Dream interpretation about Fear, Friend, Group, Child, House
I was in a house with what felt like a group of people I knew, we had all agreed to try this experience. Before the night started there was a guide who told us what we might expect, but once the doors were locked there was no way of leaving. We all consented to stay. It was a mansion full of all different kinds rooms, and there was a long hallway, and at the end of it was a dollhouse, which apparently showed your greatest fears. Once the guide was done explaining we were just hanging out and exploring the house. It started to get weird, once you walked into a room it would automatically lock behind you and you were then met with some sort of challenge. You had to complete the challenge to be able to leave the room. Like a haunted obstacle course. I went to the hallway with the dollhouse, one of my friends wanted to do it together but the more we looking into the house the scarier it got. At one point I was trying to find my 4 year old nephew, as it sounded like it was in trouble.
Dream date:
15 Apr 2024
Emotional tone:
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