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13 Jul 2024

Abandoned home


Death of Nasfi I was exploring with Danish and nasfi, my best friends, we were exploring a few abandoned buildings, In a high building on a certain floor we saw a corpse, we then quickly run downstairs, we didn't cancel our exploration though, In fact, I and nasfi is separating with Danish, Danish goes to the building and Nasfi, Me are going to the abandoned office, in the office we found yet another obese corpse, it is still fresh though, which means it was killed recently, then I saw it, a goth girl killed my bestfriend nasfi with knife, she stabs him a lot of times, Apparently I was scared so I ran out side the office, and then I saw my aunt HikHik who saw everything call the police, when the police came, I told them everything I know, I went home weight hearted with danish. Then I visited nasfi's funeral, I met nasfi's grandma, she is briefing, and her parents are sobbing too. Nasfi's grandma called down and told me a lot about nasfi and nasfi's past, she also showed me his weird scribbles that were actually depictions of a country or place called golania or Russia, Nasfi really wants to go to Russia Siberia. The fact is that nasfi and his grandma actually came from russia. Then in the future I met nasfi's killer, "Celicia gothica", with the leader of the butter chameleon kingdom, Queen " Aellysa", Me and Aellysa defeated celicia, Celicia did horrible stuff and killed a lot of people, but we decided to forgive her.




DreamApp: Journal & Dictionary

DreamApp provides an answer for what you saw in your dreams immediately after you wake up.

13 Jul 2024



The guy I fell in love with he was in my dream. I went to his house with my daughter and he we stayed the night. Next day we went out for the day, my daughter was giving me a hard time. She wouldn’t listen to me about sitting down. I finally got her to sit down. We was driving in his truck on a road that had construction so we had to wait a little bit. We was having a conversation and he took me to the store and I got the things I needed. We got in the car and he gave me money to pay the rent. He said this is money so that u can pay your rent! He told me to drop him off at home and to go pay my rent and my parents were my landlords. So I gave my mom the money and she was so happy. She was dancing. I got in the truck and I drove in this neighborhood where I use to hang out and I saw some of those ppl still live in these houses and it look the same for so many years. I ran into a female idk in my normal life out of my dreams but in the dreams we were friends. I left the neighborhood and went home

13 Jul 2024



My friends are here..? I was in a place that is the combination of my new middle school, and old elementary school. At the "combination school" I met my old friends, Rahma, Nadine, Aisha, Naziha, Fayyadh, Shidqi, Danish and nasfi, I am so relieved and happy seeing them again. They were in good condition, I also met Mrs. Asti, we are learning and having fun, I didn't meet hanin yet, Rahma said it's because hanin is going somewhere. I met hayyuma, Ghina, & Sabrina instead. Then I met my new middle school friends, that is, Rijal, Azzam, and others, I also met my older brother Ikmal. Azzam, I, & Rijal are planning to cross the road to go to the masjid, so we sneaked inside a car and drive it, but then a stupid car driver blocked the road, so I went to the wrong road, since I never drove a car, I lost control and ended up crushing some of the road borders, it damaged the front and sides of the car's body, and I realized that this was her car, then after that I was mysteriously teleported back home. Back home I met my mother, but I didn't want to tell her that I broke her car, but I need to tell the truth. So I told her that I broke her car, and I then woke up to real life.

13 Jul 2024



I was walking down a alley. It was partially dirt and asphalt. The neighborhood was very poor looking. I noticed a lot of people around me that seemed very threatening. I looked to the opening to another street where I was headed and it looked worse. I then looked to the right and saw a smaller alley a little more shadowy but less menacing looking people. I started walking down that way and as I got down there I realized these people were worse. They were squaring up to fight me. I for some reason got a rush of excitement and looked back at those other people who didn't follow me down the alley and said hey, check this shit out. I then engaged with these other people in a fight and was destroying them one by one till they had all been defeated. I then woke up.

13 Jul 2024



I was in the same shop that I was in from another dream just a few minutes ago but now instead of it being a medicine shop it was a shop of all kinds of interesting things, like trinkets and mystical items and crystals and stuff like that. I had a bunch of plants too. I was talking with customers when two or three guys came in and dropped the body of some creature I've never seen before. It looked kinda like a big dog with no hair kinda like a gian hairless mole rat but skinnier and just looked bizarre. It was dead and bloody. The customers knew of these beasts I at some point realized there was a gian waterfall nearby and asked the people of the town in my shop and they said it's close but to be careful because of those creatures, I think they called them nephelum or something. They said they inhabit that area. I decided to go check it out regardless of their warning. I got there and it was a calm overcast day with beautiful long flowing green grass and smallish spread out trees. I saw the waterfall and river which was massive and the water was moving extremely fast and powerfully like crazy rapids. I saw a beach on the otherwise below where I was as I was up on a small cliff. I thought it'd be cool to go on that beach but the water looked dangerously strong. I then realized there were some of those things on the beach. Then I realized there were some where I was. I began to hurry and get out of there and a few started chasing me. Someone else was there and we began fighting them off but the the pack leader showed up and he looked more like a mix of the same creature but also larger and more like a dog/elk without antlers and more human like. He was stronger as I had others in a choked hold with my hand but this one I couldn't fit my hand around his neck and I was more intimated by him. It looked me straight in the eyes as to communicate a message but then I woke up.

