Dream interpretation about Knife, Father, Dog, White man, Hair color, Home Invasion
i am at home and see a some neighbors walking outside from my bedroom window. it was the whole family. suddenly i see some guy with neon green or yellow hair and very dark skin (the family was also dark skinned) come up to them and they all fall to the ground unconcious. next i wish to call 911 but for some reason i am unable to do so and another neighbor with her family walks by and immediately takes action to call 911 and took them all in to her home. next after i managed to call 911 i come to that neighbors house to tell them that i had seen a man with neon hair do it and after informing them i quickly went back home as i was scared of someone breaking in. when i was back home i made sure that the man with the neon hair wouldnt see me peeping from the window. i now saw that one guy with yellow hair and another guy who was with him with neon green hair. i think eventually a man did start breaking in but it wasnt one of the two darkskinned ones with neon hair it was a middle aged white guy. he was breaking in slowly and so i called my dad who happened to be in the same home as me (we dont live together) and i ran to the kitchen to find a good stabbing knife for self defence. we also have a dog so i tried to keep my dog away from the man breaking in so he wouldnt kill or hurt my dog. unfortunately i could not find a knife that wasnt dull or completely unsuitable and the man got to the kitchen where me and my dog were. at this point i didnt know where my dad had went but my knife was 100% useless and extremely dull.
Dream date:
15 Apr 2024
Emotional tone:
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