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24 Nov 2023
There was only one time I dreamed about this and it takes place when I’m in school and we are in the cafeteria and I’m talking to some girl I know and knew so there was this one girl talking and she was talking about a secret or someone’s opinion about me like what they said and the principal or someone started talking and she could never say what she was going to and then it cuts into me in my room on my phone and I’m texting my friends and then one of them starts calling me and as soon as that happens they call me in real life and I’m still sleep this is all a dream
My crush, we were at a small beach house in Guatemala with his family. I was playing with some kids in a room and the kids were being loud. And my crush comes in the room and asks me, “Is this how your mom taught you obedience”?
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i was in the bed with my ex, the location was astonishing, with sunny weather, we were almost having sex and i think we were going to marry each other because i saw a beautiful ring that a person gave me, to put it on my ex’s finger.
we Were and pe right and we Were streching and When I bend over It felt dime in the back and the only person on the back was My crush and my friend Karime but I didnt think much of it Right so then When We streched we went to bleacher and I was alone and surprising crush was behind me so we sit down and then we started talkig and stuuff and then he tell me so yes or no and im like to what and HeS like is this oficial like me and u and I was like sure why not so then he grabed me from my waist tightly and kissed me
This was a dream I had while napping. I was myself but they're wer other people with powers around me. These powers were given by planets or moons. I was related to this lava lizard that could also swim. He had the rage magic. I was also given rage magic because of him and I also had xray night magic. I remember being angry at the lizard because he made me rage and that's why I was given rage magic. There was a fish person who was freshly imbued with magic. She was hungry and almost ate a witch person in another universe. The whole dream was reminiscent of the new series "the amazing digital circus"
Swimming and diving in deep rivers and over waterfalls happily, while trying to avoid my ex's crazy mother and taking care of a tiny creature I found while swimming. It ended with letting my ex best friend getting shot with an arrow by the ex's mother, I let go of my ex friend and swam toward the ex's mother, getting grazed by an arrow on my cheek, before getting out of the water and shooting the ex's mother with a bow and arrow. I was singing Just Around the River Bend from Disney's Pocahontas through it all.
I’m not Indian but I see a guy give me a Indian passport
I was cheating on my boyfriend with his best friend
So basically I got of the bus and their was my ex friend standing next to the girl named Izzy. Izzy said smiling “hi swikriti” and so did my ex friend. She was acting all nice but we hated each to her so I didn’t know why she was acting nice. Then I went in and told my best friend Saira and she was like “oh” and then somehow Saira was talking to my ex friend and she talking nicely. We were confused on the change of how our enemy was being nice all of the sudden.
I had the same dream at least 5 times straight of me and my situationship hugging and crying In the train station and me not wanting to let him go and him not wanting to leave either
First i was at a resturaunt with a friend and my son and someone took a video of me and my son and I got very angry and took their phone to delete it I deleted one video but not the other. Then my son was driving a firetruck across railroad tracks and we had to move them to not get hit by a train then we were in what seemed to be an empty mall and thats when i started seeing a view from above everyonce in a while like a video game where we would 'discover' a new square area when we walked out of the already lit up square, ans our objective was finding all these kittens and putting them in a bag to get them all together. So we searched the mall and foubd some and found some outside, we also got 2 'bases' one in the mall and one outside by a mostly empty highway and we were wantibg to expand our map to find another base, we eventually found all the kittens and then they fell out of the bag and out a shallow window so we climbed out the window to get them all back in and as we were i woke up
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