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1 Feb 2024



I dreamt that someone broke into my house, trying to kill my mother. My Dad my brother and my Mom were home and I too. But while we were chilling some people came into our house, trying to kill my mother. I killed most of them thinking my Dad and Brother were fighting back. I killed most of the people there but when I got into the living room there were only my dad and my brother, laying and looking at their phone. When I asked where mom was they told me chilling that she was dead. I was sooo scared, heartbroken. I started crying.

1 Feb 2024



My father's friend built a house for us and I got a huge extensive room with a steel vent like tunnel attached to the walls so I can crawl around. Behind the wall was the balcony and two big doors were on either side of the ladder to the tunnel. My dad's friend told me the only downsides of having this room is randomly a grin reaper would appear on my screen and seize me and freeze me if I do not locate and stare at the nearest light within a time limit. And plenty of suitors would come in through my balcony somehow in broad daylight. I defended myself against a suitor who was trying to rape me but he scared me by getting inside so I escaped through the tunnel.but then he got me but I screamed and then I was saved . I went into the huge closet and a ladder up let to a huge Library , as I went through one of the doors the grim reaper figure skeleton appeared and I couldn't stare at a light source in time and it seized me like it does in video games and I woke up. The house was beautiful and wonderful, but I had no peace or no sleep for as long as I was in there.




DreamApp: Journal & Dictionary

DreamApp provides an answer for what you saw in your dreams immediately after you wake up.

1 Feb 2024



I believe I was at disneyland for a few days i kept losing where my family members were than I found them. My brother wanted me to beatbox after my sister did a great performance of beatboxing and i didnt feel up to it because I was thirsty. So i went to one of the food stands to get a drink or food. I wish i beatboxed in the dream when i woke up. In the dream music started playing and I was dancing but kept putting down my skirt because I felt like it was to short and it kept going up while I was dancing. It was really annoying. Than my dream transition to when I was in a uber ride and kept losing my items wasn't sure where she/I was going she also had another passenger. I saw my sister on the side of the road and asked her to pull over to the side i will walk after saying this and I will tip her. As soon as she pulled over my sister was about to get into her car and leave but I caught her just in time to ask her if she could help me understand why I couldn't remember what happened yesterday. She told me I blacked out and I was so drunk. I started crying and then my step sister said next time we will have me buy small amounts of alcohol with lots of money. As soon as I understood I said wait I blacked out and began bursting into tears while I tried to get all my belongings from uber and find my wallet to give her a tip. Woke up after very sad and upset. It also snowed and I had no clue I was sad I didn't get to experience that moment with my family because I was apparently blacked out.

1 Feb 2024

High School


Keala and I were at some kind of baseball game. We were sitting in the back of a booth and there were two teenage boys and the baseball couch from my high school. The coach was all the way to the left in the booth, one teenager to his right, and another teenager to the right of him. When the blocker came down nd I saw them the teenager in the middle turned a bit and threw up but his throw up landed on me, and this substance came out of my ear. I was grossed out but asked for a napkin to clean it off. It wasnโ€™t a lot but enough to make you almost gag. The scene changed by me going into a house and seeing a book. The book only had so many pages but it was like a kids book. It showed two kids, a boy and a girl. My boyfriend and I noticed the book and thought it was weird, but we disregarded it. There were actually a young girl and an even younger boy in that house with their fathers. In total, the house had three men, my boyfriend, the little girl, the little boy, and me. Somehow I left the house while my boyfriend was cooking and I was walking back up the path where the previous booth was at, back to the house. I was golfing or getting ready to go golfing. I passed by a different coach and a student, we were talking but I eventually left them. I made it back to the house and over heard the three men talking about a thing in the house. How it needed to be fed. But I saw the thing, and it was trying to disguise itself as the little girl and the little boy. Then the book from earlier made sense, the book talked about cooking little kids and then eating them. I found the little boy and told him to go back to my boyfriend who was still in the kitchen. I found the little girl, she was crying and she was in the bathroom that looked like mine, it was barely lit up by the sun outside and the lights werenโ€™t turning on. I could feel the thing behind me. I told it โ€œyouโ€™re not taking either one of themโ€. I didnโ€™t face it, as I was talking to it but the little girl was still crying and I knew she could see it. It looked like her and this poor girl was horrified. It then jumped on me and was trying to take me down but I stood tall and I was yelling for my boyfriend. My voice would crack in and out until the last time I yelled his name. Then I woke up and my boyfriend who was still on FaceTime with me heard me call his name and helped me wake up.

1 Feb 2024



I had a dream of my brother again, and this time we were walking to someone's house to sleep. I didn't know it was him, and then next thing you knew I woke up and it was him and we were in someone's house and we ate their cookies. They fed us, and then they told us to leave and I went home, but I didn't make it home. We caught the bus, but we kept catching the wrong bus. We kept catching the bus instead of going forward, we kept going backwards, and we did this like two or three times until finally it said, fuck it, we'll walk, and then we found a vehicle. When we found that vehicle, we started to drive, but it was weird because it was supposed to be nighttime, and then all of a sudden the night sky turned blue and I looked up and there was the moon. We were stuck in traffic, and as I looked to my right, I saw a bright yellow. I thought I was the sun for a moment, but all of a sudden I just knew it was like a comet ready to destroy us, but as my brother tried to drive forward as fast as he could, the car lifted off of the ground, and the next thing you know I looked at him and it's like he knew it was over, it was done, and he took a sip of the water, and we were lifted out of the vehicle, and I can't remember what he did, because I think I went plummeting to the floor, and that's when I saw American Dad stand.

1 Feb 2024

Getting Married


I'm in a flea market talking to a guy and we decided to get married. I started running frantically to find a dress while people were gathering around for the ceremony. My soon to be husband was fixing and cleaning the area where we would stand and my dad was helping him. I searched and searched only to find a black dress. I struggled to zip this dress by myself but finally manged. I found my dad off by himself and I asked him to help me, the dress was so heavy I couldn't walk. He told me that was silly and that I didn't need help. I walked down to my fiance and asked him if he could wait for me for just a minute. He told me I was fine. When I was talking to him I heard the people around us saying how this was wrong, I was making the wrong choice, and I didn't know what I was doing. I got so angry I walked away and suddenly my dress wasn't heavy anymore and I didn't trip or fall. I started looking for a white dress and passed by some more people. I knew what one of them was thinking so I stopped and broke down. I fell to the floor and told her that for years I tried and tried. I've constantly felt like a failure but now I have a man who loves me and for once I feel right in the choice ik making. I cried so much water ran in my ears and when she was speaking to me I couldn't hear her. I stood up and messed with my ears for a minute and told her to repeat herself. She told me she's always felt the same way and that I'm gonna be ok. I smiled, turned around, and went to find my white dress.

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