Dream interpretation about Ex, Abandoned home, Arguing, Crowd, Animal, Being Lost
I’m at my grandma and grandpa’s house. I’m with my boyfriend in the dream. Even though I don’t have one in real life right now. He was acting strange and weird. He was rude and distant. We were leaving my grandma’s house and I thought he was following me out the back door but when I looked my grandma said bye and then shut and locked the back door. I stood there for a minute and realized he wasn’t coming out that way. It was cold and dark outside. It was winter and snow on the ground. I went around to the side of their house and thought maybe he went out their front door. I go to the side of their house and a strange animal appears. I can’t go back because my grandma and shut and locked the door so they probably wouldn’t hear me knocking. The only way was out to the front of the house. I confront the hostile animal. I thought maybe it was a raccoon or opossum but it wasn’t. It looked like a coyote or wild dog with strange white markings on its coat. It was aggressive and felt threatened. It tried escaping from me. But I wanted to confront it because I had to go out the side gate where it was standing. Once I get closer and closer it backs up and I open the gate and it runs out and then doesn’t bother me anymore. I’m out front now. And it’s quiet. No cars going by. My boyfriend in the dream is nowhere to be seen. He must have left without me. I’m standing there lost and in the cold and dark night. The air is crisp with snow on the ground. The neighborhood looks strange to me. It doesn’t even look how my grandparents’ looks in real waking life. In another part of the dream I find out that there’s a former coworker who lives next to my grandparents’ house or in their neighborhood. I remember thinking “ they’ve lived here this whole time? And I didn’t even know it.” But I don’t even see this person at work anymore. He left my company several years ago and works somewhere else. The weird boyfriend appears again a second time. He’s with me at an Irish Pub. My mom was there. The pub was way too crowded and loud with music. It was night time again. My mom was walking out with us because we were leaving. We’re going down these steps at the pub but there’s so many people that I lose the both of them on the way down. I can’t find my mom. He finally appears out of the crowd but he’s distant and mean to me.
Dream date:
3 Nov 2024
Emotional tone:
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