13 Jul 2024



I owned a drugstore in the middle of an outdoor mall. We sold stuff for dreaming and other things likenthat but they were illegal. I had a partner who was an older man. I would see my person I'm the dream which was not me, it was some big guy taller and heavier. He would get angry some times for seemingly no reason. We were sitting outside at night when the mall was closed a guy came walking up at night and wanted something from the shop and I helped him out. It the cut to another scene like in a movie where I saw some woman on a motorcycle communicating over an earpiece with some guy. They were foming to get us for some reason. She was aware of where and what we were doing like she was psychic or had some form of remote viewing. It reverted back to my shop but I was watching from 3rd person. My character got angry out of nowhere, I think the guy I was helping maybe said something he didn't like or something and my character punched the computer which was an old big glass monitor and broke it and busted his hand uo and was bloody.

13 Jul 2024



I was with a friend but I can’t recall which friend. We were sitting on a bench/table in a crowded restaurant. There was a random guy sitting next to us. We were waiting for the server when my friend went to the bathroom. When she left a girl showed up and sat next to the guy, leaving no room for my friend now. My friend gets back and realizes her seat has been taken. She suggests we leave and go some where else. I was getting up to leave when the server tells me it was urgent and to follow him. I go with him and he takes me into a back room where I’m suddenly in a hospital. Apparently, I had a check up that was due. I go into the room, where they took a bunch of swabs and samples of mine. I wait for the results of the tests. It seemed like everything was fine and I get ready to leave. As I’m going to leave, a nurse stops me and tells me one of my tests came back a little odd and that I’ll need to have one more test done. It took me by surprise because I feel that I’m a pretty healthy person. They had me waiting in the room for a pretty long time. I started to become impatient and annoyed. I decided there must be a mistake in the results and that I’m fine, so I made my way out. As I’m leaving, a nurse stops me and tells me that the reason why they needed to take more tests was.m because my boss, Amelia, insisted. She suspected that I had a skin disease due to the redness in my face. I told the nurse that the redness was due to my sensitive skin and bug bites. Amelia had some connections in the hospital and was there too getting tests done for herself. She got a hold of my test results, and it pissed me off because I felt that she invaded my privacy. The nurse leads me into the room where Amelia was at. I sit down to talk to her and she tells me that she looked at my test results and with the red rashes on my face, it made her suspicious that I had something wrong with me. I told her I was fine and that the rashes were due to bug bites because it’s summer time and I get bit a lot around that time. She laughs and says that if she trusted me she wouldn’t worry about it, but she doesn’t so she just wants to make sure I’m okay by doing the test. She also tells me she had a friend, Janet, take pictures of me to get a better look at my rashes. I become extremely angry that Janet would betray my trust and take pictures of me without my consent, and send them to my boss without my permission. I immediately get up and start to walk out of the hospital angrily. Amelia tells me to wait but I don’t listen and keep walking out. Right outside the hospital doors were Janet, Monica and my other friend, sitting on a bench. They could see the angry look on my face and are taken by surprise. I confront Janet about her taking pictures of me behind my back and she says that she was just trying to be helpful. I told her that it was a betrayal of my trust to do so without asking. I walk away from them and start making my way to the street. The town I was walking through was a nice beach town. I suddenly run into my friend Iris and her friend Rachel. I get into the car with them and they both seemed a little drunk. She tells me she missed school/work because they decided to go day drinking. I decide to take the wheel since they were drunk, the drive was really nice with an ocean view. I was still a little upset about what had happened and I decided I should miss work too. Next thing I know, I’m at home and Gabriel is there with me. He came to drop off some money he owed me. He gets a phone call from his other son’s mother and she sounded stressed out because her husband had accidentally sent him $3,000 and they need the money to pay bills. She asked him where he is at and he tells her he’s at my place. She asks if she can come over and he says yes. I got annoyed that he said yes to her without asking me first and I wondered if he remembered that he was at my house. Then I woke up.

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