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12 Apr 2024
I had a dream last night I tried to call my grandfather and I said “is this a good time?” And he said “no I’m trying to go to sleep it’s 12 midnight.” And he hung up the phone. This made me sad but not surprised
My husband and our children were at my Grandpa’s house at a family event. I already had our last son and named him Brayden, so we had three kids with us. Our son Brayden looked like me with his dads blonde hair and blue eyes. My husband’s brother Andrew came to the event and got to meet our children for the first time. He thought our oldest son favored him in looks. We went outside and I often checked on the kids to make sure they were having a good time and okay. As it was time for my mom to go she felt like someone had stole her car but it was parked around the corner. I helped her get her stove and went back to the family event. I went to a table that had my aunt Moneik there and to my surprise my cousin Carlton, who is in prison showed up. I ran to hug him and was so excited he was free. He said he called but no one answered to come get him so he came here. I got my kids together because I wanted to show him my kids.
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I was at a hotel like place on some type of vacation and every room at this hotel had sliding glass doors that somehow I could open just by standing in front of the doors. Each door I opened there seemed to be much sexual energy. Somehow at this hotel, I befriended Donald Trump and he admired my enthusiasm and wisdom and paid me with cash with a casual handshake. Onlookers couldn’t understand how I had this connection with Trump. Even I don’t know. Trump asked for his favorite cookies and I knew exactly what kind they were and where they were located so I delivered them to him and he gave me a $20 bill folded and wrapped perfectly in a wrapper as if it were a pice of candy. What does this mean
The world was ending. Buildings were collapsing bc we were under a middle attack and then a tsunami hit. I tried to get my friends and family together in a basement but it was too late. I lost my mom my brother and my friends. Some churches didn’t let us hide in their basement. The dream ended by me crying out for my mom. Looking for her in the rubble
I had a dream last night I was working for my old boss again but it was different than before. All of these old people kept coming in and making us stay longer after the workday should have been over. I was so bored that I snuck out, but then my coworker texted me to come back. I went to McDonald’s and they had a fried Oreo pie there.
My dead grandfather came to my school with my sister and my cousins when we was little to eat lunch with us
I dreamt I was being delivered from demons but I had a lot of demons in me I could feel them in different parts of my body they spoke out of my mouth and said we are legion before anyone could ask me what's there name I was shaking and trembling rolling around on the floor hysterical these demons put up a fight but eventually got released during the apocalypse that's all I remember
My family being chased by a gang through the city but I keep looping back to the beginning of my dream and I’m trapped in my neighbourhood.
I was at a friends house but I felt like I was drown in the mess that they had in their apartment. I helped them clean it out and went back to my apartment, my apartment was clean but still had signs that I had a child living there. I had huge windows and could see all the city on every angle, it was beautiful!
I was at an event with immediate family and my sisters in laws and extended family. My sister made a bottle for my niece with formula however I thought my sister was going to breastfeed for at least a year. I asked if she would like for me to do research on some non toxic formula and she said no. I then saw my baby brother there who I’ve been trying to get to come over and spend time at my house but he always has an excuse so I said to his friend I think my family doesn’t like me. I went for a walk, as I was walking I noticed I had my nieces baby bottle so I went back and my sister was upset I took a walk. I told her I needed a cool down walk so I don’t react like I usually do in violence. She then claimed she recently paid for me to go to California, which is absolutely false. My sister has never done anything financially for me. I asked for proof she started verbally attacking me so I physically attacked her. I got pepper sprayed and the fight was over.
Dreamt that I was walking through a mall with my boyfriend and a random person came up to me and hugged me saying that she and he mom loves the cups that I had made and that she was trying to see if I was who she thought I was. In the dream, I used to make and sell things and had stopped. She recognized me from a time when I did and had bought some cups
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