It seems like you had quite an interesting dream! Let's delve into the possible interpretations.
Loss and Uncertainty
The dream appears to touch on themes of loss and uncertainty. Misplacing your wallet, even though your partner presents a seemingly similar but empty one, could symbolize a sense of feeling lost or lacking something important in your life. This could be related to a recent change or transition, or perhaps a lingering feeling of insecurity about your current path.
Moving Forward and Unfamiliarity
The image of the boat suggests a sense of moving forward, embarking on a new journey. However, the presence of unfamiliar elements like the goat and the boat itself could indicate some apprehension or uncertainty about what lies ahead. The calmness of the crew, despite your distress, might suggest that you have the support you need to navigate these uncharted waters.
Connections to Previous Dreams
This dream seems to resonate with your previous experience of having a dream about a philosophical debate. Both dreams seem to address themes of uncertainty and seeking answers. Perhaps this indicates a current life phase where you are questioning your beliefs and values, searching for meaning and direction.
Exploration and Reflection
Given the dream's intensity and the emotions it evoked, it might be valuable to explore its deeper meaning further. Reflecting on the specific details, such as the emotions you felt, the actions you took, and the symbols that appeared, could provide valuable insights into your current state of mind and any underlying concerns you might be facing.
Empathy and Support
Remember, dreams are often complex and multifaceted, and their meanings can be highly personal. This interpretation is meant to provide a starting point for your own exploration and reflection. If you feel overwhelmed or potrzebujesz additional support, don't hesitate to reach out to a trusted friend, family member, or mental health professional.