. Kinda looked flustered. I grabbed him and was like THANK GOD YOUR HERE WE GOTTA RUN and started pulling him away from the house. I think he was bewildered šŸ¤£ Home bruhz got a lot of surprises coming if he think Iā€™m an ā€œeasy girlā€. Though he seemed super polite. Like a complete gentleman. I think I like him very much. Kinda reminded me of a vampire šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø Also before I left the house there was this super nice lady. I canā€™t remember exactly what she looked like but her energy reminded me of Honey and pink peonies. I think she said she was Hera. She was laughing at my confusion over Zeus. I feel so lost over whatā€™s going on but she wasnā€™t upset or anything. Kinda motherly honestly. Or like an older sister. She was the lady from the beginning- her hair kinda looked like sweet honey too. Like a darker blonde.




DreamApp: Journal & Dictionary

DreamApp provides an answer for what you saw in your dreams immediately after you wake up.

3 Jun 2024



Iā€™m at the college. There are fireworks. Go downtown in big truck. I call will and Vickie to see if Clellan and Gretchen are there. No. Will sounds sad. I go down. I see Gretchen and pick her up. Here she says. We stop at a limitless house in 11th street? Where dang is. Talking to Fancher. Havenā€™t seen her in so long. . Sheā€™s putting together a phone book. Should we look first fireworks? Getting dark. Start down street. Aunt Jeannine and Uncle Roy live in 4th. Should we go there? No . Jiri Finds decorated trees to follow. There is an event in a big building near second ave. We go in. Sit down. Donā€™t see any fireworks. But are doing some kind of train thing through the garden with each other. It is fun. We go back to fanchers. Someone almost hits me and then does hit Caroline Cummins huge van. Messing with insurance.

3 Jun 2024

Fire Truck


I had a dream that I saw the guy I used to date in my dream. He kept following me to a new job. And he kept talking to me and getting close. I could feel the attraction and the chemistry but I was fighting it. And then I saw wipes spirits were jumping into other peoples bodies. There was a fan there that was on high so we could blow the other spirits away the bad spirits away from us. This white man was trying to possess me I could move I felt paralyzed but then I broke free. Iā€™m other part in my dream I was in a dried up lake sitting down on my cushion then as a train was going by I got up and decided to leave. As I was doing so the lake started filling up with green water. Then in another part I left with some people to go somewhere they ended turning into the wrong street in the car a s there were tons of students and the fire fighter trucks I then forgot my keys so they took me back so I could get it.

3 Jun 2024



So this happened the other day Hey, so Mrs Bower wrote me up for apparently stealing, but I didn't Story: I was chilling and we had the map incentive so she was like tet chips and ur drink so I did I asked her to get a different pair of chips because I didn't want to eat the other pair so after that she was like y3 so I did and while I was getting my chips theses people were like get 2 and steal it so I was like no I didn't pay for these and so I got my chips and left and so they got mad and saw that the girl I was sitting by had the same chips that were in the box and so they were like oooo miss Bower I think uu needa check someone book bag they stole some and she went over and was like can I see ur book bag and I was like yes and I opened it and the people in the back were like not hers the other one and she cheated hers and found it and she was like oh so amani did steal from me and she was like no I got this from my house and she was like ir making ur friend get a referral if uu don't fess uo and she was like she didn't steal anything and I got this from my house and she was like whelp ig amanis getting a referral for stealing and I was like but I didn't steal anything you only checked our bookings and no one else's like someone else probably has the bag but I didn't steal anything and she ignored me and then I asked if I could whipe my hands off and she was like no uu can't ur not getting up so then it was time to leave and she was like amani and her friend I need you both to get out my room first because I don't trust yall because yall wanna steal and we were both looking at each other and I was like 8 didn't even steal anything at all and she was like right we needa tell the admin so we got thru lunch and our classes and I went to Guidance and told them what happened so I went so sleep and I woke up to a dream were I go back to that class and the witnesses that aperntly saw me steal were being mean and my teacher was picking on me and yelling at me the whole time

3 Jun 2024

Home Invasion


One time, i was on home. There was a news on the tv that said many childrens are unknowly going missing and then there was a ad of toys like teddy bear, unicorn plushie etc. I found a upper secret basement in my house. It drag me to a portal there were the missing childrens there. I talked to them we tried to escape the place but failed again and again. A hide n seek game started the ones that be found will die i and some won many childrens lose and died. We all went to a differnt rooms and sat on a chair we got to choose what we will be i choosed to be doll bcz it was the least painfull one. They used the swe tool or idk whats it called on my skin. It was painfull as the skin were bleeding. My dream ended. After that, i always found scars of the swe tool in irl it was like i got the thing in irl. It kept on for weeks

3 Jun 2024



The first dream I had was I was in the 118 with Buck and Eddi trying to save me and Bobbyā€™s life from the frozen water. But Buck and Eddi can only save me. They got so mad at themselves. But I told them ā€œdonā€™t be mad at Bobby get mad at meā€ but they didnā€™t get mad at me. The second dream I had was when I was at the mall hanging with Lagna and my ex best friend and she was crying about her mom not giving notice to her me and my ex best friend try to make her feel better. We tried looking for her around the mall and I was trying to hide from my other ex best friend when looking for Lagna. And then I founded her in the bathroom when I was washing my hands. When me and Lagna walked out the bathroom and into the mallā€™s hallway my ex best friend was waiting for me and Lagna. My ex best friend wanted to go to the watch store to get a watch but when we stepped in the store I realized my phone was gone but I realized I lifted it in the bathroom. So I went back to the bathroom when I went to the bathroom to get my phone back I founded it where I left it. When I tried to go back to my ex best friend I was still trying to hide from my other best friend. When I went back to the watch store I realized she was gone. So I went to the movie and watched a movie with Andy Samberg in the movie with some black actor. Andy character was undercover in the NYPD. Before he got the undercover job Charles was wiping his stinky wet beard on the floor and he was making marks over the floor. While he leaving marks on the floor the air inside the office it stinks and then when Charles wiped his wet stinky beard Jake, Amy, and Rosey was smelling it. They think it smell good. When he was undercover somebody from his gang is trying to kill him. And then when he called for backup but didnā€™t come one person told him if you call for backup I will kill you here or over the waterfalls and he didnā€™t. His left hand was holding one of his gangā€™s arm behind his back and his right hand was calling for backup. When he was trying to kill or fight with the boss while he was killing him someone asked him will you marry me and then he kicked one of his gang off the waterfall. And then flying bugs came out of the RV. After the movie was finished my mom drove me back home when I was looking at the window I saw Disney and Pixar characters inside a cube thing. The third dream I had was when I was at school really focus on my classes and then when it came to gym class I changed to my gym clothes after I changed to my gym clothes I went to do my gym class after my first gym class I went to the change room to a new gym clothes because my gym teacher told me to. When I was changing to my new gym clothes I saw my ex boyfriend Daniel Young when he was there two of my gym teachers were fighting when the male gym saw a new charger got handed to him when he gave it to my female gym teacher he told her not buy a new and expensive charger and then she said your cologne is even more expensive when she sprayed it on herself then me and my ex boyfriend Daniel Young looked at each other and we started kissing. After we got caught from our gym teachers they told us to see each other again. When I got off the elevator I was looking for him and I saw him talking to someone to stop seeing me. We wanted to see each other

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